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Latin American Studies Cognate Courses

The following courses may be used to satisfy requirements in the master's program and in undergraduate honors and minor programs.


ANTHRO 101. The Aztecs and Their Ancestors: Introduction to Mesoamerican Archaeology

ANTHRO 103A/203A. Humanized Landscapes: Archaeological Approaches to Human/Environment Interactions (Same as ARCHLGY 101B/301B.)

ANTHRO 105/205. Ancient Cities in the New World

ANTHRO 105A/205A. Indigenous Peoples of South America and the Politics of Ethnicity

ANTHRO 107A/207A. Ethnohistory in the Andean World: Inca State, Rebellions, and Resistance

ANTHRO 120. Introduction to Language Change (Same as LINGUIST 160.)

ANTHRO 123A. Human Diversity: A Linguistic Perspective (Same as HUMBIO 187.)

ANTHRO 374. Beginnings of Social Complexity

COMPLIT 121. Poems, Poetry, Worlds: An Introductory Course

COMPLIT 123. The Novel, The World (Same as ENGLISH 184.)

COMPLIT 141. Literature and Society in Africa and the Caribbean (Same as FRENLIT 133.)

COMPLIT 142. The Literature of the Americas (Same as ENGLISH 172E.)

COMPLIT 149. What is Nobel Literature? Reading, Assessing, and Interpreting the Nobel Novels on the World Stage

COMPLIT 233. Baroque and Neobaroque (Same as ENGLISH 233, SPANLIT 293E.)

CSRE 145A. Poetics and Politics of Caribbean Women's Literature (Same as ANTHRO 145A.)

EDUC 136/306D. World, Societal, and Educational Change: Comparative Perspectives (Same as SOC 231.)

EDUC 149/249. Theory and Issues in the Study of Bilingualism

EDUC 193A. Listen Up! Core Peer Counseling Skills

EDUC 193B. Peer Counseling in the Chicano/Latino Community

FILMSTUD 116/316. International Documentary

GSBGEN 374. Interpersonal Influence and Leadership

HISTORY 70. Culture, Politics, and Society in Latin America

HISTORY 106B. Global Human Geography: Europe and Americas

HISTORY 170. Colonial Latin America

HISTORY 205B/305B. Quantitative Methods in Historical Research

HISTORY 206. History and Geography of Contemporary Global Issues

HISTORY 217B/317B. Land of Three Religions: Medieval Spain

HISTORY 273B/373B. Latin American Societies: The Public and the Domestic Domain

HISTORY 275F/375F. Social Change in Latin America Since 1900 (Same as LATINAM 201/301.)

HISTORY 279A/379A. Visual and Urban Culture of Modern Latin America

HISTORY 299X/399A. Design and Methodology for International Field Research

SPANLIT 102N. Contemporary Latin American Theater

SPANLIT 106N. Contemporary Latin American Novel in Translation

SPANLIT 109Q. Ten Latin American Protagonists who Changed the World

SPANLIT 120. Introduction to Literary and Scholarly Research

SPANLIT 130. Cultural Perspectives in Iberia

SPANLIT 131. Cultural Perspectives in the Luso-Hispanic Americas

SPANLIT 136. Survey of Modern Iberian Literature

SPANLIT 157. Introduction to Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Literatures

SPANLIT 161. Survey of Latin American Literature

SPANLIT 193. The Cinema of Pedro Almodóvar

SPANLIT 225E. Theater, Society, and Politics in 20th-Century Spain

SPANLIT 241. The Short Story: Theory and Praxis

SPANLIT 247E. Magical Realism and Globalization

SPANLIT 248. Politics, Terrorism, and Documentary Films in South America

SPANLIT 275. Cuban Cinema since the Revolution

SPANLIT 278. Senior Seminar: The Novelas ejemplares by Miguel de Cervantes and the Culture of the Baroque

SPANLIT 278A. Senior Seminar: Love and Politics in Latin America from Romanticism to Postmodernism

SPANLIT 317. Documentary Cinema in Spain: Between Reality and Fiction

SPANLIT 342. The Duty of Mischief: César Aira's Writing as Cultural Critique

SPANLIT 343. Nations, Continents, Worlds: Ortega and the Ibero-American Essay

SPANLIT 350. Roberto Bolaño: The Savage Detectives

PORTLIT 157. Introduction to Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Literatures

OSPMADRD 22. Spain on Stage: Theater and Performance in 2009

OSPMADRD 24. Spain and Africa through the Ages

OSPMADRD 25. European Legal History

OSPMADRD 26. Issues in European Law

OSPMADRD 34. Modern Spain

OSPMADRD 35. Issues in Spanish History

OSPMADRD 40. Introduction to Literary and Cultural Analysis in the Spanish World

OSPMADRD 41. Dissidence and Continuity: Spanish Theater, 1907 to the Present

OSPMADRD 43. The Jacobean Star Way and Europe: Society, Politics and Culture

OSPMADRD 45. Women in Art: Case Study in the Madrid Museums

OSPMADRD 67. Women in Spain: From Tradition to Postmodernity

OSPMADRD 70. European Urban Development: The Cases of Madrid and Barcelona

OSPSANTG 10. Borges and Argentina

OSPSANTG 14. Women Writers of Latin America in the 20th Century

OSPSANTG 17. Chilean Fiction of the 20th Century

OSPSANTG 45. The Cinema of the Chilean Transition (1990-2007)

OSPSANTG 46. Topics in Chilean Cultural Expressions

OSPSANTG 62. Topics in Chilean History

OSPSANTG 104X. Modernization and Culture in Latin America

OSPSANTG 118X. Artistic Expression in Latin America


ANTHRO 162/262. Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Problems

ANTHRO 163D. Darwin's Legacy (Same as HUMBIO 184.)

