Recent Lecture Courses
- Ph 17: Black Holes: This is a course taught to non-science majors taken by Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors.
- Ph 61: Classical Mechanics: This is a first quarter freshman class for the best prepared incoming prospective physics and engineering majors.
- Ph 131: Quantum Mechanics: This is the second quarter of a three quarter Junior Physics Major sequence based largely on Griffiths' book.
- Ph 211: Applications of Classical Physics: This is a course that Kip Thorne and I taught for many years at Caltech. I have taught the fluids and elasticity parts at Stanford. Kip and I are turning our lectures into a book.
- Ph 216: Back of Envelope Physics: This is a first year graduate course that I taught once with a heavy emphasis on examples drawn from energy and the environment.
- Ph 220: Classical Electrodynamics: This is a first year graduate course where I was asked to cover as much as I could of a traditional one year course with applications in one quarter! I used Zangwill's new book.
- Ph 361: Stars: This is an advanced graduate course that I created for students who had little prior exposure to stellar, structure, atmospheres, evolution and dynamics.
- Ph 362: Cosmology: This is part of an advanced graduate course that I shared with Bob Wagoner taught to students who had already studied basic cosmology.
- Ph 463: Black Holes: This is an advanced graduate course on the relativistic astrophysics of black holes taught to students who had already had a course on general relativity.