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Undergraduate courses in Chemistry

CHEM 24N. Nutrition and History

(F,Sem) Stanford Introductory Seminar. Preference to freshmen. Intended to broaden the introductory chemistry experience. The biochemical basis of historically important nutritional deficiencies (vitamins, minerals, starvation, metabolic variants that predispose to disease) and environmental toxins is related to physiological action and the sociological, political, and economic consequences of its effect on human populations. Prerequisite: high school chemistry. Recommended: 31A,B, or 31X, or 33.

2 units, Spr (Huestis, W)

CHEM 25N. Science in the News

(F,Sem) Stanford Introductory Seminar. Preference to freshmen. Possible topics include: diseases such as avian flu, HIV, and malaria; environmental issues such as climate change, atmospheric pollution, and human population; energy sources in the future; evolution; stem cell research; nanotechnology; and drug development. Focus is on the scientific basis for these topics as a basis for intelligent discussion of societal and political implications. Sources include the popular media and scientific media for the nonspecialist, especially those available on the web.

3 units, Aut (Andersen, H)

CHEM 25Q. Science-in-Theatre: A New Genre?

(S,Sem) Stanford Introductory Seminar. Preference to sophomores. How scientists acquire their rules, mores, and idiosyncrasies through a form of intellectual osmosis in a mentor-disciple relationship. Scientists represented as Frankensteins or nerds, rather than normal. Why more intellectually challenging plays have appeared on the Anglo-American theatre scene where scientific behavior and even science are presented accurately. Students engage in a playwriting experiment.

2 units, Win (Djerassi, C)

CHEM 27N. Lasers: The Light Fantastic

Preference to freshmen. Introduction to lasers and their impact on everyday life. The operation of lasers using concepts of atomic and molecular energy levels, optics, and resonance. The use of lasers to produce guide stars for astronomy, sculpt the cornea, measure molecules in the ozone layer, transmit optical information over the web, measure the distance to the moon, and observe a single protein molecule in action. Prerequisites: CHEM 31A or X, or PHYSICS 23 and 25, or equivalents. GER: DB-NatSci

3 units, not given this year

CHEM 31A. Chemical Principles I

For students with moderate or no background in chemistry. Stoichiometry; periodicity; electronic structure and bonding; gases; enthalpy; phase behavior. Emphasis is on skills to address structural and quantitative chemical questions; lab provides practice. Recitation. GER: DB-NatSci

4 units, Aut (Chidsey, C; Dai, H), Sum (Jacobs, R)

CHEM 31B. Chemical Principles II

Chemical equilibrium; acids and bases; oxidation and reduction reactions; chemical thermodynamics; kinetics. Lab. Prerequisite: 31A. GER: DB-NatSci

4 units, Win (Andersen, H), Sum (Jacobs, R)

CHEM 31X. Chemical Principles

Accelerated; for students with substantial chemistry background. Chemical equilibria concepts, equilibrium constants, acids and bases, chemical thermodynamics, quantum concepts, models of ionic and covalent bonding, atomic and molecular orbital theory, periodicity, and bonding properties of matter. Recitation. Prerequisites: AP chemistry score of 5 or passing score on chemistry placement test. Recommended: high school physics. GER: DB-NatSci

4 units, Aut (Moerner, W; Waymouth, R)

CHEM 33. Structure and Reactivity

Organic chemistry, functional groups, hydrocarbons, stereochemistry, thermochemistry, kinetics, chemical equilibria. Recitation. Prerequisite: 31A,B, or 31X, or an AP Chemistry score of 5. GER: DB-NatSci

4 units, Win (Stack, T; Du Bois, J), Spr (Staff), Sum (Kahl, S)

CHEM 35. Organic Monofunctional Compounds

Organic chemistry of oxygen and nitrogen aliphatic compounds. Recitation. Prerequisite: 33. GER: DB-NatSci

4 units, Aut (Huestis, W), Spr (Flygare, J), Sum (Hua, Y)

CHEM 36. Organic Chemistry Laboratory I

Techniques for separations of compounds: distillation, crystallization, extraction, and chromatographic procedures. Lecture treats theory; lab provides practice. Prerequisite: 33. GER: DB-NatSci

3 units, Aut (Moylan, C), Spr (Hua, Y), Sum (Moylan, C)

CHEM 110. Directed Instruction/Reading

Undergraduates pursue a reading program under supervision of a faculty member in Chemistry; may also involve participation in lab. Prerequisites: superior work in 31A,B, 31X, or 33; and consent of instructor and the Chemistry undergraduate study committee.

