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Recently Presented Research
Clark D, Condliffe E, Patten C. "Reliability of Lower
Extremity Torque Production in Persons with Post-Stroke Hemiparesis."
American College of Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting, abstracted in Medicine and
Science in Sports and Exercise, June, 2005.
Jonkers I, Patten C, Arnold A, Delp S. "Does dynamic reflex
threshold of knee extensors predict musculo-tendon lengthening velocity during
hemiparetic gait?" Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society, Portland,
OR, April 2005.
Condliffe EG, Kothari DH, Lum PS, Patten C. High-intensity
resistance training improves reflex modulation in post-stroke hemiparesis.
Soc Neurosci Abstr, 2004.
Patten C, McGill KC, and D Kothari D. "Severity of Motor
Dysfunction Corresponds with Activation Impairment in Post-stroke
Hemiparesis". Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, November, 2004.
Condliffe EG, Kothari DH, Lum PS, and Patten C. "Clinical
Effects of Resistance Training Combined with Functional Motor Re-learning in
Post-stroke Hemipharesis". Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting,
November, 2004.
Patten C, Kothari DH, Condliffe E, Yap R, Northrop S, and Lum
PS. "Improvements in Dynamic Upper-extremity Strength and Motor Activation
following Resistance Training Combined with Functional Motor Relearning in
Post-stroke Hemiparesis". APTA Combined Sections Meeting, February, 2004,
abstracted in J. Neurol PT, December 2003.
Lum PS, Patten C, Kothari DH, and Yap R.
"Velocity-dependent deficits in torque production in post-stroke
hemiparesis". APTA Combined Sections Meeting, February, 2004, abstracted
in J. Neurol PT, December 2003.
Brown HE, Kothari DH, Yap R, Northrop S, Lum PS, and Patten C.
"Do Strength Gains Underlie Functional Improvement in Post-stroke
Hemiparesis?". APTA Combined Sections Meeting, February, 2004, abstracted
in J. Neurol PT, December 2003.
Kothari DH, Northrop S, Yap R, Condliffe E, Lum PS, and Patten C.
"Upper-extremity Strength Gains following High Intensity Resistance
Training Combined with Functional Motor Relearning in Post-stroke
Hemiparesis". APTA Combined Sections Meeting, February, 2004, abstracted
in J. Neurol PT, December 2003.
Northrop S, Brown HE, Kothari DH, Lum PS, and Patten C.
"Clinical Effects of Resistance Training Combined with Functional Motor
Re-learning in Post-stroke Hemiparesis" APTA Combined Sections Meeting,
February, 2004, abstracted in J. Neurol PT, December 2003.
Kautz SA, Patten C, Neptune RR, Worthen L, and Kim CM.
"Bilateral Coordination Deficits Differ with Post-stroke Motor Recovery
Status". Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, November, 2003,
Abstracted in Soc. for Neuroscience Abstracts, Vol.
Chen G, Patten C, Worthen LC, and Zajac FE. "Treadmill
walking with harness support: Mechanical energetics in a healthy and
hemiparetic subject". Intl Stroke Symp, Kansas City, KA, April
Patten C, Srisethnil J, Asakawa D, Wright GA, and Gold GE.
Imaging activation impairment in post-stroke hemiparesis. Intl Soc Magnetic
Resonance in Medicine, May 2002.
Patten C, Whitney JA, Kothari D, and Lum PS. "Reliability of
elbow trajectory tracking in chronic post-stroke hemiparesis". Proc 3rd
VA Natl Rehab Res Dev Conf, 2002.
Chen G, Patten C, Burgar CG, Kautz SA, and Zajac FE.
"Harness-support compliance in treadmill training of post-stroke
hemiparesis". 25th Ann Mtg Am Soc Biomech, San Diego, CA, pp
389-390, 2001.
Chen G, Schwandt D, Van der Loos HFM, Anderson J, Ferris DP, Zajac FE,
Kautz SA, Burgar CG, Patten C, Neptune RR, and Gordon KE.
"Compliance-adjustable, force-sensing harness support for studying
treadmill training in neurologically impaired subjects". Gait &
Posture, 13: 293-294, 2001.
Patten C, Gardner MC, Dickinson LM, McGill KC, and Zajac FE.
"Altered motor unit activity corresponds with weakness and locomotor
disability in post-stroke hemiparesis. Neurology Report, 24(5): 198,
Patten C, McGill KC, Rose J and Lateva A. "Common Drive
Among Concurrently Active Motor Units in Cerebral Palsy and Post-stroke
Hemiparesis. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 26: 462, 2000.
Patten C, Gardner M, McGill KC, and Zajac FE. "Motor Unit
Firing Patterns in Post-Stroke Hemiparesis", 2nd National Rehabilitation
Research and Development Service Meeting, Arlington, VA, February 20 - 22,
Kautz SA, Patten C, Neptune RR, and Harvey J. Interlimb
coordination influences on the excitation of paretic leg muscles during lower
limb tasks in persons with post-stroke hemiparesis. Soc Neurosci Abstr,
26: 163, 2000.
Patten C. Motor unit firing patterns in hemiplegia - identifying
mechanisms contributing to weakness in post-stroke hemiparesis. Am Soc
Neurorehabilitation, San Diego, CA, 2000.