MTSOS: calling MTSOS
MTSOS can either be called from within MATLAB or as a standard C function.
[b u v fx iterate timed] = MTSOS(S,flags,parameters)
- int so_MTSOS(problem_params* p_params, algorithm_flags* flags,
algorithm_params* a_params, optional_params* o_params,
double** p_b, double** p_u, double** p_v, double* pfx,
double** p_timers, int* piterations)
Pass in the necessary pointers and references and MTSOS will allocate the pointers and populate them.
The user is responsible for freeing these arrays.
RETURN int | 1 : everything ran smoothly 0 : an error occurred |
double** p_b | a length array of the optimal values as defined in Minimum-Time Speed Optimization Along a Fixed Path |
double** p_u | a length array of the optimal controls , representing an matrix in column first order |
double** p_v | a length array of the dual variables corresponding to the equality constraints represented by the matrix as defined in Minimum-Time Speed Optimization Along a Fixed Path |
double* pfx | optimal time to traverse the path (a reference to a double) |
double** p_timers | timing data useful for development, but not of interest to most users |
int* piterations | the number of iterations of the interior point method required to reach the solution (a reference to an int)