Lecture Videos
Julie Zelenski's 2008 offering of CS 106B was recorded by SCPD and put on Youtube.
Though the course has changed somewhat since then, the videos are still useful, so we post them here for you to view.
Please note that the Stanford C++ library has changed somewhat since 2008, so when Julie talks about various library classes or their functions, some of the names or behavior may be different now. We're sorry for the inconvenience. In general the concepts are the same even if a function's name may have changed slightly over the years.
- collections start at
recursion starts at
(pow, isPalindrome, binarySearch, subsets)
(fractals, sierpinski, mondrian, towers of Hanoi, permutations)
(permutations, subsets, isAnagram, 8 queens)
(sudoku, cryptarithmetic)
pointers start at
(done recursively)
sorting starts at
(incl. merge sort, start of quick sort)
templates start at
objects start at
implementing Map starts at
(not much material here)
(guest lecturer: Keith Schwarz)
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