Lecture 22: Map & Lambda

July 28th, 2021

Today: tuples, dict.items() output pattern, lambda, map, one-liners


Dict Square Bracket Nesting

Say for our building we have a "temps" dict with a key for each room - 'room1', 'room2', etc. The value for each room is a nested dict of the sensors in the at room 't1', 't2, with the value being the temperature.

>>> d = {'room1': {'t1': 100, 't2': 102}}

alt: dict with nested temps dict

Q1 - Access 'room1'

Q: What is an expression to access the nested 'room1' dict?

A: This is what square brackets do, so it's dict[key], or in this case: d['room1']

Q2 - Access 't1' in 'room1'

Q: What is an expression to get the temperature of sensor 't1' in 'room1'?

A: The square brackets work left-to-right. So the expression d['room1'] points to the inner, nested dict. You can add another pair of brackets on the right to access inside the nested dict"

>>> d = {'room1': {'t1': 100, 't2': 102}}
>>> d['room1']             # access nested
{'t1': 100, 't2': 102}
>>> d['room1']['t1']       # access ['t1'] inside nested

alt: access d['room1']['t1']

Q3: Average Temperature

Q: Write an expression to compute the average temperature of average temp of t1 and t2 in room1?


>>> # As above, this accesses one temp
>>> d['room1']['t1']
>>> # Compute average
>>> (d['room1']['t1'] + d['room1']['t2']) / 2

Q4: Average Temperature With Var

Can store a reference to the nested dict in a var, then use that. We typically do it this way.

>>> # Get a reference to room1 dict, store in var
>>> temps = d['room1']
>>> (temps['t1'] + temps['t2']) / 2

alt: use temps var to refer to nested dict


For more detail see guide Python Tuples

>>> t = ('a', 13, 42)
>>> t[0]
>>> t[2]
>>> len(t)
>>> t[0] = 'b'
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

Tuple Syntax Shortcut

Unfortunate syntax shortcut: possible to omit the parenthesis. We will not do this in CS106A code, but you can write it if you like and it is allowed under PEP8. We will write our code more spelled-out, showing explicitly where we have a tuple.

>>> t = 1, 4     # This works
>>> t
(1, 4)
>>> t = (4, 5)   # We prefer readable/spelled out
>>> t
(4, 5)

Tuples vs. List

They look so similar, but have some real differences. When do you use a list and when a tuple?

When To Use List?

When To Use Tuple?

List vs. Tuple Examples

Tuple Assignment = Shortcut

Tuple assignment = shortcut. A way to assign multiple variables in one step.

>>> (x, y) = (3, 4)
>>> x
>>> y

Revisit Dict, now that we have tuples

Dict Load Up

Dict Output Pattern #1

Say we have a dict loaded up with data

>>> d = {'a': 'alpha', 'g': 'gamma', 'b': 'beta'}

The following pattern we used before. This is a fine, standard pattern to use.

>>> for key in sorted(d.keys()):
...     print(key, d[key])
a alpha
b beta
g gamma

That said, there are some other ways to do it.

Dict Data Out: keys() values() items()

>>> d = {'a': 'alpha', 'g': 'gamma', 'b': 'beta'}
>>> d.keys()
dict_keys(['a', 'g', 'b'])
>>> sorted(d.keys())
['a', 'b', 'g']
>>> d.values()
dict_values(['alpha', 'gamma', 'beta'])
>>> d.items()          # still random order
dict_items([('a', 'alpha'), ('g', 'gamma'), ('b', 'beta')])

Note: Sorting With Tuples

>>> cities = [('tx', 'houston'), ('ca', 'palo alto'), ('ca', 'san jose'), ('tx', 'austin'), ('ca', 'aardvark')]
>>> sorted(cities)
[('ca', 'aardvark'), ('ca', 'palo alto'), ('ca', 'san jose'), ('tx', 'austin'), ('tx', 'houston')]
>>> sorted(cities, reverse=True)
[('tx', 'houston'), ('tx', 'austin'), ('ca', 'san jose'), ('ca', 'palo alto'), ('ca', 'aardvark')]


Recall that d.items() is a list of len-2 key/value tuples:

>>> d.items()
[('a', 'alpha'), ('g', 'gamma'), ('b', 'beta')]

Since sorting of tuples goes by [0] first, and [0] here is the key, the len-2 tuples are in effect sorted by key:

>>> sorted(d.items())
[('a', 'alpha'), ('b', 'beta'), ('g', 'gamma')]

The keys are all unique, so the sorting never looks at the [1] values.

