REM Code for
injectHWPNPfix.bat ECHO Mount Writeable the Target\VistaPE-Core\vistape.wim file pause copy hw.txt \mounted_wim\windows\system32\hw.bat copy pgpscript.txt \mounted_wim\ REM make sure ImageX and WimFltr end up on in VistaPE.wim copy "Projects\VistaPE-Core\App\Disk Tools\imagex\files\imagex.exe" \mounted_wim\windows\system32\ copy "Projects\VistaPE-Core\App\Disk Tools\imagex\files\intlcfg.exe" \mounted_wim\windows\system32\ copy "Projects\VistaPE-Core\App\Disk Tools\imagex\files\wimgapi.dll" \mounted_wim\windows\system32\ copy "Projects\VistaPE-Core\App\Disk Tools\imagex\files\wimfltr.inf" \mounted_wim\windows\system32\ copy "Projects\VistaPE-Core\App\Disk Tools\imagex\files\wimfltr.sys" \mounted_wim\windows\system32\ REM The below lines will copy over the tools folder so that you can run stuff without REM booting from the USB Thumb drive. Useful for running the tools Live under the real REM system OS. It also deletes the extra vistape.cfg which isn't needed since there's REM one in vistape.wim already cd Target\VistaPE-Core\ del vistape.cfg md Tools cd Tools xcopy "c:\Mounted_Wim\Program Files\*.*" /s cd .. cd .. reg load HKLM\PE-SYS c:\mounted_wim\Windows\system32\config\system Reg Add "HKLM\PE-SYS\ControlSet001\Services\vds\Alignment" /t Reg_Dword /v LessThan4GB /d 0 /f Reg Add "HKLM\PE-SYS\ControlSet001\Services\vds\Alignment" /t Reg_Dword /v Between4_8GB /d 0 /f Reg Add "HKLM\PE-SYS\ControlSet001\Services\vds\Alignment" /t Reg_Dword /v Between8_32GB /d 0 /f Reg Add "HKLM\PE-SYS\ControlSet001\Services\vds\Alignment" /t Reg_Dword /v GreaterThan32GB /d 0 /f reg unload HKLM\PE-SYS ECHO Don't forget to delete the Target\VistaPE-Core\Tools\Java folder! ECHO Commit Changes to the Target\VistaPE-Core\vistape.wim file pause |
::Code for hw.bat ::HWPnP.exe +all /u /a /log /p /d ::HWPnP.exe +all -storage\volume -USB\ROOT_HUB +USB\ /log /p /u /d+ /a |