(MR) mode is well suited for textured epitaxial and textured polycrystalline
thin films. It also can be used to analyze nearly perfect epitaxial layers.
This mode can be used for w/2q scans and reflectivity measurements. Rocking
curve (w-scan) in this mode is reasonable only if layer peak FWHM is lower
than the instrumental resolution.
Note: The reciprocal space mapping can be done in this mode. Again, it is only feasible for layers that exhibit relatively wide diffraction peaks or sufficient peak separation. In X-ray Lab MR measurements can be done on both X'Pert 1 and X'Pert 2 diffractometers using the following optics: Incident Beam: PreFIX X-ray Mirror - X'Pert 1 and X'Pert 2 Polycapillary X-ray Lens - X-Pert 1 Diffracted Beam: Parallel Plate Collimator (PPC) + Flat Graphite Monochromator - X'Pert 1 Parallel Plate Collimator (PPC) - X'Pert 2 Triple Axis/Rocking Curve (TA/RC) attachment's RC part - X'Pert 1 Programmable Receiving Slit - X'Pert 2 X-ray mirror focuses the divergent x-ray beam from a line focus tube to an intense quasi-parallel beam. The x-ray mirror provided with X'Pert diffractometer is designed for Ka radiation. The Kb radiation is suppressed to a level < 0.5%. Note: When using the x-ray mirror in combination with parallel beam optics on the diffracted beam side, the w/2q and rocking curve measurements are not sensitive to the exact height position of the sample. This geometry is also suitable for irregularly shaped samples. A parallel plate collimator in place of receiving slit optics enables the use of asymmetric diffraction geometries. Properties such as twinning, texture and stress may be studied. Medium Resolution applications and the required equipment