1-2 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff), Sum (Staff)

CHEM 111. Exploring Chemical Research at Stanford

Preference to freshmen and sophomores. Department faculty describe their cutting-edge research and its applications.

1 unit, Win (Cui, B)

CHEM 130. Organic Chemistry Laboratory II

Diels-Alder, reduction, and Wittig reactions; qualitative analysis. Lab. Limited enrollment Autumn Quarter. Prerequisite: 36. Corequisite: 35. GER: DB-NatSci

4 units, Aut (Hua, Y), Win (Hua, Y)

CHEM 131. Organic Polyfunctional Compounds

Aromatic compounds, polysaccharides, amino acids, proteins, natural products, dyes, purines, pyrimidines, nucleic acids, and polymers. Prerequisite: 35. GER: DB-NatSci

3 units, Aut (Kool, E), Win (Trost, B)

CHEM 134. Analytical Chemistry Laboratory

Methods include gravimetric, volumetric, spectrophotometric, and chromatographic. Writing instruction includes communications, full papers, research proposals, and referee papers. Lab. Prerequisite: 130. GER: DB-NatSci

5 units, Spr (Moylan, C)

CHEM 135. Physical Chemical Principles

Introductory physical chemistry intended for students of the life sciences, geology and environmental engineering. Chemical kinetics: rate laws, integration of rate laws, reaction mechanisms, enzyme kinetics. Chemical thermodynamics: first, second and third laws, thermochemistry, entropy, free energy, chemical equilibrium, physical equilibrium, osmotic pressure, other colligative properties. Prerequisites: 31A,B, or 31X, calculus. GER: DB-NatSci

3 units, Aut (Pecora, R)

CHEM 136. Synthesis Laboratory

Advanced synthetic methods in organic and inorganic laboratory chemistry. Prerequisites: 35, 130. GER: DB-NatSci

3 units, Win (Yandulov, D)

CHEM 137. Special Topics in Organic Chemistry

(Formerly 181.) Chemical view of the biological processes of life. Topics include: structure and function of proteins, peptides, and nucleic acids; and how to use chemistry to mediate biological processes. GER: DB-NatSci

3 units, Win (Flygare, J)

CHEM 151. Inorganic Chemistry I

Theories of electronic structure, stereochemistry, and symmetry properties of inorganic molecules. Topics: ionic and covalent interactions, electron-deficient bonding, and molecular orbital theories. Emphasis is on the chemistry of the metallic elements. Prerequisites: 35. Recommended: 171. GER: DB-NatSci

3 units, Win (Stack, T)

CHEM 153. Inorganic Chemistry II

The theoretical aspects of inorganic chemistry. Group theory; many-electron atomic theory; molecular orbital theory emphasizing general concepts and group theory; ligand field theory; application of physical methods to predict the geometry, magnetism, and electronic spectra of transition metal complexes. Prerequisites: 151, 173. GER: DB-NatSci

3 units, Spr (Solomon, E)

CHEM 155. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

(Same as CHEM 255.) Chemical reactions of organotransition metal complexes and their role in homogeneous catalysis. Analogous patterns among reactions of transition metal complexes in lower oxidation states. Physical methods of structure determination. Prerequisite: one year of physical chemistry.

