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SkewCommutative -- make a skewcommutative (alternating) ring

SkewCommutative -- name for an optional argument for monoids that specifies that monoid rings created from them will be skewcommutative.

The default value is false.

i1 : R = ZZ[x,y,SkewCommutative=>true]

o1 = R

o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : x*y

o2 = x*y

o2 : R
i3 : y*x

o3 = -x*y

o3 : R

Functions with optional argument named SkewCommutative :

  • graphIdeal(..., SkewCommutative) -- make a skewcommutative (alternating) ring
  • graphRing(..., SkewCommutative) -- make a skewcommutative (alternating) ring
  • modifyRing(..., SkewCommutative) -- make a skewcommutative (alternating) ring
  • symmetricAlgebra(..., SkewCommutative) -- make a skewcommutative (alternating) ring
  • tensor(..., SkewCommutative) -- make a skewcommutative (alternating) ring

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