Bulletin Archive
This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
MS&E, in collaboration with other departments of the University, offers programs leading to the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy. The department also offers a coterminal B.S./M.S. degree, and a dual master's degree in cooperation with each of the other departments in the School of Engineering.
For University coterminal degree program rules and University application forms, see http://registrar.stanford.edu/shared/publications.htm#Coterm.
Applicants for admission as graduate students in MS&E must submit the results of the verbal, quantitative, and analytical parts of the Graduate Record Examination. The deadline for application to the doctoral program is December 9 and the deadline for application to the master's program is January 6.
Except in unusual circumstances, admission is limited to the Autumn Quarter because courses are arranged sequentially with basic courses and prerequisites offered early in the academic year.
Assistantships and Fellowships—A limited number of fellowships and assistantships are awarded each year. Applicants admitted to the doctoral program, who have indicated on their application that they would like to be considered for financial aid, are automatically considered for these assistantships and fellowships.
Information about loan programs and need-based aid for U.S. citizens and permanent residents can be obtained from the Financial Aid Office.
The Stanford Center for Professional Development (SCPD) provides opportunities for employees of some local and remote companies to take courses at Stanford.
The Honors Cooperative Program (HCP) provides opportunities for employees of SCPD Member companies to earn an M.S. degree, over a longer period, by taking one or two courses per academic quarter. Some courses are only offered on campus; HCP students may attend those courses at Stanford to meet the degree requirements. It is possible to complete this program as a remote HCP student although the remote offerings are limited. Students must apply for a degree program through the standard application process, and must meet the standard application deadlines.
The non-degree option (NDO) allows employees of some local companies to take courses for credit from their company sites before being admitted to a degree program. Students apply to take NDO courses each quarter through the Stanford Center for Professional Development. Up to 18 units taken as an NDO student may be applied toward a degree program. For additional information about the NDO application process and deadlines, see http://scpd.stanford.edu, or contact SCPD at (650) 725-3000.
The department offers a certificate program within the framework of the NDO program. A certificate can be obtained by completing three MS&E core courses, plus one MS&E elective course for a total of four courses. For further information, see http://scpd.stanford.edu/scpd/programs/certs/managementSci.htm.
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