Winter Quarter 2013

 Perspectives in Assistive Technology 

David L. Jaffe, MS and Professor Drew Nelson
Tuesdays & Thursdays   4:15pm - 5:30pm
Thornton Center - Classroom 110

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Tuesday, February 12th

photo of Rita Ghatak photo of Philip von Stade, Jr.

Memories, Lost & Found: Engaging Families, Caregivers & Those with Memory Loss
Rita Ghatak, PhD1 & Philip R. von Stade, Jr.2
1 Stanford Medical Center & 2 Memory Glass Foundation

Abstract: Rita Ghatak will begin the lecture by discussing the difficulties of cognitive impairment including a brief definition of dementia, common clinical features, as well as the concerns and stress experienced by caregivers and families. She will focus on memory, psycho-social and economic burdens, and the importance of memory and engagement tools. Philip R. von Stade, Jr. will follow up by introducing an interactive device that can assist patients and caregivers and can lead to development of additional innovative assistive technologies.


Rita Ghatak studied in India at Delhi University and Jawaharlal Nehru University, and did her post-doctoral work at Stanford. Rita is the founder and Director of Aging Adult Services at Stanford University Medical Center where she directs the programs of Geriatric Health, Lifeline, Checking-In, Dementia Management, Caregiver Support, Partners In Caring, Chronic Disease Self-Management, and Vial of Life. Rita is a published psychologist / gerontologist, holds significant positions in different eldercare coalitions, and teaches several courses, conducts research, and is involved in policy planning.

Philip R. von Stade, Jr. graduated from Stanford with a BA in Design in 1974. A 32 year career in the US and overseas was largely devoted to developing and leveraging cutting-edge technologies for a wide variety of industries, with a special emphasis on marketing and market research applications. Phil has spoken at hundreds of corporation and conference meetings and his software and concepts are still used as a mainstay in many of the largest consumer marketing companies. Since 2010 he has been increasingly active in research in the field of memory loss, especially with respect to Alzheimer’s, caregiver support, and preservation of family histories. He is the founding director of Memory Glass LLC, which develops software tools to help caregivers and families interact with those suffering from memory loss.

Contact information:
Rita Ghatak, PhD
Director, Aging Adult Services, Geriatric Health
Stanford Medical Center - Aging Adult Services
300 Pasteur Dr., HC005
Palo Alto, CA  94305-5279
650/723-1302    650/725-2664
rghatak -at-

Philip R. von Stade, Jr.
Executive Director
Memory Glass Foundation
philvonstade -at-
Lecture Material:
Pre-lecture slides - 985 Kb pdf file
Rita's slides - 690 Kb pdf file
Phil's slides - 24.1 Mb pdf file
Audio - 2.23 Mb mp3 file (cut off at 19:30)
Photos - 440 Kb pdf file
Arne's photos - 287 Kb pdf file


Updated 02/13/2013

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