| People | Patten
Invited Presentations
Patten C. "Dynamic High Intensity Resistance Training
Improves Upper Extremity Motor Function, Power and Reflex Modulation
Post-stroke." Invited contribution to symposium, "Upper Extremity
Motor Control and Rehabilitation," Biannual Motor Control Conference,
Varna, Bulgaria, September, 2005.
Patten C. "Evidence that both Motor Learning and strength
Training drive Upper-extremity recovery Post-stroke," contribution to
session: Neuroplasticity in Relation to Functional Recovery-What is the Human
Clinical Evidence? III-STEP (Summer Institute on Translating Evidence into
Practice: Linking Movement Science and Intervention), Salt Lake City, Utah,
July, 2005.
Patten C. "Emerging Technologies in Rehabilitation Research
& Development" Invited symposium at VA Senior Management Conference,
Washington, D.C., August, 2004.
Patten C. "How Foundation Research Facilitates Follow-on
Funding" Invited contribution to Symposium: Foundation Funding, Where It
Goes. Combined Sections Meeting, APTA, Nashville, TN, February, 2004.
Patten C. "Doctor, I cant get my strength
..why we are weak following stroke." Five College Life Sciences
Colloquiam (invited), Smith College, November 10, 2003.
Patten C. "Why is scientific research important to physical
therapy clinicians?" Invited contribution to Symposium: Foundation
Funding, Where It Goes. Combined Sections Meeting, APTA, Tampa, FL, February
Patten C. Identifying mechanisms of weakness in post-stroke
hemilegia. Seminar, Department of Physical Therapy and Biokinesiology,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, October 2002.
Patten C. Motor unit activity during isometric force production
in post-stroke hemiparesis. Seminar, Biomechanics and Movement Science
Program, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, December 2001.
Patten C. Is there evidence for neurorehabilitation practice?
Invited contribution to Symposium: Function-focused rehabilitation for the
neurologic patient. American Physical Therapy Assn. Annual Meeting &
Scientific Exposition, Anaheim, CA, June 2001.
Patten C. Motor unit firing patterns in post-stroke hemiparesis.
Seminar, Dept Physical Therapy and Movement Science, Northwestern
University, Evanston IL, April 2001.
Patten C. Towards understanding mechanisms of weakness in
post-stroke hemiparesis. Seminar, Biomechanical Engineering Program,
Stanford University, Stanford CA, February 2001.
Patten C. Identifying mechanisms of weakness in post-stroke
hemiparesis. Seminar, Department of Physical Therapy and Movement Science,
Boston University, Boston MA, December 2000.
Patten C. Motor Unit Firing Patterns in Hemiplegia: Identifying
Mechanisms Contributing to Weakness in Post-stroke Hemiparesis, Invited
contribution to Symposium: "From Gee Whiz to What Is?" American
Society of Neurorehabilitation, San Diego, CA, April 2000.
Patten C. Motor Unit Firing Patterns and Age Related Changes,
Invited presentation for symposium on "Motor unit firing patterns in
voluntary movements" International symposium on Motor control in human
voluntary upper limb precision tasks, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 25 -
27, 1999.
Patten C. Variability in Motor Unit Discharge Activity: Effects
on Force Regulation and Movement Control with Aging, Presentation for
Movement Control Symposium. International Society of Biomechanics,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, August 1999.
- Book Chapters and Monographs
Patten C and Craik RL. "Sensorimotor Changes and Adaptation
in the Older Adult" Geriatric Physical Therapy, 2nd Edition,
Guccione, A.A., Editor. Mosby-Year Book, 2000.
Patten C. Review of Sedentary Life and Nutrition, Topics in
Geriatric Rehabilitation 8(4), June 1993.
Patten C. Steindorf, S. Principles of Physical Therapy, in
Outpatient Medicine, S. Fihn and S. McGee, Editors. W.B. Saunders & Co.,
Hillel AD and Patten C. Neck Dissection: Morbidity and
Rehabilitation, in Head and Neck Oncology, Third Edition, Charlotte Jacobs,
Editor. Klewer Academic Publishers, 1989.