Winter Quarter 2021

Perspectives in Assistive Technology


David L. Jaffe, MS
Online via Zoom
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4:30pm to 5:50pm PT

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Tuesday, February 16th

clip art of a student presenting

Mid-term Student Project Presentations

Students working on projects have chosen a problem experienced by individuals with disabilities and have been working to research, brainstorm, design, fabricate, and test a prototype device or software to address an identified challenge or problem.

Students will give an informal (ungraded) three-minute presentation in class that does not include PowerPoint slides or screen-sharing.The presentation should include the following elements for those working on fabrication projects: project title, background, problem, aim, design criteria, "understanding the problem" & design criteria & brainstorming activities, and selected solution(s) to be pursued. Students working on the same project will present together. For students working on non-fabrication projects the presentation should include: project title, background, activities performed, and future plans.

Students taking the course asynchronously will submit a three-minute video to be shared.

Presentation order:

Order Project Name Student(s)
1 Social Media and Disability Aiyana Herrera
2 Autism in Tennis Alex Rotsaert
3 One-Handed Brass Instrument Accessories Bradley Immel
4 Abby’s Vegetable Cutting Drew Dalman / Jayla Kilsen
5 Prosthetics and Orthotics in Sports Kyle Petrucci
6 Advances in Wheelchair Mobility Jake Lynch
7 Eye Play Jason Torres
8 Assistive Technology Lab Ugyen Lama
9 Abby’s Voice Box (postponed) Marco Vasquez
10 Austin’s Kitchen Knives David Gonzalez / Bennett Lewis
11 Tilly’s Phone Holder Allison Cong / Bryce Huerta / Rachael Flam
12 Cot Me Outside Brian Su
13 Abby’s Pooper Scooper (video) Senn Nwakudu / Dylan Woodhead
14 Magical Bridge Playground Kyle Feliciano / Cristina De La Cruz / Disney Rattanakongkham
15 Storage Organization for Great Grandma’s Walker Chloe Huang
16 Safe Patient Interaction w/ National Children's Hospital Sam Good
17 Disability in Sports: High Fives Foundation and Adaptive Skiing (video) Zach Sehgal
18 Autism - PACE Center (video) Shane Griffith

Each student will give an informal presentation on the progress of their project which will include the following points:

  1. Introduction to project
  2. Background, problem statement, and magnitude of problem
  3. Interviews with project suggestors and users who would benefit from a solution
  4. Identification and determination of need
  5. Research on existing solutions and discussion of their limitations
  6. Brainstorm activities: description and visualization of design concepts considered and prototypes built
  7. Description of top designs: technical feasibility, engineering difficulty, estimated cost, user acceptance, functionality, performance, safety considerations, tradeoffs, etc
  8. Current project activities and status, prototypes built, and challenges encountered
  9. Plans for the remainder of the quarter
Presentation Material:
Pre-lecture slides - 773 Kb pdf file


Updated 02/18/2021

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