Winter Quarter 2017

Perspectives in Assistive Technology


David L. Jaffe, MS
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4:30pm to 5:50pm
Thornton Center Classroom 110

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Thursday, February 14th

photo of a faire

Assistive Technology Faire

Abstract: This event will provide an opportunity for students and community members to get an up-close look at a variety of devices and learn about available programs from product vendors and service agencies. Please browse to the Call for Assistive Technology Faire Participants webpage if you would like to participate in this event as a vendor of assistive technology products or services. Everyone is welcome to attend the faire.

Vendor Participants:

photo of Whill wheelchair

Whill Wheelchair
Whill, Inc. - Chris Koyama
The Whill is an omnidirectional four-wheel-drive mobility device meant to give wheelchair users a sleek alternative to standard chairs, which many believe reinforce stereotypes of weakness or helplessness. The product recently received the Good Design Grand Award.

photo of eye

Eyefluence’s Eye-interaction Platform
Eyefluence - Peter Milford
Eyefluence’s eye-interaction platform provides technology that can be integrated into any head mounted device to realize the potential for wearable computing by connecting your brain to the internet through your eyes. Head-mounted displays equipped with Eyefluence's eye-interaction technology have the potential to expand human intelligence, enhance social interaction, and revolutionize entertainment.

photo of a gamer with a background screen dispay

Life Glider™
Life Glider™ - Jeff Gerlomes
The Life Glider™ is an innovative walking aide with a unique hands-free support feature for people with balance and weight-bearing challenges. It enables users to stand and walk safely and comfortably for extended periods while engaged in everyday activities such cooking and grocery shopping.

photo of Podna Rover

Podna Rover - Cancelled
Podna Designs - Elaine Levin
The Podna Rover is an innovative all-terrain mobility device for individuals who need additional support to maintain balance or stability while walking. The device offers confidence to outdoor travelers over gravel, uneven surfaces, and inclines. It features compliant wheels, a self-centering frame, a suspension to soak up bumps, and self-locking brakes.

photo of Autism Glass user and parent

Autism Glass
The Autism Glass Project at Stanford Medicine - Jena Daniels & Jessey Schwartz
The project uses Google Glass to help people with Autism Spectrum Disorder understand social cues and aid the behavioral therapy treatment process. Using a custom eye tracking infrared camera and Glass's head motion tracking sensors and microphone, the software analyzes the wearer's behavior when interacting with others, displays real time social cues about facial expressions (i.e. “surprise,” "disgust," etc), and records the amount and type of eye contact made.

photo of a child in a wheelchair and a service dog

Service Dog Training
Service Dog Tutor - Jean Cary and Service Dog Flicka
Service Dog Tutor adapts clients' own dogs to do specific service tasks for their owners. Clients include seniors and children who have mobility and balance challenges as well as cognitive disabilities.

photo of TechTalk device

Assistive Technology Device Lending Library
Silicon Valley Independent Living Center - Joe Escalante
Silicon Valley Independent Living Center (SVILC) is a cross-disability, intergenerational, and multicultural disability justice organization that creates fully inclusive communities that value the dignity, equality, freedom and worth of every human being. SVILC maintains a lending library of assistive technology so consumers may borrow a device free of charge and try it before buying it, use it to compare similar devices, or to use while a personal device is being repaired.

 photo of Dance4Healing booth

Dance4Healing Tele-exercise Live Video Platform
Dance4Healing - Amy Li
Dance4Healing is a tele-exercise live video platform leading telehealth into physical rehabilitation, bringing community support, exercise, and fun to home care. Inspired by founder Amy Li's stage IV cancer journey, our mission is to alleviate mental and physical pain and reduce medical costs. Rooted in neuroscience and published medical studies, our social platform connects dance teachers, clinicians, chronic patients, care-partners, elders, and healthy users. We use artificial intelligence and behavior design to provide and recommend personalized music, dance, buddies, and groups; use feedback from patient monitoring to record progress; and suggest follow-on therapies.

photo of Jake and the soccer guard protecting him and his power wheelchair

Soccer Guard
Karen Brown
Power soccer is the fastest growing sport for users of power wheelchairs. The United States Power Soccer Association (USPSA) was founded in 2006. San Jose power soccer teams (4-person teams) practice and play at Bascom Community Center in San Jose. A standard piece of equipment is the guard that attaches to the wheelchair to "kick" the ball and protect the user. As there wasn't any off-the-shelf equipment available that fit Jacob Field's wheelchair, this soccer guard was designed and fabricated by Jim Fuller of Sunnyvale.

photo of SmartWalk mobility aid

SmartWalk Mobility Aid
SmartWalk - Raghav Ganesh & Durga Ganesh
SmartWalk is a low-cost, adaptable, user-tested, add-on mobility aid for the traditional white cane used by the visually impaired. SmartWalk virtually extends the cane’s reach threefold, empowering users with safer mobility, greater independence, and autonomy.

photo of

Product or Service
Vendor - Participants
Product description

Assistive Technology Faire Material:
Photos - 2.33 Mb pdf file
Arne's photos - 4.26 Mb pdf file
Karen Brown, Assistive Technology Applications - 209 Kb pdf file

Updated 02/21/2017

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