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This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.

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Graduate courses in English for Foreign Students

Primarily for graduate students; undergraduates may enroll with consent of instructor.

EFSLANG 397. Directed Study

1-3 units, Aut (Hubbard, P), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff), Sum (Staff)

EFSLANG 689W. Working in the USA

The language and culture of the workplace. Goal is to familiarize international students with the cultural expectations of situations in the business setting and in social situations related to business.

1 unit, Sum (Staff)

EFSLANG 690A. Interacting in English

Strategies for communicating effectively in social and academic settings. Informal and formal language used in campus settings, including starting and maintaining conversations, asking questions, making complaints, and contributing ideas and opinions. Simulations and discussions, with feedback on pronunciation, grammar, and usage. Enrollment limited to 14.

1-3 units, Aut (Lockwood, R), Win (Lockwood, R), Spr (Lockwood, R)

EFSLANG 690B. Academic Discussion

Skills for effective participation in classroom settings, seminars, and research group meetings. Pronunciation, grammar, and appropriateness for specific tasks. Feedback on language and communication style. Enrollment limited to 14. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite: 690A or consent of instructor.

1-3 units, Aut (Lockwood, R), Win (Rylance, C), Spr (Streichler, S)

EFSLANG 690C. Advanced Interacting in English

Communication skills for extended discourse such as storytelling and presenting supported arguments. Development of interactive listening facility and overall intelligibility and accuracy. Goal is advanced fluency in classroom, professional and social settings. Identification of and attention to individual patterned errors. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite: 690A or B or consent of instructor. Enrollment limited to 14.

1-3 units, Aut (Romeo, K), Win (Streichler, S), Spr (Streichler, S)

EFSLANG 691. Oral Presentation

For advanced graduate students. Practice in academic presentation skills; strategy, design, organization, and use of visual aids. Focus is on improving fluency and delivery style, with videotaping for feedback on language accuracy and usage. Enrollment limited to 14. May be repeated once for credit.

1-3 units, Aut (McPherron, P), Win (McPherron, P), Spr (McPherron, P), Sum (Shabrami, C)

EFSLANG 692. Speaking and Teaching in English

For non-native speakers who must teach in English. Focus is on developing clarity, intelligibility, and effectiveness through weekly presentations simulating actual teaching assistant responsibilities. Enrollment limited to 14. May be repeated once for credit.

1-3 units, Aut (Rylance, C), Win (McPherron, P), Spr (Staff), Sum (Shabrami, C)

EFSLANG 693A. Listening Comprehension

Strategies for effective listening in an academic setting, focusing on identifying key ideas in lectures. Practice in understanding words and phrases commonly encountered in classroom settings. Computer-based exercises for comprehension of rapid, natural speech. Enrollment limited to 14.

1-3 units, Aut (Shabrami, C)

EFSLANG 693B. Advanced Listening Comprehension

Listening strategies and vocabulary for understanding English in academic and non-academic contexts. Discussion and interpretation of communicative intent. Computer-based and video exercises; individual project. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite: 693A or consent of instructor.

1-3 units, Aut (Streichler, S), Win (Streichler, S), Spr (Hubbard, P), Sum (Staff)

EFSLANG 694. Communication Strategies in Professional Life

For advanced graduate students. Task-based practice of language appropriate for professional settings in industry and related teamwork. Simulation of the roles of manager, applicant, subordinate, and coworker. Prerequisite: 693A, or consent of instructor. Enrollment limited to 14.

1-3 units, Aut (Shabrami, C), Spr (Shabrami, C)

EFSLANG 695A. Pronunciation and Intonation

Recognition and practice of American English sounds, stress, and intonation patterns for greater comprehension and intelligibility. Analysis of problem areas. Biweekly tape assignments and tutorials. May be repeated once for credit. Enrollment limted to 14.

1-3 units, Aut (Rylance, C), Win (Rylance, C), Spr (Rylance, C), Sum (Mawson, C)

EFSLANG 695B. Advanced Pronunciation and Intonation

Continuation of 695A, focusing on American English sounds, stress, rhythm, and intonation patterns. Emphasis is on self-monitoring, integrated with short presentations. Biweekly tape assignments and tutorials. Enrollment limited to 14. May be repeated for credit three times. Prerequisite: 695A.

1-3 units, Aut (Mawson, C), Win (Mawson, C), Spr (Mawson, C)

EFSLANG 696. Understanding American Humor

Recognizing rhetorical devices, jokes, and character types common to spoken humor in film and television programs. Crosscultural discussion. Prerequisites: 690B, 693B or consent of the instructor. Enrollment limited to 14.

1-3 units, Win (Streichler, S)

EFSLANG 697. Writing Fundamentals

Focus is on improving grammatical accuracy and vocabulary, building fluency, and learning the structure and conventions of English correspondence, reports, and short academic papers. Enrollment limited to 14.

1-3 units, Aut (Rylance, C), Win (Rylance, C), Spr (Rylance, C)

EFSLANG 698A. Writing Academic English

Strategies and conventions. Emphasis is on fluency, organization, documentation, and appropriateness for writing tasks required in course work. Enrollment limited to 14. May be repeated once for credit.

1-3 units, Aut (Streichler, S), Win (Shabrami, C), Spr (McPherron, P), Sum (Shabrami, C)

EFSLANG 698B. Advanced Graduate Writing

For graduate students experienced in English writing and currently required to write for courses and research. Class meetings and individual conferences. Prerequisite: 698A. Enrollment limited to 14. May be repeated once for credit.

1-3 units, Aut (McPherron, P), Win (Staff), Spr (Shabrami, C), Sum (Hubbard, P)

EFSLANG 698C. Writing and Presenting Research

For advanced graduate students completing major research projects. Revising and editing strategies for preparing papers, conference abstracts, and poster presentations. Adapting content and style to different audiences. Students present their research with participant feedback. Enrollment limited to 14. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite: 698B and 691 or consent of instructor.

1-3 units, Aut (Shabrami, C), Spr (Shabrami, C)

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