The Genius Drive Revamp Project

(OR Creating a VistaPE USB bootable thumb drive with PGP by Varun Tansuwan)

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Back to VI. Adding Scripts

Forward to VIII. Minor Customization

VII. Adding Drivers

a. Requires mustang (Paul Larini)’s “add drivers” script. This is the original version available from

For more information see also: Mudcrab’s guide to adding drivers to VistaPE

b. Extract to get AddDrivers.script and copy this into your c:\WinBuilder076\Projects\VistaPE-Core\Drivers folder

c. Once you put the AddDriverX.script file into the right folder (you probably have to close then reopen winbuilder for it to refresh the list. You should be able to locate it under a 2nd Drivers section. The below is an example of what you should see.

Note: do not put spaces in any of the paths or filenames. Also don’t forget to hit the Save button after adding a driver.
Winbuilder Add Drivers

d. The script only allows 5 drivers to be inserted at a time via their INF files but you can copy multiple scripts into the Drivers folder with suffix numbers.

1. For example. AddDrivers1.script AddDrivers2.script AddDrivers3.script AddDrives4.script will allow you to add up to 20 drivers. Here are some example files.

2. I tend to break them up into category/manufacturer, here are some example files that go with and to use them extract them so the driver folders end up in c:\VistaPEDrivers
I suggest adding the Apple USB to Ethernet and the Nintendo WII Usb Ethernet adapter by DATEL (uses ASIX AX88772 chipset) as these two USB Ethernet dongles are easy to find and are fairly cheap. The Nintendo one has an advantage in that it has an activity light indicator which comes in handy sometimes. It also has dedicated driver support for Mac/Win/Unix platforms. The Apple adapter is smaller and more portable but requires a modified unsupported .INF driver file (included in the above file. Read the script description tags lines for full list of drivers included.

Nintendo WII USB Ethernet adapter by DATEL $25

Apple USB Ethernet adapter $30

3. I suggest unchecking “pause after each driver is installed” unless debugging.

Forward to VIII. Minor Customization

Back to VI. Adding Scripts

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Last Update 06-17-2009