| Rosenberg lab additional publicationsThis page includes book reviews, editorials, introductions to collections of articles, and meeting reports.[2025] [2024] [2022] [2021] [2020] [2019] [2018] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2010] [2004] [2002] NA Rosenberg, T Stadler, M Steel (2025) "A mathematical theory of evolution": phylogenetic models dating back 100 years. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 380: 20230297. [PDF] (introduction to special issue) NA Rosenberg, J Van Cleve. Editorial. Theoretical Population Biology 161: 50-51 (2025). (editorial) NA Rosenberg (2024) Review of Tree Balance Indices: A Comprehensive Survey by M Fischer, L Herbst, S Kersting, L Kühn, K Wicke. SIAM Review 66: 395-397 (2024). (book review) MD Edge, S Ramachandran, NA Rosenberg (2022) Celebrating 50 years since Lewontin's apportionment of human diversity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 377: 20200405. [PDF] (introduction to special issue) NA Rosenberg, MF Boni (2022) Mathematical epidemiology for a later age. Theoretical Population Biology 144: 81-83. [PDF] (editorial) NA Rosenberg (2021) Population models, mathematical epidemiology, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Theoretical Population Biology 137: 1. [PDF] (editorial) NA Rosenberg (2020) A population-genetic perspective on the similarities and differences among worldwide human populations. Human Biology 92: 135-152. [Abstract] (republication of article from 2011, with new foreword) NA Rosenberg (2020) Fifty years of Theoretical Population Biology. Theoretical Population Biology 133: 1-12. [Abstract] [PDF] [Supplement] (introduction to special issue) L Altenberg, N Creanza, L Fogarty, L Hadany, O Kolodny, KN Laland, L Lehmann, SP Otto, NA Rosenberg, J Van Cleve, J Wakeley. Some topics in theoretical population genetics: editorial commentaries on a selection of Marc Feldman's TPB papers. Theoretical Population Biology 129: 4-8. [Abstract] [PDF] (commentary) AL Severson*, LH Uricchio*, IM Arbisser*, EC Glassberg, NA Rosenberg (2019) Analysis of author gender in TPB, 1991-2018. Theoretical Population Biology 127: 1-6. [PDF] [Supplement] (editorial) NA Rosenberg (2018) The 2018 Marcus W. Feldman Prize in Theoretical Population Biology. Theoretical Population Biology 119: 1-2. [PDF] (editorial) L Lehmann, NA Rosenberg (2015) Hamilton's rule: game theory meets coalescent theory. Theoretical Population Biology 103: 1. [PDF] (editorial) NA Rosenberg (2015) Theory in population biology, or biologically inspired mathematics? Theoretical Population Biology 102: 1-2. [PDF] (editorial) NA Rosenberg (2014) Core elements of a TPB paper. Theoretical Population Biology 92: 118-119. [PDF] (editorial) NA Rosenberg, SP Weitzman (2013) From generation to generation: the genetics of Jewish populations. Human Biology 85: 817-823. [PDF] (introduction to article collection) NA Rosenberg (2013) Editorial. Theoretical Population Biology 83: A2-A3. [PDF] (editorial) LK Nakhleh, NA Rosenberg, T Warnow (2013) Phylogenomics and population genomics: models, algorithms, and analytical tools. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 18: 247-249. [PDF] (introduction to article collection) NA Rosenberg (2010) Review of First Peoples in a New World: Colonizing Ice Age America by DJ Meltzer. Quarterly Review of Biology 85: 380-381. [PDF] (book review) NA Rosenberg (2004) Review of Probability Models for DNA Sequence Evolution by R Durrett. Journal of the American Statistical Association 99: 560-561. [PDF] (book review) NA Rosenberg, D Nettle (2002) Joining forces to uncover human evolutionary history. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17: 301-302. [PDF] (meeting report) |