The Genius Drive Revamp Project
(OR Creating a VistaPE USB bootable
thumb drive with PGP by Varun Tansuwan)
VI. Adding Scripts
To make the VistaPE more useful we need
to add more scripts and files.
A number of these can be grabbed just by going back to Download under
the main Winbuilder page.

a. Creating
Vista Source Folder
1. This can be
created in multiple ways. First create a C:\VistaSP1Source folder. The
main goal is to extract the install.wim file from a Vista SP1 folder
(suggest Business/Enterprise/Ultimate)
2. If Vista Ultimate SP1 install
disk is in your d:\
then d:\sources\install.wim is the file you want to extract, go ahead
right-click on the file and choose mount. If the mount option
doesn’t appear then you will need to setup the wim mounter,
section {III.b} setting up WIM Mounter. Then go to the c:\mounted_wim
folder and copy the Windows and Program Files folder to the
C:\VistaSP1Source folder
b. Suggested Scripts
Addons\Ext3 Installable
(accessing linux partitions)
App\Administrative Tools\Registry Loader PE v1.0.12
(Access registry)
App\Data Recovery\GetDataBack for FAT/NTFS
(requires modified
Addons\common) (Data
Recovery, requires registration, included in vktmod_winbuilder below)
App\Diagnostic\Advanced PCI Info Utility
(Hardware check tool)
App\Diagnostic\Cpuz v1.49
(CPU + Memory ID, included in vktmod_winbuilder below) )
App\Diagnostic\HDDScan 2.x
(Hard drive diag)
App\Diagnostic\HDTune 2.54
(Hard drive diag)
App\Diagnostic\CPUID Hardware Monitor
(ZCPUID identifies memory and CPU)
App\Diagnostic\System Information Viewer
(Hardware check tool)
App\Diagnostic\Unknown Device Identifier
(More Device Manager tools)
App\Disk Tools\ImageX with WimFltr and FltMgr
(WinVista+ Imaging tool)
App\Disk Tools\MbrFix + GUI
(MBR Fixing utility)
App\Disk Tools\MBRWizard
(MBR Fixing utility)
App\File Tools\Foxit PDF Reader 2.3
(PDF Reader)
App\File Tools\Xnview 1.93.4
(Image viewer)
App\Network\Putty 0.60 (Full)
(ssh terminal)
App\Network\UltraVNC Client and Server
(VNC Remote Desk client/server)
(desktop background
information gatherer)
OtherOS\Memtest86+ 2.01
(Memory diagnostics)
of these were modified so that they will work with a combination
of the Vista SP1/Server 2008 WAIK with the VistaSP1Source folder. This
allows things that require the WAIK as a build base (namely PGP because
it crashes if you don’t build with the WAIK), and pieces of a
Vista DVD. If you would like to modify the scripts yourself the main
things I’ve changed/removed from the scripts is a check for
VistaCD as source and redirects for downloads to the c:\VistaSP1Source
folder created earlier from extracting the install.wim file (see
VI. a. Creating Vista Source
Addons\Common components
see above
Addons\Support for running *.cpl files
Addons\Common DLL
see above
see above
Addons\Remote Desktop Connection
see above
Base\Additional Files and Drivers
see above
The Additional Files and Drivers script includes fixes for
hotplugging USB detection listed at
Note: If you have problems with detecting USB keyboards and mice or
using hubs
or detecting the USB removable drives add the following lines to
Base\Additional Files and Drivers
(c:\Winbuilder076\Projects\VistaPE-Core\Base\04-additonional.script) at
the end
of the [Process] section. The file in the is
already modified
this way. (Thanks to CTMag for this fix)
This fix allows for hotplugging usb devices as well. It allows you
to remove the Genius Drive from the machine after boot is completed
since everything is loaded in memory already from the VistaPE.wim file
then attach another USB storage device and have it detect and mount
properly (sometimes takes a while and may have to refresh
Also when this is done it's best to add a line in the
injectHWPNPfix.bat file to delete the vistape.cfg in the folder
c:\Winbuilder076\Target\VistaPE-Core\ otherwise you may get a dialog
prompting the presence of a new VistaPE.cfg file every time on boot up.
App\Disk Tools\Ghost11 script included
here but you will have to
provide your own Ghost files and add them in under the ghost11 folder
using buttons on the left, the Add, and New Folder buttons. Ghost is
commercial software and so only the script and not the executables are
included in the file above.
App\Disk Tools\Radis Files
App\File Tools\Windiff – File Compare
see above vktmod_winbuilder
Optional - Parted Magic 4.3+ You can find the script at the link
below: (note this part can fail in build if you don't have an internet
connection of if a Parted Magic site is down)
Thanks to JonF for the script.
Optional - Derek’s Boot and Nuke version 2 (DBAN)
see above
and see notes below.
this, after running a build, run the mod_dbanonly.bat file from inside
the WorkingDBAN_PartedMagic36folder, this will extract the proper files
into the target folder.
Then go back into the Finalize\Create ISO/CD/USB and click the Create a
new ISO file button to update the VistaPE-Core.iso file or if
you’re doing a USB thumb drive, use the Make USB boot device
button. Note: if you’re doing PGP injection then this repackaging
should come after both mod.bat and injectpgp.bat files have been run.
Last Update 07-28-2009