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Undergraduate courses in Economics

ECON 150W. Economic Policy Analysis

(Same as SIW 123, PUBLPOL 104W.) Taught in Washington, DC; offered via distance learning to Stanford students on campus. Economics of evaluating and implementing public policies. Focus is on cost-benefit analysis, regulation, efficiency and equity, externalities, subsidies, public good provision, opportunity costs, the role of economic analysis in policy making, and how political institutions affect policy outcomes. Topics: climate change, telecommunications, defense and homeland security, controversial aspects of cost-benefit-analysis.

5 units, Aut (Wallsten, S)

ECON 1A. Introductory Economics A

The economic way of thinking and the functioning of a market economy. The behavior of consumers and firms, markets for goods and inputs, and principles of international exchange. Applications and policy issues in economics. GER:DB-SocSci

5 units, Aut (Clerici-Arias, M), Win (Wright, G), Sum (Lampe, R)

ECON 1B. Introductory Economics B

Aggregate economic relationships, including output, employment, inflation, interest rates, and exchange rates. Short-run fluctuations and long-run growth. Issues in monetary and fiscal policy. Prerequisite: 1A. GER:DB-SocSci

5 units, Win (Amador, M), Spr (Boskin, M), Sum (Leeson, R)

ECON 11N. Understanding the Welfare System

(F,Sem) Stanford Introductory Seminar. Preference to freshmen. Welfare reform legislation and the devolution revolution. The transfer of responsibility for antipoverty programs to the states. How recent reforms change the welfare system and who is likely to be affected. Food stamps, AFDC, TANF, SSI, and Medicaid. Income transfer programs such as earned income tax credit and income taxes, and labor market regulations such as minimum wages and overtime rules. Economic principles to understand the effectiveness of these programs and their consequences on the behavior of families. Pre- or corequisite: ECON 1. Recommended: basic understanding of labor markets, taxes, and transfers.

2 units, Aut (MaCurdy, T)

ECON 17N. Energy, the Environment, and the Economy

(F,Sem) Stanford Introductory Seminar. Preference to freshmen. The relationship between environmental quality and production and consumption of energy. Can environmentally-friendly energy production and consumption compete with conventional sources? How to estimate and compare environmental impact costs of nonrenewable sources such as fossil fuels and nuclear power versus renewable sources such as solar and wind power. Implicit subsidies in conventional energy sources and the environmental costs of these subsidies. Regulatory and legal barriers to more environmentally friendly energy sources.

2 units, Spr (Wolak, F)

ECON 50. Economic Analysis I

Individual consumer and firm behavior under perfect competition. The role of markets and prices in a decentralized economy. Monopoly in partial equilibrium. Economic tools developed from multivariable calculus using partial differentiation and techniques for constrained and unconstrained optimization. Prerequisites: 1 or 1A and MATH 51. GER:DB-Math

5 units, Aut (Abramitzky, R), Win (Kiesel, K), Spr (Tendall, M)

ECON 51. Economic Analysis II

Neoclassical analysis of general equilibrium, welfare economics, imperfect competition, externalities and public goods, intertemporal choice and asset markets, risk and uncertainty, game theory, adverse selection, and moral hazard. Multivariable calculus is used. Prerequisite: 50.

5 units, Aut (Tendall, M), Win (Einav, L), Sum (Cojoc, D)

ECON 52. Economic Analysis III

Growth and fluctuations in the economic system as a whole. National income accounts and aggregate relationships among stocks and flows in markets for goods, labor, and financial assets. Economic growth, inflation, and unemployment. The role of macroeconomic policies in the short and long run. Prerequisites: 1B, 50.

5 units, Win (Jaimovich, N), Spr (Klenow, P), Sum (Desmet, K)

ECON 90. Introduction to Financial Accounting

(Same as ECON 190.) How to read, understand, and use corporate financial statements. Oriented towards the use of financial accounting information (rather than the preparer), and emphasizes the reconstruction of economic events from published accounting reports.

5 units, Aut (Ogneva, M), Win (Stanton, F)

ECON 91. Introduction to Cost Accounting

(Same as ECON 191.) The use of internal financial data for managerial decision making.

