Winter Quarter 2017

Perspectives in Assistive Technology


David L. Jaffe, MS
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4:30pm to 5:50pm
Thornton Center Classroom 110

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Thursday, February 23rd

photo of Katherine Strausser

The Design and Control of Exoskeletons for Rehabilitation
Katherine Strausser, PhD
Ekso Bionics - Senior Controls Engineer

Abstract: Robots once were a dream of the future, but they now creep into all aspects of our lives, whether it be vacuuming our house or exploring distant planets. Rehabilitation and mobility are no different. Exoskeletons can provide the motion and support that a user cannot, supplementing or replacing their muscles to enable natural motion. These devices can be used for mobility or for rehabilitation, but both uses come with challenges. I will discuss the design and control of robotic exoskeletons and the challenges faced when designing these devices.

Biosketch: Katherine Strausser holds a Bachelor's degree from Carnegie Mellon University and a Master's and PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. She was one of three primary inventors of Ekso 1, an electro-mechanical lower extremity exoskeleton and is currently a senior controls engineer at Ekso Bionics working on control algorithms and software for various research efforts focusing on the Human Machine Interface.

Contact information:
Ekso Bionics
1414 Harbour Way S, Suite 1201
Richmond, CA  94804
Lecture Material:
Pre-lecture slides - 1.00 Mb pdf file
Slides - 532 Kb pdf file
Video - 1:13:04
Photos - 557 Kb pdf file
Objective Discussion of the Ekso GT and Adoption Challenges
Katherine Strausser's videos (4)
Walking Again with the Help of an Exoskeleton
Other Ekso videos
Testing Wearable Robots

Updated 02/24/2017

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