ANTHRO 165. Parks and Peoples

ANTHRO 166A/266A. Indigenous Forest Management

BIO 101. Ecology

BIO 117. Biology and Global Change (Same as EARTHSYS 111.)

BIO 121. Biogeography

BIO 144. Conservation Biology (Same as HUMBIO 112.)

BIO 147/247. Controlling Climate Change in the 21st Century (Same as EARTHSYS 147/247, HUMBIO 116.)

BIO 175. Tropical Ecology and Conservation

BIO 180/280. Fundamentals of Sustainable Agriculture (Same as EARTHSYS 180/280.)

BIO 235. Challenges for Biodiversity Conservation in Latin America

CEE 142A/242A. Creating Sustainable Development

CEE 151/251. Negotiation (Same as ME 207, MS&E 285.)

CEE 165D/265D. Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries

CEE 173A/207A. Energy Resources (Same as EARTHSYS 103.)

CEE 177S/277S. Design for a Sustainable World

CEE 265A. Sustainable Water Resources Development

CEE 301. The Energy Seminar (Same as ENERGY 301.)

CEE 333. Water Policy Colloquium (Same as GES 333, IPER 333.)

EARTHSYS 101. Energy and the Environment (Same as ENERGY 101.)

EARTHSYS 102. Renewable Energy Sources and Greener Energy Processes (Same as ENERGY 102.)

EARTHSYS 132/232. Energy Cooperation in the Western Hemisphere (Same as IPS 263.)

EARTHSYS 152/252. Pathways Out of Rural Poverty (Same as ECON 155B, IPS 261.)

EARTHSYS 181/281. Concepts of Urban Agriculture

EARTHSYS 184/284. Climate and Agriculture

HRP 240. Rethinking International Health (Same as MED 230.)

HUMBIO 153. Parasites and Pestilence: Infectious Public Health Challenges

HUMBIO 156. Global HIV/AIDS (Same as MED 256.)

LAW 605. International Environmental Law: Climate Change

MED 108Q. Human Rights and Health

MED 242. Physicians and Human Rights

MED 262. Economics of Health Improvement in Developing Countries (Same as ECON 127.)

OSPMADRD 72. Issues in Bioethics Across Cultures

OSPSANTG 58. Living Chile: A Land of Extremes

OSPSANTG 85. Marine Ecology of Chile and the South Pacific


ANTHRO 105A/205A. Indigenous Peoples of South America and the Politics of Ethnicity

EARTHSYS 132/232. Energy Cooperation in the Western Hemisphere (Same as IPS 263.)

EARTHSYS 152/252. Pathways Out of Rural Poverty (Same as ECON 155B, IPS 261.)

ECON 101. Economic Policy Analysis

ECON 106. World Food Economy

ECON 122. Economic Development of Latin America

ECON 123. Regulation and Competition in Less Developed Countries

ECON 127. Economics of Health Improvement in Developing Countries (Same as MED 262.)

ECON 166. International Trade

ECON 214,216. Development Economics I,II

ECON 220,221. Political Economy I,II

ECON 228. Institutions and Organizations in Historical Perspective

ECON 265. International Economics I

EDUC 131. Mediation for Dispute Resolution (Same as PSYCH 152.)

EDUC 222. Resource Allocation in Education

EDUC 306A. Education and Economic Development

EDUC 306Y. Economic Support Seminar for Education and Economic Development

EDUC 387A/B. Workshop: Comparative Studies of Educational and Political Systems (Same as SOC 311A/B.)

ETHICSOC 171. Justice (Same as IPS 208, PHIL 171/271, POLISCI 136S, PUBLPOL 207.)

HISTORY 378E. Political Economy of Development (Same as POLISCI 440B.)

IPS 203. Issues in International Economics

IPS 230. Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (Same as INTNLREL 114D, POLISCI 114D/314D.)

IPS 241. International Security in a Changing World (Same as POLISCI 114S.)

INTNLREL 141A. Camera as Witness: International Human Rights Documentaries

INTNLREL 147. The Political Economy of the Southern Cone of South America

INTNLREL 148. Economic Integration of the Americas

LAW 227. Political Economy of Energy Policy

LAW 330. International Human Rights

LAW 356. Dispute Resolution

LAW 582. Latin American Law

LAW 585. Transnational Law

LAW 611. International Conflict Colloquium

LAW 638. Mediation

LAW 658. International Human Rights Clinic

LAW 661. International Negotiation

LAWGEN 206. Thinking Like a Lawyer (Same as GSBGEN 382.)

POLISCI 140. Political Economy of Development

POLISCI 141. The Global Practice of Human Rights

POLISCI 144T. Democracies and Dictatorships

POLISCI 215. Explaining Ethnic Violence

POLISCI 243R. Research Seminar in Democratization and Human Rights

POLISCI 248S. Latin American Politics

POLISCI 440A. Theories in Comparative Politics

PSYCH 216. Public Policy and Social Psychology: Implications and Applications (Same as IPS 207B, PUBLPOL 205B.)

SOC 143/243. Poverty in Brazil: From Empirical Evidence to Anti-poverty Policies

OSPMADRD 42. A European Model of Democracy: The Case of Spain

OSPMADRD 66. E.U.-Latin American International Relations: Political and Economic Agenda for the 21st Century

OSPSANTG 68. The Emergence of Nations in Latin America

OSPSANTG 116X. Modernization and its Discontents: Chilean Politics at the Turn of the Century

OSPSANTG 119X. The Chilean Economy: History, International Relations, and Development Strategies

OSPSANTG 129X. Latin America in the International System

OSPSANTG 141X. Politics and Culture in Chile

OSPSANTG 221X. Political Transition and Democratic Consolidation: Chile in Comparative Perspective

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