Winter Quarter 2019

Perspectives in Assistive Technology


David L. Jaffe, MS
Lathrop Library, Classroom 282
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4:30pm to 5:50pm

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Team L.L. Bean, LLC show their modified leg brace drop lock device

Team L.L. Bean, LLC show their modified leg brace drop lock device (2018)

Team Harnessing Power displays their hybrid body-powered prosthetic harness prototype

Team Harnessing Power displays their hybrid body-powered prosthetic harness prototype (2018)

Three Cookies teamed up to fabricate a design for a hand-cranked playground structure

Three Cookies teamed up to fabricate a design for a hand-cranked playground structure (2018)

Chloe of the Trolls demonstrates their illuminating Rainbow Bridge prototype

Chloe of the Trolls demonstrates their illuminating Rainbow Bridge prototype (2018)

Jean-Marc checks out Uno Dos Trays' lap tray Work Station for Fernanda

Jean-Marc checks out Uno Dos Trays' lap tray Work Station for Fernanda (2018)


Perspectives in Assistive Technology explores the design, development, and use of technology that benefits people with disabilities and older adults.

To learn more about this course, browse information for:

Everyone: Prospective students: Enrolled students: Course Solicitations: Guest Lecturers and Presenters of Candidate Team Projects: Other:
Tyler chills out at the Magical Bridge Playground Field Trip

Tyler chills out at the Magical Bridge Playground Field Trip (2018)

Mini propels a specialized tricycle on the VA field trip

Mini propels a specialized tricycle on the VA field trip (2018)

Rachael transfers into a recreational tricycle at the VA

Rachael transfers into a recreational tricycle at the VA (2018)

Updated 06/03/2019

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