5 units, Spr (Stanton, F)

ECON 101. Economic Policy Analysis

Economic policy analysis, writing, and oral presentation. Topics vary with instructor. Limited enrollment. Prerequisites: 51 and 52, 102B, and two field courses. Some sections require additional prerequisites. WIM

5 units, Aut (Steiner, F), Win (Steiner, F), Spr (Steiner, F)

ECON 102A. Introduction to Statistical Methods (Postcalculus) for Social Scientists

Description and examples of the use of statistical techniques relevant to economics. Basic rules of probability, conditional probability, discrete and continuous probability distributions. Point estimation, tests of hypotheses, confidence intervals, and linear regression model. Prerequisite: MATH 41 or equivalent. GER:DB-Math

5 units, Aut (Steiner, F), Win (Steiner, F)

ECON 102B. Introduction to Econometrics

Descriptive statistics. Regression analysis. Hypothesis testing. Analysis of variance. Heteroskedasticity, serial correlation, errors in variables, simultaneous equations. Prerequisites: 50, 102A or equivalent. Recommended: computer experience.

5 units, Win (Mahajan, A), Spr (Harding, M)

ECON 102C. Advanced Topics in Econometrics

Identification and estimation of the effect of human capital variables on earnings (such as the return to education, tenure), and identification and estimation of labor supply models, focusing on microeconomic data. Topics: instrumental variable estimation, limited dependent variable models (probit, logit, and Tobit models), and panel data techniques (fixed effect and random effect models, dynamic panel data models).

5 units, Spr (Pistaferri, L)

ECON 103. Applied Econometrics

The construction and use of econometric models for analyzing economic phenomena. Students complete individual projects and core material. Topics vary with the instructor. Limited enrollment. Prerequisites: 52, 102B.

5 units, not given this year

ECON 106. World Food Economy

The interrelationships among food, populations, resources, and economic development. The role of agricultural and rural development in achieving economic and social progress in low-income nations. Emphasis is on public sector decision making as it relates to food policy.

5 units, Win (Naylor, R)

ECON 111. Money and Banking

Money, interest rates, banks and other financial institutions at both micro and macro levels. Micro: alternative financial instruments, the determination of interest rates, the yield curve, and the role of banks and other capital market institutions in the intermediation process. Supply of money, regulation, and supervision. Macro: the choice of monetary policy by the central bank, the impact of monetary policy making institutions on this choice and the various channels through which monetary policy affects inflation and real variables in the economy. Emphasis is on the institutional structure of Federal Reserve System and the conduct of monetary policy in the U.S. Prerequisites: 50, 52.

5 units, Aut (Gould, A), Sum (Leeson, R)

ECON 113. Economics of Innovation

The modern, knowledge-based economy characterized by: rapid innovation; a dramatic increase in the rate of production of information and decline in the cost of producing it; and pervasive network externalities or increasing returns to scale. Emphasis is on the role of patents and alternative mechanisms for creating incentives for firms to innovate. Topics include: why there may be too much innovative activity; how patent laws may slow rather than help innovation; and the interaction between public and private sector innovation.

5 units, Spr (Moser, P)

ECON 115. European Economic History

Economic changes and growth in W. Europe from antiquity to the present. The transformation of Europe from an economically and culturally backward part of the world to the center of the pre-WW I world economy. Topics: the role of techniques and sciences, variations of the extent of market activities, institutional changes, international politics, demography. Prerequisites: 51, 52. GER:DB-SocSci

5 units, Win (Hartmann, L)

ECON 116. American Economic History

The American economy from colonial times to the present. Application of economic analysis to historical issues; the role of history in economic life. Topics: American economic development in global and comparative context; origins and consequences of the American system of technology and business organization; economics of immigration; recent U.S. economic performance in historical perspective. Prerequisite: 1A. GER:DB-SocSci, EC-AmerCul

5 units, Spr (Wright, G)

ECON 117. Economic History and Modernization of the Islamic Middle East

From the rise of Islam to the present. Transformation of region from economically advanced to underdeveloped. Role of religion in economic successes and failures. Current obstacles to development. Topics: Islamic economic institutions; innovation and change; political economy of modernization; interactions with other regions; and economic consequences of Islamism.

