Winter Quarter 2013

 Perspectives in Assistive Technology 

David L. Jaffe, MS and Professor Drew Nelson
Tuesdays & Thursdays   4:15pm - 5:30pm
Thornton Center - Classroom 110

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Thursday, January 31st

photo of Nicole Torcolini photo of Jules Sherman

Perspectives of Stanford Graduates
Nicole Torcolini 1 & Jules Sherman 2
1 Google & 2 Jules Sherman Design

Abstract: This class session brings together two students who took Perspectives in Assistive Technology last year. They will discuss their backgrounds and interests, the projects they pursued last year, and their current activities.


Nicole Torcolini is a software engineer in test at Google on the Google+ team who helps improve the accessibility of Google+. Although her primary job is writing automated tests for Google+, she often helps redesign core components of the Google API. Nicole holds a BS in Computer Science from Stanford. Nicole has been blind since age four. She has always had an interest in technology and how things work.

Jules Sherman is a designer and entrepreneur who is passionate about designing human-centered products that improve quality of life. She draws inspiration from both personal experience and observing the world around her. Jules came to Stanford to pursue her interests in human-factors, human-machine interaction, social ventures, and the business of design. As a product designer, she is particularly interested in improving the aesthetics and usability of assistive technology.

Contact information:
Nicole Torcolini
nbtorcol -at-

Jules Sherman
Jules Sherman Design
jules -at-
Lecture Material:
Pre-lecture slides - 468 Kb pdf file
Audio - 1:09:30 - 7.95 Mb mp3 file
Photos - 327 Kb pdf file
Cane Dilemma video (0:28)
Quad cane
Ultra stable cane tip
Wheeled quad cane
Quad cane base
Quad cane pod tip
Quad cane tip
The HurryCane
Clu Clip
Clu Clip video (0:40)
Mabis Cane Holder
Ingrid Cane Clip Holder
Retractable key chain
Spring clip cane holder
Dabo cane holder
Messenger Monkey video (0:21)
Aging 2.0
MedTech Frontiers
Women 2.0
At Home with Growing Old
Bio2Device Group

Updated 10/31/2013

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