Thursday, February 25th

Who's Gonna Pay for That?
Durable Medical Equipment and Healthcare Reform Teri A. Adams, JD Stanford Disability
Resource Center |
Abstract: Teri will discuss her
perception of the problems inherent in the current medical system and the
alarming lack of discussion about where durable medical equipment (known as DME
in the healthcare insurance business) will come out if healthcare reform passes
in one form or another. Durable medical equipment includes everything from a
cane to a power wheelchair and everything in between. Teri will relate some
personal horror stories borne of our current system and pose hard questions
about where we go from here.
Biosketch: Teri Adams is the Assistant
Director of the Office of
Accessible Education and the
Disability Resource Center. The Center is committed to providing Stanford
students with disabilities the support and services needed to allow them the
opportunity to participate in the rich and varied life at Stanford University.
In addition to academic accommodations for students, Teri also expedites all
housing assignments and facilities requests related to disability.
- Contact Information:
- Teri A. Adams, JD
- Assistant Director
- Stanford Office of Accessible
- 563 Salvatierra Walk, 1st
- Stanford,
CA 94305-2490
- 650/723-1066 appointments
- 650/725-2490
- 650/725-5301 fax
- terajean -at-
- Lecture Material:
- Pre-lecture
slides - 309 Kb pdf file
- Slides - 131
Kb pdf file
- Audio - 14.9
Mb mp3 file