5 units, Spr (Etkes, H)

ECON 118. Development Economics

The economic problems and policy concerns of developing countries. Theories of growth and development; inequality and poverty; credit and labor markets; health and education; politics and corruption. Emphasis is on economic models rather than case studies. Prerequisites: 50, 52, 102B. GER:EC-GlobalCom

5 units, Aut (Jayachandran, S)

ECON 120. Socialist Economies in Transition

Privatization, restructuring, and institutional change in E. Europe and the former Soviet Union. Analysis of property rights, corporate governance, incentives, and resource allocation in socialist and transitional economies. Emphasis is on liberalization and privatization policies (including mass and voucher programs) as the primary instruments to induce changes in behavior. Prerequisite: 50. Recommended: 51.

5 units, not given this year

ECON 122. Economic Development of Latin America

High crime levels as consequence and cause of underdevelopment in Latin America. Worldwide theory and evidence on the economics of criminal behavior and public enforcement. Emphasis is on economic determinants of crime, impact of public interventions, methodological issues to assess causality, and evidence from Latin America. Prerequisites: 50, 102B.

5 units, Win (Schargrodsky, E)

ECON 123. Regulation and Competition in Less Developed Countries

The economics and workings of public intervention, control and liberalization of markets in less developed countries. Topics: natural monopoly regulation; institutions and regulatory commitment; infrastructure concessions; regulation and competition in network industries such as telecoms and electricity; liberalization of markets and competition policy; competition and efficiency; antitrust with a weak judiciary. Prerequisite: 51.

5 units, Win (Galetovic, A)

ECON 124. Contemporary Japanese Economy

Comparative and historical perspective. Micro and institutional aspects, such as firms, the employment system, corporate governance and financial institutions, and the macro economy. Elementary applications of macro- and microeconomics. Prerequisite: 50. GER:EC-GlobalCom

5 units, not given this year

ECON 126. Economics of Health and Medical Care

(Same as BIOMEDIN 156, BIOMEDIN 256, HRP 256.) Graduate students with research interests should take ECON 248. Institutional, theoretical, and empirical analysis of the problems of health and medical care. Topics: institutions in the health sector; measurement and valuation of health; nonmedical determinants of health; medical technology and technology assessment; demand for medical care and medical insurance; physicians, hospitals, and managed care; international comparisons. Prerequisites: ECON 50 and ECON 102A or equivalent statistics. Recommended: ECON 51.

5 units, Aut (Bhattacharya, J)

ECON 127. Economics of Health Improvement in Developing Countries

(Same as MED 262.) Application of economic paradigms and empirical methods to health improvement in developing countries. Emphasis is on unifying analytic frameworks and evaluation of empirical evidence. How economic views differ from public health, medicine, and epidemiology; analytic paradigms for health and population change; the demand for health; the role of health in international development. Prerequisites: ECON 50 and 102B, and consent of instructor.

5 units, Win (Staff)

ECON 135. Finance for Non-MBAs

(Same as FINANCE 221, MS&E 245G.) For graduate students and advanced undergraduates. The foundations of finance; applications in corporate finance and investment management. Financial decisions made by corporate managers and investors with focus on process valuation. Topics include criteria for investment decisions, valuation of financial assets and liabilities, relationships between risk and return, market efficiency, and the valuation of derivative securities. Corporate financial instruments including debt, equity, and convertible securities. Equivalent to core MBA finance course, FINANCE 220. Limited enrollment; contact Prerequisites: ECON 51, or ENGR 60, or equivalent; ability to use spreadsheets, and basic probability and statistics concepts including random variables, expected value, variance, covariance, and simple estimation and regression.

4 units, Aut (Admati, A)

ECON 136. Market Design

Use of economic theory, experiments, and empirical analysis to design market rules and institutions. Topics include: competitive bidding and auction design; matching algorithms to allocate resources in the absence of prices; organization of regulated exchanges. Applications may include auctions for natural resources, sponsored search advertising, the medical residency match, and carbon trading markets. Prerequisite: 160.

5 units, Spr (Levin, J)

ECON 137. Information and Incentives

Incentives in situations where one part has more information than another. A part may have better information about things that it controls (moral hazard), or about things that are outside of its control (adverse selection). The general structure of incentive problems and the design of contracts and institutions to deal with such problems. Applications: executive and employee compensation, sharecropping, financial contracts and credit rationing, insurance, markets with unobservable quality, monopolistic price discrimination, regulation of natural monopolies, income taxation and redistribution, the provision of public goods, and auctions. Prerequisite: 51

5 units, not given this year

ECON 138. Risk and Insurance

Nature of economic risk and its effect on allocation of resources. Preferences among risky prospects: expected utility theory and the theory of risk aversion. Subjective versus objective probabilities. Market allocation of risk and the role of insurance markets under complete information. Insurance under asymmetric information, moral hazard, and adverse selection. Can insurance markets function well in a competitive equilibrium? Role of asset markets in allocating risk. How some risks corporations face are associated with price fluctuations and can be hedged in financial markets. Hedging strategies using futures markets, and options and other derivative assets. Hedging credit risks. Prerequisites: 51, 102A.

