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Bulletin Archive

This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.

For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.

Graduate courses in Comparative Medicine

Primarily for graduate students; undergraduates may enroll with consent of instructor.

COMPMED 207. Comparative Neuroanatomy

(Same as COMPMED 107.) Functional organization and evolution of the vertebrate nervous system. Topics include paleoneurology, cladistic analysis, allometry, mosaic versus concerted evolution, and evolution of brain region structure, connectivity, and neurons. Comparisons between structure and function of vertebrate forebrains including hippocampi. Evolution of the primate visual and sensorimotor central nervous system as related to vocalization, socialization, and intelligence.

4 units, Aut (Buckmaster, P; Darian-Smith, C)

COMPMED 299. Directed Reading in Comparative Medicine

Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

1-18 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff), Sum (Staff)

COMPMED 399. Graduate Research

Investigations sponsored by individual faculty members.Opportunities are available in comparative medicine and pathology, immuno-histochemistry, electron microscopy, molecular genetics, quantitative morphometry, neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of the hippocampus, pathogenesis of intestinal infections, immunopathology, biology of laboratory rodents, anesthesiology of laboratory animals, gene therapy of animal models of neurodegenerative diseases, and development and characterization of transgenic animal models. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

1-18 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff), Sum (Staff)

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