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Bulletin Archive

This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.

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Latin American Studies Cognate Courses

The following courses may be used to satisfy requirements for the master's program and for the undergraduate honors and minor programs in Latin American Studies. Consult the Stanford Bulletin's Explore Courses web site for full course descriptions and class schedules.

  1. Overseas Studies courses, denoted by the subject codes OSPGEN, OSPMADRD, or OSPSANTG, apply only to the undergraduate minor or honors programs.
  2. MED 259 and OSPGEN 40 require application to and acceptance into the Community Health in Oaxaca summer program. See for information.


ANTHRO 100C. Chavín de Huántar Research Seminar

ANTHRO 106/206A. Incas and their Ancestors: Peruvian Archaeology, Mythology and Human Origins (same as ARCHLGY 102B)

ANTHRO 120. Introduction to Language Change (same as LINGUIST 160)

ANTHRO 124. Maya Mythology and the Popol Vuh

ARTHIST 294. Caribbean and Latin American Art

COMM 177K/277K. Specialized Writing and Reporting: Human Rights Journalism

COMPLIT 121. Poems, Poetry, Worlds: An Introductory Course

COMPLIT 134. The Poetry of History in the Americas

COMPLIT 142. The Literature of the Americas (same as ENGLISH 172E)

COMPLIT 332. The Transatlantic Renaissance (same as ENGLISH 310)

EDUC 136/306D. World, Societal, and Educational Change: Comparative Perspectives (same as SOC 231)

EDUC 149/249. Theory and Issues in the Study of Bilingualism

EDUC 178X Latino Families, Languages, and Schools

EDUC 193B. Peer Counseling in the Chicano/Latino Community

ENGLISH 152. Introduction to Caribbean Literature

ENGLISH 363G. American Transnational Novel

HISTORY 165. Mexican American History through Film

HISTORY 170. Colonial Latin America

HISTORY 205B/305B. Quantitative Methods in Historical Research

HISTORY 299X/399A. Design and Methodology for International Field Research

HISTORY 306F. Identities and Identification in the Atlantic World

HISTORY 309A. Postcolonial Theory and Universal History

HISTORY 401A. Spatial History: Concepts, Methods, Problems

HUMBIO 187. Human Diversity: A Linguistic Perspective

ILAC 131. Cultural Perspectives in the Luso-Hispanic Americas

ILAC 148. Animals and Animality in Modern Latin American Literature

ILAC 158. New Latin American Short Stories and Films (1980-2009): A Survey

ILAC 161. Survey of Latin American Literature

ILAC 240E. Borges and Philosophy

ILAC 241. Fiction Workshop in Spanish

ILAC 250. Latin America at the End of the Cold War

ILAC 256. Drug Wars in Latin America: Policies & Politics Through Literature and Film

ILAC 259. Military, Intelligentsia, Las Madres of Plaza de Mayo & Tlatelolco: Film & Politics 1968-2009

ILAC 263. Visions of the Andes

ILAC 271. Brazilian Presence: Landscape, Life, and Literature

ILAC 272E. Great Brazilian Authors: Clarice Lispector

ILAC 278E. Senior Seminar: Accursed Writers

ILAC 280. Latina/o Literature

ILAC 332. Race and Slavery in Nineteenth Century Spanish Empire

ILAC 340. The Crowded Solitude of Juan Rulfo: His Writing, His Photography, His Children, His Legacy

ILAC 344. Theorizing the Novel after 1989

ILAC 370E. Machado de Assis: Mimesis, Memory, and Money Machinations

ILAC 374. Luso-Brazilian Practices of Representation in the 16th, 17th, & 18th Centuries

ILAC 380E. Critical Concepts in Chicana/o Literature

ILAC 385. The Rite to Remember: Performance and Chicana Indigenous Thought (same as CHICANST 197, CSRE 197, NATIVEAM 197, DRAMA 355M)

ILAC 389E. Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Cultural Representations

INTNLREL 141A. Camera as Witness: International Human Rights Documentaries

LATINAM 201/301. Social Change in Latin America Since 1900 (same as HISTORY 275F/375F)

LAW 308. Cultural Heritage Law and Policy

OSPMADRD 40. Introduction to Literary and Cultural Analysis in the Spanish World

OSPMADRD 50. Flirting with Spanish Metafiction: Cervantes, Velázquez, Fuentes, Almodóvar

OSPSANTG 10. Borges and Argentina

OSPSANTG 14. Women Writers of Latin America in the 20th Century

OSPSANTG 62. Topics in Chilean History

OSPSANTG 68. The Emergence of Nations in Latin America

OSPSANTG 104X. Modernization and Culture in Latin America

OSPSANTG 118X. Artistic Expression in Latin America

SOC 164/264. Immigration and the Changing United States

SOC 166/266. Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and Chicanos in American Society


ANTHRO 164A. Anthropology of Ecotourism

ANTHRO 165A. People and Parks: Management of Protected Areas

ANTHRO 166/269. Political Ecology of Tropical Land Use: Conservation, Natural Resource Extraction & Agribusiness