5 units, not given this year

ECON 139D. Directed Reading

May be repeated for credit.

1-10 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff), Sum (Staff)

ECON 140. Introduction to Financial Economics

Modern portfolio theory and corporate finance. Topics: properties of various financial instruments including financial futures, mutual funds, the capital asset pricing model, and models for pricing options and other contingent claims. Prerequisites: 51, 102A.

5 units, Spr (Piazzesi, M), Sum (Gould, A)

ECON 141. Public Finance and Fiscal Policy

What role should and does government play in the economy? What are the effects of government expenditure, borrowing, and taxation? Policy topics: budget surpluses/deficits; tax reform; social security, public goods, and externalities; fiscal federalism; public investment; and cost-benefit analysis. Prerequisites: 51, 52.

5 units, Aut (Boskin, M)

ECON 144. Family Economics

Topics at the intersection of economics and demography. Causes and consequences of historical trends such as the demographic transition, the increase in female labor force participation and its macroeconomic implications, the connection between economic development and family laws (child labor laws, women's rights), and policies affecting families and children (such as parental leave policies, social security policy, education subsidies). Economic models of household bargaining, fertility choice, and intergenerational transfers. Prerequisites: 51, 52.

5 units, Aut (Tertilt, M)

ECON 145. Labor Economics

Analysis and description of labor markets. Determination of employment, unemployment, hours of work, wages. Welfare programs and work effort. Wage differentials by schooling, experience, gender, and race. Economics of discrimination. Earnings inequality and changes in inequality. Employment contracts, labor unions, and bargaining. International comparisons. Prerequisites: 50, 51, 102B. GER:EC-Gender

5 units, Win (DeGiorgi, G), Spr (Pencavel, J)

ECON 146. Economics of Education

How a decision to invest in education is affected by factors including ability and family background. Markets for elementary and secondary schooling; topics such as vouchers and charter schools, accountability, expenditure equalization among schools, and the teacher labor market.The market for college education emphasizing how college tuition is determined, and whether students are matched efficiently with colleges. How education affects economic growth, focusing on developing countries. Theory and empirical results. Application of economics from fields such as public economics, labor economics, macroeconomics, and industrial organization. Prerequisites: 50, 102B.

5 units, Win (Hoxby, C)

ECON 147. Economics of Human Resources

Investments in human capital including education, on-the-job training, government training, and health. The effects of human capital accumulation on wages and wage growth and on wage differentials by gender and race. Sample selections and experimental data. Poverty and inequality. Optional research project for public policy organization on labor market/human resources issues. Prerequisite: 51.

5 units, Aut (DeGiorgi, G)

ECON 150. Economic Policy Analysis

(Same as PUBLPOL 104.) The relationship between microeconomic analysis and public policy making. How economic policy analysis is done and why political leaders regard it as useful but not definitive in making policy decisions. Economic rationales for policy interventions, methods of policy evaluation and the role of benefit-cost analysis, economic models of politics and their application to policy making, and the relationship of income distribution to policy choice. Theoretical foundations of policy making and analysis, and applications to program adoption and implementation. Prerequisite: ECON 50.

5 units, Spr (Staff)

ECON 151. Path Dependence in Private Action and Public Policy: Decision Making in the Shadow of History

(Same as PUBLPOL 130.) The historically contingent development of economic, social, and political behaviors at micro and macro levels. History's role in individual and organizational decision making. When can extraneous events have persisting effects upon public institutions, private organizations, and government agencies? Science and technology policy making; precedent-based judicial and administrative proceedings; and institutional reforms and regulatory initiatives illustrate positive feedback dynamics; self-organization and emergent properties in complex systems; conditions of lock-in to and escapes from sub-optimal equilibria in economic and social arrangements. Recommended: ECON 51.

