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photo of Carolynn Patten Carolynn Patten, PhD, PT
Associate Professor

University of Florida
Departments of Physical Therapy, Neurology and Applied Physiology & Kinesiology
Box 100154, UFHSC
Gainesville, FL  32610-0154

Leader, Upper Extremity Research Initiative
Brain Rehabilitation Research Center
Malcom Randall VA Medical Center
1601 SW Archer Rd. (151A)
Gainesville, FL  32608-1197

352/376-1611 x4160
352/379-2332 fax
University of Florida webpage


1975 - 1980 University of Washington BA Kinesiology
1990 - 1992 Boston University MS, PT Physical Therapy
Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
1995 - 1998 University of Massachusetts Amherst PhD Exercise Science (Motor Control)

Research Interests

My research focuses on understanding neurological and biomechanical mechanisms contributing to weakness in age-related and neurological disorders, especially post-stroke hemiplegia. Accordingly, this line of inquiry is relevant for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of neurorehabilitation. I use a combination of techniques from neurophysiology, clinical electrophysiology, human performance, and functional imaging to perform studies in humans. As a result, my research crosses multiple disciplines including motor control, biomechanics, physiology, clinical medicine, and rehabilitation, with the common goal of understanding the neural regulation of muscle force and its role in movement control.


American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
Sections on Research and Neurology
Society for Neuroscience (SNS)
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

Current Collaborators



Invited Presentations

Recently Presented Research (abstracts and posters)

Honors and Awards

PattenLab Personnel

PattenLab Alumnae


Last updated 09/11/2007