Andrzej (Andy) Skrzypacz
- Research

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Published/Forthcoming Papers

"Tacit Collusion in Repeated Auctions" with Hugo Hopenhayn (2004), Journal of Economic Theory, 114 (1), pp. 153-169.
full version of the paper is Stanford GSB research paper # 1698R2, August 2001 (this version contains corrected proofs);
(Previously known as "Bidding Rings in Repeated Auctions", RCER working paper #463, July 1999)

"Uncertainty about uncertainty and delay in bargaining" with Yossi Feinberg (2005), Econometrica 73 (1) pp. 69-91.
A p
revious version (with a different set of equilibria) is: Stanford GSB Research Paper No. 1765, September 2002.

"Bidding with Securities - Auctions and Security Design" with Peter DeMarzo and Ilan Kremer (2005), American Economic Review 95 (4) pp. 936 - 959. Online Appendix
(received Best Paper award, 14th Utah Winter Finance Conference, 2004)

"Inflation and Price Setting in a Natural Experiment" with Jerzy D. Konieczny (2005), Journal of Monetary Economics 52(3), pp. 621-632. Link to the journal's website, Stanford GSB Research Paper #1695, July 2001.

"Network Externalities and Long-Run Market Shares" with Matthew Mitchell (2006), Economic Theory 29 (3) pp. 621-648.

"Dynamic signaling and market breakdown" with Ilan Kremer (2007), Journal of Economic Theory 133 (1) pp. 58-82.
Additional examples are in the working paper version
"Ratings, certifications and grades: dynamic signaling and market breakdown" Stanford GSB Research Paper No. 1814RR.

"Collusion under Monitoring of Sales" with Joseph E. Harrington, Jr. (2007), RAND Journal of Economics, 38(2), pp. 314-331.

"Impossibility of Collusion under Imperfect Monitoring with Flexible Production" with Yuliy Sannikov (2007), American Economic Review, 97(5), pp. 1794-1823.

"The role of information in repeated games with frequent actions" with Yuliy Sannikov (2010), Econometrica, 78(3), pp. 847–882 Plus, Supplementary Material with additional proofs.

"Bargaining with Arrival of New Traders" with William Fuchs (2010) American Economic Review 100 (3), pp. 802–36. ONLINE APPENDIX

"Private Monitoring and Communication in Cartels: Explaining Recent Collusive Practices" with Joseph Harrington (2011), American Economic Review 101(6), 2425–49. (Appendix)

"Using Spectrum Auctions to Enhance Competition in Wireless Services" with Peter Cramton, Evan Kwerel and Gregory Rosston (2011), Journal of Law and Economics 54(4), pp.167-188.

"Beliefs and Private Monitoring" with Christopher Phelan (2012). Review of Economic Studies 79(4), pp. 1637-1660.
This project has been previously called "Private Monitoring with Infinite Histories".
MATLAB ROUTINES to compute the belief sets described in the paper (ZIP file containing the main program and sub-routines)

"Lattice Games and the Economics of Aggregators." with Patrick Jordan, Uri Nadav, Kunal Punera, and George Varghese (2012), Proceedings of 21st International World Wide Web (WWW 2012).

"Bridging the Gap: Bargaining with Interdependent Values" with William Fuchs (2013). Journal of Economic Theory 148: 1226–1236.. ONLINE APPENDIX

"Bargaining with Deadlines and Private Information" with William Fuchs (2013). American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 5(4): 219-43..

"Auctions with Contingent Payments - an Overview" (2013). International Journal of Industrial Organization 31(5): 666-675. (Special Issue: Selected Papers, European Association for Research in Industrial Economics 39th Annual Conference, Rome, Italy, September 2-4, 2012).

"Rules With Discretion and Local Information" (2013) with Renee Bowen and David Kreps. Quarterly Journal of Economics 128(3): 1273-1320. ONLINE APPENDIX

"Limited Records and Reputation Bubbles" (2014) with Qingmin Liu. Journal of Economic Theory 151:2-29.

"Not Only What but also When - A Theory of Dynamic Voluntary Disclosure.” (2014) with Ilan Guttman and Ilan Kremer. American Economic Review 104(8): 2400-2420. ONLINE APPENDIX

"Time Horizon and Cooperation in Continuous Time" (2015) with Maria Bigoni, Marco Casari and Giancarlo Spagnolo. Econometrica 83(2): 587-616. ONLINE APPENDIX

"A Theory of Market Pioneers, Dynamic Capabilities and Industry Evolution" (2015) with Matthew Mitchell. Management Science 61(7), pp.1598-1614.
This is a new paper and model that was motivated by our suspended paper
"A Theory of Market Pioneers". (2009, revised 2011).

"Mechanisms for Repeated Trade" (2015) with Juuso Toikka (previously "Mechanisms for Repeated Bargaining." American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 7(4), pp. 252-93.

"Recall and Private Monitoring" (2015) with Christopher Phelan. Games and Economic Behavior 90:162–17.

"Government Interventions in a Dynamic Market with Adverse Selection" (2015) with William Fuchs, Journal of Economic Theory 158, pp. 371-406.

