Winter Quarter 2010 Course Announcement

Perspectives in Assistive Technology

David L. Jaffe, MS and Professor Drew Nelson
Tuesdays & Thursdays   4:15pm - 5:30pm
William Gates Computer Science Building, Toshiba Classroom, Room B12 (lower level)


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Thursday, January 14th

photo of Gayle Curtis

Design Thinking and Applied Ideation for Assistive Technologies
Gayle Curtis
Design Consultant

Abstract: A design thinking approach to new technology development gives us a place to start and a way to proceed with problems that are tricky and ill-defined. It can help tame their complexity and uncover innovative solutions. At the heart of this approach is ideation, the capacity for generating ideas and entertaining alternatives. Brainstorming is the most often practiced form of ideation activity, and in this talk we will look at the background and techniques of brainstorming and how to structure effective brainstorm sessions. We will also talk about the ways brainstorming can enhance team performance and spark innovation.

Biosketch: Gayle Curtis is a design consultant in the San Francisco Bay Area, specializing in user interface architecture and design strategy for online ventures and interactive products. Recently he was Principal Interaction Designer at Yahoo! Earlier he was Creative Director for Information Architecture at Vivid Studios / ModemMedia, and he has led the interaction design and user experience architecture for several startup ventures. At Stanford he has taught courses in Product and HCI Design, and he is most recently part of the teaching team at the At Yahoo! he developed a practice area in strategic ideation and disseminated it through workshops in the US and Asia.

Contact information:
gcurtis -at-
Lecture Material:
Pre-lecture slides - 153 Kb pdf file
Slides - 2.3 Mb pdf file
Audio - 1:15:31 - 17.2 Mb mp3 file
Better Brainstorms
Better Brainstorms - 43.3 Kb pdf file

Updated 01/19/2010

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