ENGR108: Introduction to Matrix Methods

Julia Costacurta, Stanford University, Summer 2024


There will be two midterm exams in the course. The midterms will have questions on them somewhat similar to the homework and additional exercises we have developed, and so doing the homework will serve as excellent practice for the exams. We will list practice exams that consist of lists of problems from the book.


Each midterm counts for 20% of your grade. They will be closed-book, except that you may bring in one (1) double-sided piece of paper with notes on it.

Midterm 1 will be on Monday, July 22, in class.

To practice for this midterm, we recommend working through section and textbook problems. A prior exam (from a different instructor) is attached here with solutions for your reference.

Midterm 2 will be during the Registrar-scheduled final exam slot.