| Typos and thinkosInexhaustive list of known errors of a nontrivial nature in published papers.EH Dickey, NA Rosenberg (2025) Labeled histories with multifurcation and simultaneity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences 380: 20230307. [Abstract] [PDF]
JA Mooney, L Agranat-Tamir, JK Pritchard, NA Rosenberg (2023) On the number of genealogical ancestors tracing to the source groups of an admixed population. Genetics 224: iyad079. [Abstract] [PDF] [Supplement]
JA Palacios, A Bhaskar, F Disanto, NA Rosenberg (2022) Enumeration of binary trees compatible with a perfect phylogeny. Journal of Mathematical Biology 84: 54. [Abstract] [PDF]
MD Edge, BFB Algee-Hewitt, TJ Pemberton, JZ Li, NA Rosenberg (2017) Linkage disequilibrium matches forensic genetic records to disjoint genomic marker sets. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 114: 5671-5676. [Abstract] [PDF] [Supplement]
A Goldberg, P Verdu, NA Rosenberg (2014) Autosomal admixture levels are informative about sex bias in admixed populations. Genetics 198: 1209-1229. [Abstract] [PDF]
NM Kopelman, L Stone, O Gascuel, NA Rosenberg (2013) The behavior of admixed populations in neighbor-joining inference of population trees. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 18: 263-274. [Abstract] [PDF]
C Wang, S Zöllner, NA Rosenberg (2012) A quantitative comparison of the similarity between genes and geography in worldwide human populations. PLoS Genetics 8: e1002886. [Abstract] [Full-text at journal website] [PDF] [Supplement]
L Huang*, M Jakobsson*, TJ Pemberton, M Ibrahim, T Nyambo, S Omar, JK Pritchard, SA Tishkoff, NA Rosenberg (2011) Haplotype variation and genotype imputation in African populations. Genetic Epidemiology 35: 766-780. [Abstract] [PDF] [Supplement] [Data]
P Verdu, NA Rosenberg (2011) A general mechanistic model for admixture histories of hybrid populations. Genetics 189: 1413-1426. [Abstract] [PDF] [Supplementary Text] [Supplementary Figure 1] [Supplementary Table 1]
E Borràs*, M Pineda*, I Blanco, EM Jewett, F Wang, A Teulé, T Caldés, M Urioste, C Martínez-Bouzas, J Brunet, J Balmaña, A Torres, T Ramón y Cajal, J Sanz, L Pérez-Cabornero, S Castellví-Bel, A Alonso, A Lanas, S González, V Moreno, SB Gruber, NA Rosenberg, B Mukherjee, C Lázaro, G Capellá (2010) MLH1 founder mutations with moderate penetrance in Spanish Lynch syndrome families. Cancer Research 70: 7379-7391. [Abstract] [PDF] [Supplementary Figure 1] [Supplementary Table 1] [Supplementary Table 2] [Supplementary Methods]
S Wang*, CM Lewis Jr*, M Jakobsson*, S Ramachandran, N Ray, G Bedoya, W Rojas, MV Parra, JA Molina, C Gallo, G Mazzotti, G Poletti, K Hill, AM Hurtado, D Labuda, W Klitz, R Barrantes, MC Bortolini, FM Salzano, ML Petzl-Erler, LT Tsuneto, E Llop, F Rothhammer, L Excoffier, MW Feldman, NA Rosenberg, A Ruiz-Linares (2007) Genetic variation and population structure in Native Americans. PLoS Genetics 3: 2049-2067. [Abstract] [PDF] [Supplement] [Data] [Readme for datafile]
NA Rosenberg, S Mahajan, S Ramachandran, C Zhao, JK Pritchard, MW Feldman (2005) Clines, clusters, and the effect of study design on the inference of human population structure. PLoS Genetics 1: 660-671. [Abstract] [PDF] [Data]
NA Rosenberg, AE Hirsh (2003) On the use of star-shaped genealogies in inference of coalescence times. Genetics 164: 1677-1682. [Abstract] [PDF]
NA Rosenberg (2003) The shapes of neutral gene genealogies in two species: probabilities of monophyly, paraphyly, and polyphyly in a coalescent model. Evolution 57: 1465-1477. [Abstract] [PDF]
NA Rosenberg, JK Pritchard, JL Weber, HM Cann, KK Kidd, LA Zhivotovsky, MW Feldman (2002) Genetic structure of human populations. Science 298: 2381-2385. [Abstract] [Full Text at Science website] [PDF] [Supplement] [Data in Excel] [Data in structure and NEXUS formats] [Software for drawing figures] [Español]
NA Rosenberg (2002) The probability of topological concordance of gene trees and species trees. Theoretical Population Biology 61: 225-247. [Abstract] [PDF]
NA Rosenberg, T Burke, K Elo, MW Feldman, P Friedlin, MAM Groenen, J Hillel, A Mäki-Tanila, M Tixier-Boichard, A Vignal, K Wimmers, S Weigend (2001) Empirical evaluation of genetic clustering methods using multilocus genotypes from 20 chicken breeds. Genetics 159: 699-713. [Abstract] [PDF] [Data] [Photo]
NA Rosenberg, E Woolf, JK Pritchard, T Schaap, D Gefel, I Shpirer, U Lavi, B Bonné-Tamir, J Hillel, MW Feldman (2001) Distinctive genetic signatures in the Libyan Jews. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 98: 858-863. [Abstract] [PDF] [Data]