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Bulletin Archive

This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.

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Master of Science in Immunology

Students in the Ph.D. program in Immunology may apply for an M.S. degree in Immunology, assuming completion of appropriate requirements. Students must complete:

  1. Three full-tuition quarters of residency as a graduate student at Stanford.
  2. At least 45 units of academic work, all of which must be in courses at or above the 100 level, 36 units of which must be at or above the 200 level.
  3. 2-3 quarters of graduate research (IMMUNOL 399), consisting of rotations in the labs of 3 faculty members.
  4. Course work in Immunology as follows: basic immunology (for graduate students, BIO 230A, Molecular and Cellular Immunology Literature Review, and for medical students, IMMUNOL 205, Immunology in Human Health and Disease or equivalent), advanced Immunology such as IMMUNOL 201, 200, and 203. In addition, the student may take one elective course. Some possible electives are: MPHA 210, Signal Transduction Pathways and Networks; SBIO 241, Biological Macromolecules; CBIO 241, Molecular, Cellular, and Genetic Basis of Cancer; or DBIO 210, Developmental Biology. Other required core courses are: GENE 203, Advanced Genetics; IMMUNOL 215, Principles of Biological Technologies; and MCP 221, Cell Biology of Physiological Processes.
  5. Graduate-level biochemistry and molecular biology (BIOC 220).
  6. Course work in IMMUNOL 311, Seminar in Immunology, and IMMUNOL 311A, Seminar Discussion in Immunology.
  7. Participation in the Immunology journal club (IMMUNOL 305), and attendance at the weekly Immunology seminar and at the annual Stanford Immunology Scientific Conference.
  8. The qualifying examination process in Immunology before admission to Ph.D. candidacy has two parts: a comprehensive written exam on many fields in immunology, (qualifying examination process, Part I), in mid-June, first year; the thesis proposal (qualifying examination process, Part II), before December 15th, second year. In addition, an oral presentation is required on the research of one rotation, early-July, first year.

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