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Bulletin Archive

This archived information is dated to the 2009-10 academic year only and may no longer be current.

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Division of International, Comparative and Area Studies

Director: Andrew Walder

Advisory Committee: Shahzad Bashir (Religious Studies), Judith Goldstein (Political Science), Aron Rodrigue (History), Kenneth Schultz (Political Science), Andrew Walder (Sociology), K�ren E. Wigen (History)

Directors' Committee: Keith Baker (History), Shazhad Bashir (Religious Studies), Carl Bielefeldt (Religious Studies), Philippe Buc (History), Charlotte Fonrobert (Religious Studies), Paul Harrison (Religious Studies), Linda Hess (Religious Studies), Herbert Klein (History), Abbas Milani (Hoover), Richard Roberts (History), Aron Rodrigue (History), Gabriella Safran (Slavic Languages and Literatures), Kenneth Schultz (Political Science), Vered Shemtov (Language Center), Stephen J. Stedman (Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies), Andrew Walder (Sociology), Amir Weiner (History), K�ren E. Wigen (History)

Division Office: Encina Hall West, second floor

Mail Code: 94305-6045

Web Site:

The Division of International, Comparative and Area Studies (ICA) supports research and teaching in the cultures and societies of the world, and studies the problems facing developing societies as they seek to end their poverty and social and economic inequalities. ICA promotes new centers of teaching excellence in traditional areas of historical and cultural concerns, as well as promoting interdisciplinary activities related to developing new ideas for dealing with fundamental issues of justice, equality, and growth within nation states, cultures, and regions.

The Division of International, Comparative and Area Studies is comprised of research centers, degree granting programs, and religion and cultural centers: Center for African Studies*; Center for East Asian Studies*; Center for European Studies; Center for Latin American Studies* ; Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies*; Center for South Asia; Ford Dorsey Program in International Policy Studies*; France-Stanford Center for Interdisciplinary Studies; Hamid and Christina Moghadam Program in Iranian Studies; Mediterranean Studies Forum; Program in International Relations*; Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Center for Buddhist Studies at Stanford University; Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies; and the Taube Center for Jewish Studies*. Degree granting programs are denoted with an asterisk (*); the Taube Center for Jewish Studies oversees an Individually Designed Major.

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