Dict Output Code #2 Almost

>>> for item in sorted(d.items()):
...     print(item[0], item[1])
a alpha
b beta
g gamma

Dict Output Code #2

Recall the shortcut

>>> (a, b) = (6, 7)
>>> a
>>> b

Can use a similar shortcut inside a for loop. Since we are looping over tuples len-2, can specify two variables, and the loop unpacks each tuple into the variables, here key and value:

>>> for key, value in sorted(d.items()):
...     print(key, value)
a alpha
b beta
g gamma

Map/Lambda - Advanced Hacker Features

Map - a short way to transform a list - handy, but not super important

Lambda - an important way to package some code. Today we'll use map() to explore how lambda works

Lambda - Dense and Powerful

Lambda code is dense. Another way of saying that it is powerful. Sometimes you feel powerful with computer code because the code you write is long. Sometimes you feel even a little more powerful, because the code you write is short!

alt: short code can be the most powerful

One-Liner Code Solutions

There is something satisfying about solving a real problem with 1 line of code. The 1-liner code is so dense, we'll will write it a little more deliberately. See how this works below!

What is a def?

Consider the following "double" def. What does this provide to the rest of the program?

def double n:
    return n * 2

The def sets up the name of the function, and associates it with that body of code. Later line can refer to this function by name. The drawing below shows a form of this - the name "double" now points to this black-box of code that anybody can call.

alt: name double points to black box of code

double() - How Many Params? How Many Outputs?

Answer: takes in one parameter value. Returns one value.

>>> # Normally don't def a function in the interpreter.
>>> # But it works for little demos like this.
>>> def double(n):
...   return n * 2
>>> double(10)
>>> double(144)

1. map(fn, list-like)

A visual of what map() does

map(double, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) -> [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

alt: map double across list

Aside: map() Result + list()

map() Examples

>>> # We have a "double" def
>>> def double(n):
...   return n * 2
>>> map(double, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
     # why we need list()
>>> list(map(double, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
>>> list(map(double, [3, -1, 10]))
[6, -2, 20]
>>> list(map(double, range(20)))
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38]

map() Example 2 - exclaim()

Say we have an exclaim(s) function that takes in a string and returns it uppercase with an exclamation mark at the end. Use map to run exclaim() over a list of strings.

>>> def exclaim(s):
...   return s.upper() + '!'
>>> list(map(exclaim, ['hi', 'woot', 'donut']))
['HI!', 'WOOT!', 'DONUT!']
>>> list(map(exclaim, ['meh']))

Enter the Lambda

Lambda Niche

Lambda 1-2-3

Here is a lambda that takes in a number, returns double that number

lambda n: 2 * n

Lambda Black Box

It's like the lambda just defines the black box code, not bothering with giving it name.

alt: lambda defines black box

Lambda works with map()

Want to double a bunch of numbers? Instead of a separate def, write the lambda inside the map() like this:

>>> list(map(lambda n: n * 2, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

alt: map lambda over numbers

How To Write Lambda - 1, 2, 3

1. "lambda"

Write the word "lambda"

2. Param:

3. Expression

Lambda Examples in Interpreter

Do these in interpreter >>>. Just hit the up-arrow to change the body of the lambda.

>>> nums = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> # n * 10
>>> list(map(lambda n: n * 10, nums))
[10, 20, 30, 40]
>>> # n * -1
>>> list(map(lambda n: n * -1, nums))
[-1, -2, -3, -4]
>>> # 100 - n
>>> list(map(lambda n: 100 - n, nums))
[99, 98, 97, 96]

Lambda String Examples

Have a list of strings. Map a lambda over this list. What is the parameter to the lambda? One string. Whatever the lambda returns, that's what makes up the list of results.

>>> strs = ['Banana', 'apple', 'Zebra', 'coffee', 'Donut']
>>> list(map(lambda s: s.lower(), strs))
['banana', 'apple', 'zebra', 'coffee', 'donut']
>>> list(map(lambda s: s[0], strs))
['B', 'a', 'Z', 'c', 'D']
>>> # Works with strings - change param name to "s"
>>> list(map(lambda s: s.upper() + '!', ['hi', 'ho', 'meh']))
['HI!', 'HO!', 'MEH!']

Examples / Exercises - Map Lambda

These are true one-liner exercises. We'll do a few of them in class, and you can look at the others in the lambda1 section.

Solve these with a 1-line call to map() for each. Do not call list(), that was needed in the interpreter, but here just map() works.

> lambda1 exercises

For reference, here is the syntax for our "double" example:

map(lambda n: 2 * n, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

Do these: squared(), diff21() (int)

Then strings: first2x(), first_up() (str)