3 units, Spr (Waymouth, R)

CHEM 171. Physical Chemistry

Chemical thermodynamics; fundamental principles, Gibbsian equations, systematic deduction of equations, equilibrium conditions, phase rule, gases, solutions. Prerequisites: 31A,B, or 31X, 35; MATH 51. GER: DB-NatSci

3 units, Aut (Pande, V)

CHEM 173. Physical Chemistry

Introduction to quantum chemistry: the basic principles of wave mechanics, the harmonic oscillator, the rigid rotator, infrared and microwave spectroscopy, the hydrogen atom, atomic structure, molecular structure, valence theory. Prerequisites: MATH 51, 53; PHYSICS 41, 43. Recommended: PHYSICS 45. GER: DB-NatSci

3 units, Win (Boxer, S)

CHEM 174. Physical Chemistry Laboratory I

Experimental investigations in spectroscopy, thermodynamics, and electronics. Students take measurements on molecular systems, design and build scientific instruments, and computer-automate them with software that they write themselves. Prerequisites: 134, MATH 51, PHYSICS 44. Corequisite 173. GER: DB-NatSci

4 units, Win (Moylan, C)

CHEM 175. Physical Chemistry

Introduction to kinetic theory and statistical mechanics: molecular theory of matter and heat, transport phenomena in gases, Boltzmann distribution law, partition functions for ideal gases. Introduction to chemical kinetics: measurement of rates of reactions, relationship between rate and reaction mechanism, consideration of specific reactions, transition-state theory of reaction rates. Prerequisites: 171, 173. GER: DB-NatSci

3 units, Spr (Moerner, W)

CHEM 176. Physical Chemistry Laboratory II

Use of chemical instrumentation to study physical chemical time-dependent processes. Experiments include reaction kinetics, fluorimetry, and nuclear magnetic and electron spin resonance spectroscopy. Lab. Prerequisite: 173. GER: DB-NatSci

3 units, Spr (Cui, B)

CHEM 181. Biochemistry I

(Same as BIO 188, BIO 288, CHEMENG 181, CHEMENG 281.) (CHEMENG offerings formerly listed as 188/288.) Chemistry of major families of biomolecules including proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, and cofactors. Structural and mechanistic analysis of properties of proteins including molecular recognition, catalysis, signal transduction, membrane transport, and harvesting of energy from light. Molecular evolution. Prerequisites: CHEM 135 or 171. GER: DB-NatSci

3 units, Win (Zare, R; Altman, D)

CHEM 183. Biochemistry II

(Same as BIO 189, BIO 289, CHEMENG 183, CHEMENG 283.) (CHEMENG offerings formerly listed as 189/289.) Metabolism. Glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, pentose phosphate pathway, glycogen metabolism, fatty acid metabolism, protein degradation and amino acid catabolism, protein translation and amino acid biosynthesis, nucleotide biosynthesis, DNA replication, recombination and repair, lipid and steroid biosynthesis. Medical consequences of impaired metabolism. Therapeutic intervention of metabolism. Prerequisite: BIO 188/288 or CHEM 181 or CHEMENG 181/281 (formerly 188/288). GER: DB-NatSci

3 units, Spr (Dunn, A)

CHEM 184. Biological Chemistry Laboratory

Modern techniques in biological chemistry including protein purification, characterization of enzyme kinetics, heterologous expression of His-tagged fluorescent proteins, site-directed mutagenesis, and single-molecule fluorescence microscopy. Prerequisite: 188. GER: DB-NatSci

4 units, Spr (Elrad, D; Kool, E; Zare, R)

CHEM 185. Biochemistry III

Advanced biophysical chemistry. Topics include: protein and DNA structure, stability, and folding, membrane lateral organization and dynamics, and transmembrane transport. Prerequisites: 171, 173, 183. GER: DB-NatSci

3 units, Spr (Boxer, S)

CHEM 190. Introduction to Methods of Investigation

Limited to undergraduates admitted under the honors program or by special arrangement with a member of the teaching staff. For general character and scope, see 200. Prerequisite:130. Corequisite: 300.

1-5 units, Aut (Staff), Win (Staff), Spr (Staff), Sum (Staff)

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