Bulletin Archive
This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
This archived information is dated to the 2008-09 academic year only and may no longer be current.
For currently applicable policies and information, see the current Stanford Bulletin.
The University minimum requirements for the coterminal bachelor's/master's program are 180 units for the bachelor's degree plus 45 (or higher departmental requirement, as determined by each graduate department) unduplicated units for the master's degree. The requirements for the coterminal program with dual undergraduate degrees are 225 units for the two bachelor's degrees, and 45 units for the master's degree. For the 45-unit University minimum for the master's degree, all courses must be at or above the 100 level and 50 percent must be courses designated primarily for graduate students (typically at least at the 200 level). Department requirements may be higher. Units for a given course may not be counted to meet the requirements of more than one degree, that is, no units may be double-counted. No courses taken more than two quarters prior to admission to the coterminal master's program may be used to meet the 45-unit University minimum requirement for the master's degree.
Tuition Rate for Graduate Engineering—The tuition rate for graduate Engineering is higher than for undergraduate programs. Students enrolled in a coterminal program in the School of Engineering begin to pay the higher graduate Engineering tuition rate after 12 full-tuition undergraduate quarters.
Coterminal students in the School of Engineering, with two undergraduate degrees, are assessed the graduate Engineering tuition rate in the quarter after they have been enrolled for 15 full-tuition quarters.
Engineering coterminal students would also start paying the graduate Engineering tuition rate if any undergraduate degree is conferred or if they are granted any graduate aid. Once charged under the graduate Engineering tuition schedule, the tuition will not revert thereafter to the undergraduate rate.
For additional information on the coterminal bachelor's/master program, see Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in the "Undergraduate Degrees and Programs" section of this bulletin.
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