Genotyping Agreement

This document is your attestation that you have fulfilled the requirements for subsidized genotyping in Genetics 210/Dev Bio 220 in Spring 2015. Please sign and return to Sue Elliot in Beckman 300.



I attended or viewed video of the informed consent lecture on 22 January, 2015.

Indicate with your initials:

I intend to enroll in Genetics 210: Personalized Medicine and Genomics in Spring 2015.

Indicate with your initials:


23andMe: the kits are free for 2015 but you must register for Genetics 210/DevBio 220 in the Spring term. For additional information on the genotyping process, visit

You can obtain your kit at the end of the informed consent session or by visiting Sue Elliot in B300 Beckment Center. Give your kits back to the TAs, Sue or mail in your kit by Thursday 1/29/2015.


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