Assignment-related links:
Current Assignment Trailer:
# Name Due Handout Code Files Sample Output
1 Fauxtoshop
FRI, 10/2, 5:00PM Handout Starter Code
  • Choose color-wheel.gif, scatter, 10: Output (random; will not match exactly)
  • Choose stanford-oval.jpg, edge detection, threshold 30: Output
  • Choose kitten.jpg, green screen, cat-green.jpg, threshold 60, (300,50): Output
2 ADTs: WordLadder, Two flavors of AI
[no trailer]
FRI, 10/9, 5:00PM Handout
10/4: handout updated to correct typo (see this piazza post)
10/7: handout updated to correct typo (see this piazza post)
Starter Code Word Ladder (it is ok if your ladder is different, as long as it is the same length and valid):
  1. code -> data (dictionary.txt)
  2. code -> data (smalldict1.txt)
  3. various (dictionary.txt)
  4. various (dictionary.txt)
N-Grams (since these are random, you won't match exactly; good for checking format of intro messages etc.):
  1. tiny
  2. hamlet
  3. tomsawyer
  4. ladygaga
  5. tiny
We also have demo solutions for this assignment, written by Marty Stepp (how to run demos). [Word Ladder Demo] [N-Grams Demo]
3 Recursion Part 1: Warm-Ups
FRI, 10/16, 5:00PM Handout Starter Code
10/9 9pm: starter code and sample outputs updated to include faster pyramid option, const parameters
4 Recursion Part 2: Boggle
WED, 10/21, 5:00PM Handout Starter Code
We also have a demo solution for this assignment, written by Marty Stepp (how to run demos). [Boggle Demo]
5 Priority Queue
[no trailer]
WED, 11/4, 5:00PM Handout
(Binomial Heap Extension)
Starter Code
[you need to match the provided .h interfaces without changing them, but there is no console or other output that you need to match]
6 Huffman Code WED, 11/11, 5:00PM Handout
Starter Code
There is a demo solution jar for this assignment, written by Marty Stepp (how to run demos). [Huffman Demo]
7 Trailblazer WED, 11/18, 5:00PM Handout
Starter Code
There is a demo solution jar for this assignment, written by Marty Stepp (how to run demos). [Trailblazer Demo]
8 Final Project FRI, 12/4, 5:00PM 11:59PM Handout
(handout explaining GUI extensions can be found here)
Starter Code
(updated 22:15 PST on 12/01)
There is a demo solution executable file (one for Mac, one for Windows) for this assignment (with a different GUI--expected behavior should still be the same, even if the GUI looks different). Make sure you run the executable (not the JAR) for this assignment. [Stanford 1-2-3 Demo]
How to run demos (not available for all assignments):
Some assignments offer a solution 'demo' that you can run to see the program's expected behavior. On many machines, all you have to do is download the .jar file, then double-click it to run it. But on some Macs, it won't work; your operating system will say that it doesn't know how to launch the file. If you have that issue, download the file, go to the Downloads folder in your Finder, right-click on the file, and click Open, and then press Confirm. (Thanks a lot to Tommy Fang for the tip!)