The Genius Drive Revamp Project

(OR Creating a VistaPE USB bootable thumb drive with PGP by Varun Tansuwan)

Table of Contents

Back to VII. Adding Drivers

Forward to IX. Creating ISO/USB Drive

VIII. Minor Customization

a. In Winbuilder

1. under Main Configuration we set the Grub4Dos skin to Text.

2. Under Base\BS Explorer 2 set the Desktop Label to CRC Genius VerNo

b. Under Addons disable Map Network Drive (this shortcut doesn’t work).

c. Under Addons disable Ruslat – small keyboard indicator

d. Under Addons disable Total Commander

e. Under Tweaks disable VistaPE Expansion Pack

f. Under Security disable DiskCryptor 0.4

g. Under Finalize\CreateISO/CD/USB change the Volume name to GeniusVerNo (no spaces or special chars here).

h. When formatting the volume to begin with I typically use FAT32 quick format and name the volume the same here GeniusVerno.

i. Fix for hw.bat file I put the following code in a injectHWPNPfix.bat file in the Winbuilder folder. Go to the c:\winbuilder076\target folder then right-click on the vistape.wim file and choose “mount as writeable”. Now run the injectHWPNPfix.bat file to replace the contents of hw.bat then right-click again on the vistape.wim file and choose “Commit Changes”.

Note: This batch file additionally ensures imagex and wimfilter ends up on the image. It also copies the tools folder from the VistaPE.wim file out so that it's usable without booting the VistaPE.wim file. Useful if you don't want to boot off the CD or USB Thumb/Hard Drive but still want to access the tools folder.

2nd Note: The Registry loading addresses an issue with using diskpart under VistaPE see and (thanks to Jaclaz for this one)

REM Code for injectHWPNPfix.bat
ECHO Mount Writeable the Target\VistaPE-Core\vistape.wim file
copy hw.txt \mounted_wim\windows\system32\hw.bat
copy pgpscript.txt \mounted_wim\
REM make sure ImageX and WimFltr end up on in VistaPE.wim
copy "Projects\VistaPE-Core\App\Disk Tools\imagex\files\imagex.exe" \mounted_wim\windows\system32\
copy "Projects\VistaPE-Core\App\Disk Tools\imagex\files\intlcfg.exe" \mounted_wim\windows\system32\
copy "Projects\VistaPE-Core\App\Disk Tools\imagex\files\wimgapi.dll" \mounted_wim\windows\system32\
copy "Projects\VistaPE-Core\App\Disk Tools\imagex\files\wimfltr.inf" \mounted_wim\windows\system32\
copy "Projects\VistaPE-Core\App\Disk Tools\imagex\files\wimfltr.sys" \mounted_wim\windows\system32\
REM The below lines will copy over the tools folder so that you can run stuff without 
REM booting from the USB Thumb drive. Useful for running the tools Live under the real
REM system OS. It also deletes the extra vistape.cfg which isn't needed since there's
REM one in vistape.wim already
cd Target\VistaPE-Core\
del vistape.cfg
md Tools
cd Tools

xcopy "c:\Mounted_Wim\Program Files\*.*" /s

cd ..
cd ..
cd ..
reg load HKLM\PE-SYS c:\mounted_wim\Windows\system32\config\system
Reg Add "HKLM\PE-SYS\ControlSet001\Services\vds\Alignment" /t Reg_Dword /v LessThan4GB /d 0 /f
Reg Add "HKLM\PE-SYS\ControlSet001\Services\vds\Alignment" /t Reg_Dword /v Between4_8GB /d 0 /f
Reg Add "HKLM\PE-SYS\ControlSet001\Services\vds\Alignment" /t Reg_Dword /v Between8_32GB /d 0 /f
Reg Add "HKLM\PE-SYS\ControlSet001\Services\vds\Alignment" /t Reg_Dword /v GreaterThan32GB /d 0 /f
reg unload HKLM\PE-SYS
ECHO Don't forget to delete the Target\VistaPE-Core\Tools\Java folder!
ECHO Commit Changes to the Target\VistaPE-Core\vistape.wim file
::Code for hw.bat
::HWPnP.exe +all /u /a /log /p /d
::HWPnP.exe +all -storage\volume -USB\ROOT_HUB +USB\ /log /p /u /d+ /a

Forward to IX. Creating ISO/USB Drive

Back to VII. Adding Drivers

Table of Contents

Last Update 07-28-2009