BIO 101. Ecology

BIO 117. Biology and Global Change (same as EARTHSYS 111)

BIO 144. Conservation Biology (same as HUMBIO 112)

BIO 175. Tropical Ecology and Conservation

BIO 180/280. Fundamentals of Sustainable Agriculture (same as EARTHSYS 180/280)

CEE 142A/242A. Creating Sustainable Development

CEE 165D/265D. Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries

CEE 173A/207A. Energy Resources (same as EARTHSYS 103)

CEE 265A. Sustainable Water Resources Development

CEE 277C. Environmental Governance

CEE 301. The Energy Seminar (same as ENERGY 301)

EARTHSYS 101. Energy and the Environment (same as ENERGY 101)

EARTHSYS 102. Renewable Energy Sources and Greener Energy Processes (same as ENERGY 102)

EARTHSYS 132/232. Energy Cooperation in the Western Hemisphere (same as IPS 263)

EARTHSYS 215. Free Trade, NAFTA, and the Environment

HRP 240. Rethinking International Health

HUMBIO 129. Critical Issues in International Women's Health

HUMBIO 153. Parasites and Pestilence: Infectious Public Health Challenges

HUMBIO 156. Global HIV/AIDS (same as MED 256)

LATINAM 202/302. Human Ecology of the Amazon (same as ANTHRO 161B/261B)

LAW 605. International Environmental Law: Climate Change

MED 242. Physicians and Human Rights

MED 259. Oaxacan Health on Both Sides of the Border

OSPGEN 40. Community Health in Oaxaca

OSPSANTG 36. Darwin's South America

OSPSANTG 38. Research Topics: Indigenous Infections of South America

OSPSANTG 58. Living Chile: A Land of Extremes

OSPSANTG 85. Marine Ecology of Chile and the South Pacific


EARTHSYS 205. Political Economy of Energy Policy

EARTHSYS 215. Free Trade, NAFTA, and the Environment

ECON 101. Economic Policy Analysis

ECON 106. World Food Economy

ECON 118. Development Economics

ECON 127. Economics of Health Improvement in Developing Countries

ECON 147. Economics of Human Resources

ECON 156. Cooperative and Regulatory Approaches to Environmental Policy

ECON 165. International Finance

ECON 166. International Trade

ECON 214. Development Economics I

ECON 216. Development Economics II

ECON 265. International Economics I

ECON 266. International Economics II

ECON 315. Development Workshop

EDUC 131. Mediation for Dispute Resolution (same as PSYCH 152)

EDUC 306A. Education and Economic Development

EDUC 306Y. Economic Support Seminar for Education and Economic Development

EDUC 387A/387B. Workshop: Comparative Studies of Educational and Political Systems (same as SOC 311A/B)

INTNLREL 147. The Political Economy of the Southern Cone of South America

INTNLREL 148. Economic Integration of the Americas

INTNLREL 149. The Economics and Political Economy of the Multilateral Trade System

IPS 203. Issues in International Economics

IPS 221A. Globalization and its Discontents: An Introduction to International Political Economy

IPS 230. Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (same as INTNLREL 114D, POLISCI 114D/314D)

IPS 241. International Security in a Changing World (same as POLISCI 114S)

IPS 250. International Conflict: Management and Resolution (same as POLISCI 210R/310R, PSYCH 383)

IPS 263. Energy Cooperation in the Western Hemisphere (same as EARTHSYS 132/232)

LAW 330. International Human Rights

LAW 461. Foreign and International Legal Research

LAW 582. Latin American Law

LAW 611. International Conflict Resolution Colloquium

LAW 661. Advanced Negotiation: International

OSPSANTG 65. Economic History of the Southern Cone from Liberalism to Neoliberalism and Beyond

OSPSANTG 116X. Modernization and its Discontents: Chilean Politics at the Turn of the Century

OSPSANTG 119X. The Chilean Economy: History, International Relations, and Development Strategies

OSPSANTG 129X. Latin America in the International System

OSPSANTG 130X. Latin American Economies in Transition

OSPSANTG 141X. Politics and Culture in Chile

OSPSANTG 160X. Latin America in the International Economy

OSPSANTG 221X. Political Transition and Democratic Consolidation: Chile in Comparative Perspective

POLISCI 125S. Chicano/Latino Politics

POLISCI 136S. Justice (same as PHIL 171/271, ETHICSOC 171, PUBLPOL 103C/307, IPS 208)

POLISCI 144T. Democracies and Dictatorships

POLISCI 215. Explaining Ethnic Violence

POLISCI 242. Political Economy of Oil and Other Resources

POLISCI 243R. Research Seminar in Democratization and Human Rights

POLISCI 248S. Latin American Politics

PUBLPOL 305B. Public Policy and Social Psychology: Implications and Applications (same as IPS 207B, PSYCH 216)

POLISCI 440B. Political Economy of Development (same as HISTORY 378E)

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