"Revenue Management with Forward-Looking Buyers" (2016) with Simon Board. Journal of Political Economy. 124(4), pp.1046-1087.
(previously titled "Optimal Dynamic Auctions for Durable Goods: Posted Prices and Fire-sales."

"Selling Information" (2016) with Johannes Hörner. Journal of Political Economy 124(6) 1515-1562.

"Transparency and Distressed Sales under Asymmetric Information" (2016) with William Fuchs and Aniko Öry. Theoretical Economics 11(3) pp. 1103–1144.

"Properties of the Combinatorial Clock Auction" (2016) with Jonathan Levin. American Economic Review 106(9), pp. 2528-2551. ONLINE APPENDIX

"Dynamic Certification and Reputation for Quality" (2018) with Ivan Marinovic and Felipe Varas. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 10(2), pp. 58-82.

"Test Design and Minimum Standards." (2019) with Peter DeMarzo and Ilan Kremer. American Economic Review. 109 (6), pp. 2173-2207.

"Costs and Benefits of Dynamic Trading in a Lemons Market" (2019) with William Fuchs. Review of Economic Dynamics 33, pp. 105-127.

"Persuading the Principal To Wait." (2020) with Dmitry Orlov, and Pavel Zryumov. Journal of Political Economy 128(7): 2542–2578. ONLINE APPENDIX

"Random Inspections and Periodic Reviews: Optimal Dynamic Monitoring" (2020) with Felipe Varas and Ivan Marinovic. Review of Economic Studies 87(6):2893-2937.   ONLINE APPENDIX

"Reclaiming Spectrum from Incumbents in Inefficiently Allocated Bands: Transaction Costs, Competition, and Flexibility" (2021) with Gregory Rosston. Telecommunications Policy 45(7).  

"Artificial Intelligence and Auction Design" (2022) with Martino Banchio Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC ‘22) - extended abstract

"Design of Macro-Prudential Stress Tests." (2023) with Dmitry Orlov, and Pavel Zryumov. Review of Financial Studies 36(11): 4460-4501. 

"Disclosing a Random Walk." (2024) with Ilan Kremer and Amnon Schreiber. Journal of Finance 79: 1123-1146.

"Persuasion with Multiple Actions" (2024) with Davit Khantadze and Ilan Kremer. Forthcoming in Journal of Political Economy.

Book Chapters

"An Economic Theory of Dynamic Capabilities" (2016) with April Franco and Matthew Mitchell, in “Oxford Handbook on Dynamic Capabilities” Editors:  Sunyoung Lee and David J. Teece.

"Learning, Experimentation and Information Design." (2016) with Johannes Hörner. Survey prepared for the Econometric Summer Meetings in Montreal, 2015.

"Dynamic Bargaining with Private Information"(2022) with William Fuchs. A survey chapter prepared for a volume "Bargaining: Current Research and Future Directions" In: Karagözoglu, E., Hyndman, K.B. (eds) Bargaining. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Working Papers:

"Dynamic Trading: Price Inertia and Front-Running" (2016) with Yuliy Sannikov.

"Incentive Design for Talent Discovery" (2020) with Erik Madsen and Basil Williams

"Spoofing in Equilibrium" (2024) with Basil Williams. R&R at Journal of Finance.

"Credible Informed Seller" (2024) with Martino Banchio and Frank Yang

"Investment Decisions, Voluntary Disclosure, Myopia, and Bounded Inefficiency" (2023) with  Ilan Guttman, Ilan Kremer, and Elyashiv Wiedman

"Reward Schemes for Autonomous Workers" (2023) with  Erik Madsen and Basil Williams.

"The Importance of Being Even: Restitution and Cooperation" (2024) with  Maria Bigoni, Marco Casari, Andrea Salvanti, and Giancarlo Spagnolo.

"Pure-Strategy Equilibrium in the Generalized First-Price Auction" (2022) with  Michael Ostrovsky.

"Trading Information" (2022) with  Dmitry Orlov and Pavel Zryumov.

"Artificial Intelligence and Auction Design" (2022) with Martino Banchio. Exemplary AI Track Paper Award EC2022.

"School Choice with Information Inequality" (2023) with Negar Matoorian.


Unfinished projects:

"Information Aggregation and the Information Content of Order Statistics" with Ilan Kremer (2003, revised 2005).

"Auction Selection by an Informed Seller" with Ilan Kremer (March 2004).

"Bargaining under Asymmetric Information and the Hold-up Problem" (April 2004).

"Optimal selling rules for repeated transactions" with Ilan Kremer - early notes PDF

"Search, Costly Price Adjustment and the Frequency of Price Changes –Theory and Evidence.", with Jerzy D. Konieczny (first draft February 2001, current version July 2006).
This paper has both a theory part, in which we construct a market equilibrium with costly search and costly price adjustment in inflationary environment; and an empirical part, where we test some of its implications. Previous title "New Test of the Menu Cost model"

"The Behavior of Price Dispersion in a Natural Experiment", with Jerzy D. Konieczny
- Stanford GSB Research Paper No. 1641, July 2000




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