3-5 units, Win (David, P)

ECON 153. Economics of the Internet

Applications of microeconomic theory to Internet businesses: auctions, online transactions, entry barriers, valuation, pricing of facilities, policy for broadband communications, network economics, standards, economics of information. Prerequisites: 51 and one of 102B, 103, 104, 113, 135, 137, 140, 149, 157, or 160.

5 units, not given this year

ECON 154. Economics of Legal Rules and Institutions

(Same as PUBLPOL 106.) Design and consequences of laws, given alternative policy objectives. Welfarist approach to legal policy; deontological perspectives including Kant, Locke, Mill, and Rawls. Economic efficiency and agent rationality, law as mitigation of market and cognitive failures, effects of law on expectations and incentives, balancing costs of type I and type II legal errors. Empirical studies of law's effects. Applications: property, tort, contract, antitrust, discrimination, crime, legal procedure. Examples chiefly from U.S. law, but analytical tools of general applicability. Prerequisite: ECON 50.

5 units, Aut (Owen, B)

ECON 155. Environmental Economics and Policy

(Same as EARTHSYS 112.) Economic sources of environmental problems and alternative policies for dealing with them (technology standards, emissions taxes, and marketable pollution permits). Evaluation of policies addressing regional air pollution, global climate change, water allocation in the western U.S., and the use of renewable resources. Connections between population growth, economic output, environmental quality, and human welfare. Prerequisite: ECON 50. GER: DB-NatSci

5 units, Win (Staff)

ECON 155B. Pathways Out of Rural Poverty

(Same as EARTHSYS 152, EARTHSYS 252, IPS 261.) Determinants of rural poverty and historical pathways that have led the rural poor out of it. Policy perspectives: the macro level concerning overall economic growth and structural transformation; the sectoral level focusing on the role of agriculture in poverty reduction; and the household level focusing on individual characteristics and asset holdings, including human capital. The impact of globalization on pathways out of poverty and on agriculture and structural transformation in developing countries. Prerequisite: ECON 106 or 118 or EARTHSYS 180.

5 units, Spr (Timmer, C)

ECON 157. Imperfect Competition

The interaction between firms and consumers in markets that fall outside the benchmark competitive model. How firms acquire and exploit market power. Game theory and information economics to analyze how firms interact strategically. Topics include monopoly, price discrimination, oligopoly, collusion and cartel behavior, anti-competitive practices, the role of information in markets, anti-trust policy, and e-commerce. Sources include theoretical models, real-world examples, and empirical papers. Prerequisite: 51.

5 units, Win (Kastl, J)

ECON 158. Antitrust and Regulation

The history, economics, and legal background of the institutions under which U.S. industry is subject to government control. Topics: antitrust law and economics; the economics and practice of public utility regulation in the communications, transportation, and energy sectors; and the effects of licensing. Emphasis is on the application of economic concepts in evaluating the performance and policies of government agencies. Prerequisite: 51.

5 units, Spr (Hanson, W)

ECON 160. Game Theory and Economic Applications

Mathematical introduction to game theory and its applications to economics. Topics: strategic and extensive form games, Nash equilibrium, subgame-perfect equilibrium, Bayesian equilibrium, and perfect Bayesian equilibrium. The theory is applied to repeated games, auctions, and bargaining. Examples from economics and political science. Prerequisites: 51 and course in calculus, or consent of instructor.

5 units, not given this year

ECON 162. Monetary Economics

Dynamic analysis of the role of money and monetary policy in the macro economy, using calculus. Topics: the exchange process and the role of money; inside and outside money; inflation and the inflation tax; international monetary systems; the indeterminacy of floating exchange rates; policies to fix the exchange rate and inflationary incentives; currency crises and speculative attacks; money and interest-bearing government debt; the government's budget constraint and the coordination of monetary and fiscal policies; hyperinflations and stabilizations; the effect of the national debt on consumption, savings, investment and output; time consistency of government policies. Prerequisite: 52.

5 units, not given this year

ECON 165. International Finance

Questions of current interest to policy makers, business leaders, and general public. Topics include intertemporal approach to the current account, international investment patterns, sovereign debt, crises in international financial markets, real and nominal exchange rate determination and exchange rate policy. Models in international macroeconomics. Recent research on the empirical and practical relevance of these models. Tools to read critically and understand international economic policy found in popular media such as the Economist Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, and the Financial Times. Prerequisite: ECON 52.

