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Bulletin Archive

This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.

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Overseas Studies Courses in Art and Art History

For course descriptions and additional offerings, see the listings in the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site ( or the Bing Overseas Studies web site ( Students should consult their department or program's student services office for applicability of Overseas Studies courses to a major or minor program.

Autumn Quarter


OSPBER 60. Cityscape as History: Architecture and Urban Design in Berlin. 5 units, Matthias Pabsch, GER:DB:Hum


OSPFLOR 34. The Woman in Florentine Art. 4 units, Timothy Verdon, GER:DB:Hum, EC:Gender

OSPFLOR 41. The Contemporary Art Scene in Tuscany: Theory and Practice. 3-5 units, Filippo Rossi

OSPFLOR 55. Academy of Fine Arts: Studio Art. 1-3 units, Ermelinda Campani

OSPFLOR 115Y. The Duomo and Palazzo della Signoria: Symbols of a Civilization. 4 units, Timothy Verdon, GER:DB:Hum

OSPFLOR 134F. Modernist Italian Cinema. 5 units, Ermelinda Campani, GER:DB:Hum


OSPMADRD 46. Drawing with Four Spanish Masters: Goya, Vel�zquez, Picasso and Dal�. 3 units, Susan Sartarelli


OSPOXFRD 15. British Architecture and the Renaissance: 1500-1850. 4-5 units, Geoffrey Tyack, GER:DB:Hum


OSPPARIS 42. EAP: Drawing with Live Model. 2 units, Staff

OSPPARIS 43. EAP: Painting and Use of Color. 2 units, Staff

OSPPARIS 44. EAP: Graphic Art. 2 units, Staff

OSPPARIS 47. Women in French Cinema. 4 units, Cecile Alduy, GER:DB:Hum, EC:Gender

OSPPARIS 107Y. The Age of Cathedrals: Religious Art and Architecture in Medieval France. 4 units, Colette Deremble, Jean Paul Deremble, GER:DB:Hum

Winter Quarter


OSPBER 17. Split Images: A Century in Cinema. 4 units, Karen Kramer, GER:DB:Hum, EC:GlobalCom


OSPFLOR 48. Sharing Beauty: Florence and the Western Museum Tradition. 4 units, Filippo Rossi, Timothy Verdon, GER:DB:Hum

OSPFLOR 49. The Cinema Goes to War: Fascism and World War II As Represented in Italian and European Cinema. 5 units, Ermelinda Campani, GER:DB:Hum

OSPFLOR 55. Academy of Fine Arts: Studio Art. 1-5 units, Ermelinda Campani

OSPFLOR 111Y. From Giotto to Michelangelo: Introduction to the Renaissance in Florence. 4 units, Timothy Verdon, GER:DB:Hum


OSPMADRD 45. Women in Art: Case Study in the Madrid Museums. 4 units, Julia Dom�nech L�pez, GER:DB:Hum, EC:Gender


OSPPARIS 42. EAP: Drawing with Live Model. 2 units, Staff

OSPPARIS 43. EAP: Painting and Use of Color. 2 units, Staff

OSPPARIS 44. EAP: Graphic Art. 2 units, Staff

OSPPARIS 120X. French Painting in the 19th Century: Between Tradition and Revolution. 4 units, Estelle Halevi, GER:DB:Hum

Spring Quarter


OSPFLOR 54. High Renaissance and Maniera. 5 units, Timothy Verdon, GER:DB:Hum

OSPFLOR 55. Academy of Fine Arts: Studio Art. 1-5 units, Ermelinda Campani

OSPFLOR 58. Space as History: Urban Change and Social Vision: Florence 1059-2008. 4 units, Filippo Rossi, Timothy Verdon, GER:DB:Hum

OSPFLOR 67. Women in Italian Cinema: Maternity, Sexuality and the Image. 4 units, Ermelinda Campani, GER:DB:Hum, EC:Gender

OSPFLOR 71. Becoming an Artist in Florence: The Contemporary Artistic Craftmanship in Tuscany and the New Tendencies in the Visual Future. 3-5 units, Filippo Rossi, GER:


OSPOXFRD 221Y. Art and Society in Britain. 4-5 units, Geoffrey Tyack, GER:DB:Hum


OSPPARIS 42. EAP: Drawing with Live Model. 2-2 units, Staff, GER:

OSPPARIS 43. EAP: Painting and Use of Color. 2-2 units, Staff, GER:

OSPPARIS 44. EAP: Graphic Art. 2-2 units, Staff, GER:

OSPPARIS 92. Building Paris: Its History, Architecture, and Urban Design. 4-4 units, Estelle Halevi, GER:DB:Hum

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