Public Methods |
virtual int | calibrateB ()=0 |
| blocking calibration procedure
virtual int | singleJointMoveNB (int m, double targetAngleDeg)=0 |
| non-blocking single joint move to a specified target
virtual int | jointAngleMoveNB (jointAnglesType j)=0 |
| non-blocking move to the specified target joint coordinates
virtual int | opMoveNB (opCoordinatesType o)=0 |
| non-blocking move to specified target operational coordinates
virtual void | opTrajectoryMoveB (opCoordinatesType o)=0 |
| blocking trajectory move (cyllindrical arc) given by op coordinates.
virtual void | rzMoveB (double delta_r, double delta_z)=0 |
| blocking move that does not alter state of motors 0, 4, 5
virtual void | stopMotion ()=0 |
| stops all motion (will not work during calibration)
virtual void | motorOff (int m)=0 |
| Turns off motor m.
virtual void | motorOn (int m)=0 |
| Turns on motor m.
virtual double | getJointAngle (int m)=0 |
| Current angle in degree for joint m.
virtual armDataType | readArmData ()=0 |
| Reading arm data.