5 units, Aut (Fitzgerald, D), Sum (Desmet, K)

ECON 166. International Trade

Comparative advantage in production and trade among nations; increasing returns, imperfect competition, and trade; the nature of the gains from trade, winners, and losers; international migration and multinational companies; trade policy and international trade agreements; theory and evidence. Prerequisite: 51.

5 units, Spr (Manova, K)

ECON 167. European Monetary and Economic Integration

The economics of the European Community and the internal market. Analysis of current competition, transportation, and factor market policies, including the problems of agriculture and unemployment. Fiscal harmonization and mercantilist rivalry. European Monetary Union (EMU): genesis, implementation, and consequences of a common currency and central bank. Foreign exchange and foreign trade. Prerequisites: 51, 52, or equivalents.

5 units, not given this year

ECON 168. Topics in International Finance

(Same as ECON 268.) (Graduate students register for 268.) Monetary foundations of international exchange; the rules of the game since Bretton Woods. Foreign exchange risk under the world dollar standard. Hedging, forward covering, and interest parity relationships. International capital flows and the current account. Global trade imbalances; China and Japan versus the U.S. Inflation versus exchange rate targeting in developing countries. Prerequisite for undergraduates: 52; recommended: 165.

5 units, Win (McKinnon, R)

ECON 169. International Financial Markets and Monetary Institutions

(Same as ECON 269.) (Graduate students register for 269.) How nations are linked financially through money, capital, and exchange markets, emphasizing policy issues including the role of the International Monetary Fund, monetary and exchange rate policy, prevention and resolution of financial crises in emerging markets, current account imbalances, and capital mobility. Development and use of macroeconomic models of international financial linkages and microeconomic models of hedging, optimal selection of currencies for invoice and trade credit, and parity relationships in futures, swaps, and options markets. Prerequisite: 165.

5 units, Spr (Taylor, J)

ECON 170. Intermediate Econometrics I

(Same as ECON 270.) (Graduate students register for 270; see 270.) Probability, random variables, and distributions; large sample theory; theory of estimation and hypothesis testing. Limited enrollment. Prerequisites: math and probability at the level of Chapter 2, Paul G. Hoel, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 5th ed.

2-5 units, Aut (Hansen, P; Hong, H)

ECON 171. Intermediate Econometrics II

(Same as ECON 271.) (Graduate students register for 271.) Linear regression model, relaxation of classical-regression assumptions, simultaneous equation models, linear time series analysis. Limited enrollment. Prerequisite: 270.

5 units, Aut (Wolak, F)

ECON 172. Intermediate Econometrics III

(Same as ECON 272.) (Graduate students register for 272.) Continuation of 271. Nonlinear estimation, qualitative response models, limited dependent variable (Tobit) models. Limited enrollment. Prerequisite: 271.

2-5 units, Spr (Staff)

ECON 179. Experimental Economics

Methods and major subject areas that have been addressed by laboratory experiments. Focus is on a series of experiments that build on one another. Topics include decision making, two player games, auctions, and market institutions. How experiments are used to learn about preferences and behavior, trust, fairness, and learning. Final presentation of group projects. Prerequisites: 50, 51, 102A.

5 units, Win (Niederle, M)

ECON 190. Introduction to Financial Accounting

(Same as ECON 90.) How to read, understand, and use corporate financial statements. Oriented towards the use of financial accounting information (rather than the preparer), and emphasizes the reconstruction of economic events from published accounting reports.

5 units, Aut (Ogneva, M), Win (Stanton, F)

ECON 191. Introduction to Cost Accounting

(Same as ECON 91.) The use of internal financial data for managerial decision making.

5 units, Spr (Stanton, F)

ECON 198. Junior Honors Seminar

(Same as PUBLPOL 197.) Primarily for students who expect to write an honors thesis. Weekly sessions discuss writing an honors thesis proposal (prospectus), submitting grant applications, and completing the honors thesis. Readings focus on writing skills and research design. Students select an adviser, outline a program of study for their senior year, and complete a prospectus by the end of the quarter. Enrollment limited to 25.

5 units, Win (Rothwell, G), Spr (Rothwell, G)

ECON 199D. Honors Thesis Research

In-depth study of an appropriate question and completion of a thesis of very high quality. Normally written under the direction of a member of the Department of Economics (or some closely related department). See description of honors program. Register for at least 1 unit for at least one quarter. Meets first week of Autumn Quarter (see Stanford Daily for details).

1-10 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff), Sum (Staff)

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