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This archived information is dated to the 2011-12 academic year only and may no longer be current.
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This archived information is dated to the 2011-12 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
The major in Comparative Literature requires students to enroll in a set of core courses offered by the department, to complete electives in the department, and to enroll in additional literature courses, or other courses approved by the Chair of Undergraduate Studies, offered by other departments. This flexibility to combine literature courses from several departments and to address literature from multiple traditions is the hallmark of the Comparative Literature major. Students may count courses which read literature in translation; however, students, and especially those planning to pursue graduate study in Comparative Literature, are encouraged to develop a command of non-native languages.
Declaring the MajorStudents declare the major in Comparative Literature through Axess. Students should meet with the Chair of Undergraduate Studies to discuss appropriate courses and options within the major, and to plan the course of study. Majors are also urged to attend department events such as public talks and conferences.
AdvisingStudents majoring in Comparative Literature should consult with the Chair of Undergraduate Studies at least once a year. The chair monitors progress to completion of the degree. Students are also encouraged to develop relationships with other faculty members who may act as mentors.
Overseas Campuses and Abroad ProgramsThe Department of Comparative Literature encourages time abroad, both for increased proficiency in language and the opportunity for advanced course work. Course work done at campuses other than Stanford is counted toward the major at the discretion of the Chair of Undergraduate Studies and is contingent upon the Office of the University Registrar's approval of transfer credit. To that end, students abroad are advised to save syllabi, notes, papers, and correspondence.
Honors CollegeThe Department of Comparative Literature encourages honors students to enroll in the honors college scheduled during the weeks preceding the beginning of every academic year. Applications to the college are available from the DLCL student affairs officer. The honors college is coordinated by the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages (DLCL).
All majors in Comparative Literature (including honors) are required to complete the following requirements. All courses applied to the major must be taken for a letter grade, and a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or better must be achieved in each core course.
Students should complete these courses as soon as possible. Each course draws on examples from multiple traditions to ask questions about the logic of the individual genres.
Undergraduates may major in Comparative Literature with a special track in interdisciplinary studies at the intersection of literature and philosophy. Students in this option take courses alongside students from other departments that also have specialized options associated with the program for the study of Philosophical and Literary Thought. Each student in this option is assigned an advisor in Comparative Literature, and student schedules and course of study must be approved in writing by the advisor, the Chair of Undergraduate Studies of Comparative Literature, and the Chair of Undergraduate Studies of the program. See http://philit.stanford.edu.
A total of 65 units must be completed for this option, including the following requirements:
At least two of the courses counted toward requirements 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9 must be taught by Comparative Literature faculty. Transfer units may not normally be used to satisfy requirements 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9. Units devoted to acquiring language proficiency are not counted toward the 65-unit requirement.
The honors option offers motivated Comparative Literature majors the opportunity to write a senior honors paper. During Spring Quarter of the junior year, a student interested in the honors program should consult with the Chair of Undergraduate Studies and submit a thesis proposal (2-5 pages), an outline of planned course work for the senior year, and proof of a 3.5 GPA or higher within the student's Comparative Literature course work to date. During this quarter, the student may enroll for 2 units of credit for independent research in COMPLIT 189B to prepare this statement and undertake initial planning for the honors paper. The proposal is reviewed by the honors committee, including the Chair of Undergraduate Studies and the chair of the department.
The Chair of Undergraduate Studies designates a faculty tutor appropriate to the topic and a second reader for approved honors papers.
Students in the honors program enroll in DLCL 189 (5 units) in Autumn Quarter of the senior year to refine the project description and begin research in preparation for composing the honors paper. During Winter Quarter of the senior year, the student enrolls in COMPLIT 189A (5 units), independent study with the faculty tutor, to draft the honors paper.
At the end of the quarter, the student submits a completed draft to the tutor. If approved, two copies are forwarded to the honors committee, which ultimately awards honors. If revisions are advised, the student has until the fifth week of Spring Quarter to submit the final paper. Students who did not enroll in a 189B course in the junior year may enroll in COMPLIT 189B in Spring Quarter of the senior year while revising the thesis, if approved by the thesis advisor. 10-12 units of course work associated with the honors paper (DLCL 189 and COMPLIT 189A and 189B) may be counted toward the 65 units required for the major.
Honors papers vary considerably in length as a function of their topic, historical scope, and methodology. They may make use of previous work developed in seminars and courses, but display an enhanced comparative or theoretical scope. Quality rather than quantity is the key criterion. Typically, however, honors papers are 40-70 pages.
Honors AwardsThe two readers of any honors thesis in Comparative Literature may elect to nominate the thesis in question for University-wide awards. In addition, the department honors committee evaluates on a competitive basis the honors theses completed in a given year and nominates one for University-wide awards competitions.
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