Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI)
SNP Databases
Other Resources
Publications about the class
- To Genotype or Not to Genotype? Addressing the Debate Through the Development of a Genomics and Personalized
Medicine Curriculum. Salari, Pizzo, Prober. Academic Medicine, Vol. 86, No. 8 / August 2011 - Evidence that personal genome testing enhances student learning in a course on genomics and personalized medicine. Salari, Karczewski, Hudgins, Ormond, PLoS One. 2013 Jul 23;8(7):e68853. doi: 10.1371.
Press about the class
- Chicago Medicine Magazine (story on page 18)
- Salon Web Magazine (9/2013)
- Stanford Medicine - DNA testing improves learning (8/13)
- San Jose Mercury News (5/2013)
- Time (2/2013)
- Nature
- USA Today
- San Francisco Chronicle Recap
- San Francisco Chronicle
- Genome Technology
- Stanford Press Release
- Nature Blogs
- LA Times Blog
- Genome Web
- Center for Genetics and Society
- Scientific American