Bulletin Archive
This archived information is dated to the 2011-12 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
This archived information is dated to the 2011-12 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
The basic University requirements for the M.S. degree are discussed in the "Graduate Degrees" section of this bulletin.
The master's program consists of 45 units of course work taken at Stanford. No thesis is required, although many students become involved in research projects during the master's program, particularly to explore their interests in working towards a Ph.D. degree. Students whose undergraduate backgrounds are entirely devoid of some of the major subject disciplines of engineering (for example, applied mechanics, applied thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, ordinary differential equations) may need to take some undergraduate courses to fill obvious gaps and prepare themselves to take graduate courses in these areas. Such students may require more than three quarters to fulfill the master's degree requirements, as the makeup courses may only be used as unrestricted electives (see item 4 below) in the M.S. degree program. However, it is not the policy to require fulfillment of mechanical engineering B.S. degree requirements to obtain an M.S. degree.
The master's degree program requires 45 units of course work taken as a graduate student at Stanford. No thesis is required. However, students who want some research experience during the master's program may participate in research through ME 391 and 392.
Students are encouraged to refer to the most recent Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Handbook provided by the student services office. The department's requirements for the M.S. in Mechanical Engineering are as follows:
Candidates for the M.S. in Mechanical Engineering are expected to have the approval of the faculty; they must maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.75 in the 45 units presented for fulfillment of degree requirements (exclusive of independent study courses). All courses used to fulfill mathematics, depth, breadth, approved electives, and lab studies must be taken for a letter grade (excluding seminars, independent study, and courses for which a letter grade is not an option for any student).
Students falling below a GPA of 2.5 at the end of 20 units may be disqualified from further registration. Students failing to meet the complete degree requirements at the end of 60 units of graduate registration are disqualified from further registration. Courses used to fulfill deficiencies arising from inadequate undergraduate preparation for mechanical engineering graduate work may not be applied to the 45 units required for completion of the MS degree.
As described in the "School of Engineering" section of this bulletin, each department in the school may sponsor students in a more general degree, the M.S. in Engineering. Sponsorship by the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) requires (1) filing a petition for admission to the program by no later than the day before instruction begins, and (2) that the center of gravity of the proposed program lies in ME. No more than 18 units used for the proposed program may have been previously completed. The program must include at least 9 units of graduate-level work in the department other than ME 300A,B,C, seminars, and independent study. The petition must be accompanied by a statement explaining the program objectives and how it is coherent, contains depth, and fulfills a well-defined career objective. The grade requirements are the same as for the M.S. in Mechanical Engineering.
ANTHRO 332. Transformative Design
CS 223A. Introduction to Robotics
CS 327A. Advanced Robotics
ENGR 207B. Linear Control Systems II
ENGR 209A. Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Systems
ENGR 231. Transformative Design
ENGR 240. Introduction to Micro and Nano Electromechanical Systems (M/NEMS)
ENGR 341. Micro/Nano Systems Design and Fabrication Laboratory
MS&E 250A. Engineering Risk Analysis
MS&E 264. Sustainable Product Development and Manufacturing
MS&E 289. Clicks and Bricks: Creating Customer Experiences
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