| People | Patten
Peer Reviewed Articles
Chen G and Patten C. "Treadmill Training with Harness
Support: Selection of training parameters for individuals with post-stroke
hemiparesis." in press, J. Rehabilitation R&D.
Kautz SA, Patten C, and Neptune R. "Does Unilateral Pedaling
Activate a Rhythmic Locomotor Pattern in the Non-pedaling Leg in Post-stroke
Hemiparesis?" in press, Journal of Neurophysiology.
Clark DJ, Condliffe EG, and Patten C. "Reliability of
Concentric and Eccentric Torque During Isokinetic Knee Extension in Post-stroke
Hemiparesis." Clinical Biomechanics, 21(4): 395-404, 2006.
Chen G, Patten C, Kothari D, and Zajac FE. "Gait deviations
associated with post-stroke hemiparesis: Improvement during treadmill walking
using weight support, speed, support stiffness, and handrail hold."
Gait and Posture, 22(1): 57-62, 2005.
Chen G, Patten C, Kothari D, and Zajac FE. "Gait differences
between individuals with post-stroke hemiparesis and non-disabled controls at
matched speeds." Gait and Posture, 22(1): 51-56, 2005.
Condliffe EG, Clark DJ, and Patten C. Reliability of Elbow
Stretch Reflex Assessment in Chronic Post-stroke Hemiparesis, Clinical
Neurophysiology, 116(8): 1870-1878, 2005.
Kautz SA and Patten, C. "Interlimb Influences on Paretic Leg
Function in Post-stroke Hemiparesis." Journal of Neurophysiology,
93(5): 2460-73, 2005.
Flansbjer U-B, Holmback AM, Downham D, Patten, C, and Lexell J.
"Reliability of Gait Performance Tests in Men and Women with Hemiparesis
After Stroke." Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 37: 75-82, 2005.
Kim CM, Kothari DH, Lum PS, and Patten, C. "Reliability of
Dynamic Muscle Performance in the Hemiparetic Upper-Limb." Journal of
Neurologic Physical Therapy, 29(1): 9-17, 2005.
Lum PS, Patten C, Kothari D,
and Yap R. Effects of velocity and angle on elbow torque during isokinetic
strength testing in post-stroke hemiparesis,
Muscle & Nerve, 30: 732-42, 2004.
Chen G, Patten C, Kothari D,
and Zajac FE. Gait deviations associated with post-stroke hemiparesis:
Improvement during treadmill walking using weight support, speed, support
stiffness, and handrail hold. Gait and
Posture, in press.
Chen G, Patten C, Kothari D,
and Zajac FE. Gait differences between individuals with post-stroke hemiparesis
and non-disabled controls at matched speeds,
Gait and Posture, in press.
Patten C, Lexell J, and Brown HE. Strength training in persons
with post-stroke hemiplegia: Rationale, Method, and Efficacy, J Rehab Res
Dev, 41(3A): 293-312, 2004.
Patten C, Kothari D, Whitney JA, Lexell J and Lum PS. Reliability
and Responsiveness of Elbow Trajectory-tracking in Chronic Post-stroke
Hemiparesis. J Rehab Res Dev, 40(6): 487-500, 2003.
Patten C, Meyer RA, and Fleckenstein JL. T2 mapping of muscle.
Dynamic and Functional Musculoskeletal ImagingSeminars in
Musculoskeletal Radiology, 7: 297-305, 2003.
Patten C, Horak FB, and Krebs DE. Head and body center of gravity
control strategies: adaptations following vestibular rehabilitation. Acta
Oto-Laryngologica, 123: 32-40, 2003.
Patten C, Kamen G, and Rowland DM. Adaptations in Maximal Motor
Unit Discharge Rate Following Strength Training in Young and Older Adults,
Muscle and Nerve 24: 542-550, 2001.
Patten C. Reeducating Force Control in Older Persons Through
Strength Training, Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 15(3), 46-58,
Patten C and Kamen G. Adaptations in Motor Unit Discharge
Activity with Force Control Training in Young and Older Adults, European
Journal of Applied Physiology, 83, 128-143, 2000.
Patten C. Motor Unit Firing Patterns and Age-related Changes,
PROCID Symposium on Muscular Disorders in Computer Users: Mechanisms and
Models. Copenhagen, 1999.
Leong B, Kamen G, Patten C, and Burke JR. Maximal Motor Unit
Discharge Rates in Older Weightlifters, Medicine and Science in Sports and
Exercise, 31(11), 1638-1644, 1999, p. 84-89.
Kamen G, Patten C, Du CC, and Certo CME. Accelerometry as a
Technique for Measuring Balance, Gerontology, 44: 40-45, 1998.
Kamen G, Sison SV, Du CC, and Patten C. Motor Unit Discharge
Rates During Maximal Effort in Older Adults, Journal of Applied Physiology,
79:1908-1913, 1995.
Patten C and Hillel AD. The Eleventh Nerve Syndrome: Accessory
Nerve Palsy or Adhesive Capsulitis?, Archives of Otolaryngology/Head and
Neck Surgery (119), February 1993.
- Book Chapters and Monographs
Patten C and Craik RL. "Sensorimotor Changes and Adaptation
in the Older Adult" Geriatric Physical Therapy, 2nd Edition,
Guccione, A.A., Editor. Mosby-Year Book, 2000.
Patten C. Review of Sedentary Life and Nutrition, Topics in
Geriatric Rehabilitation 8(4), June 1993.
Patten C. Steindorf, S. Principles of Physical Therapy, in
Outpatient Medicine, S. Fihn and S. McGee, Editors. W.B. Saunders & Co.,
Hillel AD and Patten C. Neck Dissection: Morbidity and
Rehabilitation, in Head and Neck Oncology, Third Edition, Charlotte Jacobs,
Editor. Klewer Academic Publishers, 1989.
- In Press - 2006
Clark, D.J., Condliffe, E.G., Patten, C., Activation Impairment
Alters Muscle Torque-velocity in Post-stroke Hemiparesis. in press,
Clinical Neurophysiology.
Last updated 10/10/2007