June 21st, 2021
CS 106A will be using Stanford Zoom to facilitate remote lecture this quarter. We will be relying on it for all class sessions, including Lecture, Office Hours and Section. Please make sure to have Zoom installed by the beginning of the quarter.
This handout will summarize all the relevant details for the use of Zoom in CS 106A this quarter, including links to the Zoom meetings and passwords wherever relevant. We ask that you do not share the links or passwords with others, since it’s important to maintain the safety and integrity of our classroom boundaries.
Lectures will be held as Zoom Webinars on Mondays,Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1:30pm PST to 2:30pm PST as Zoom webinars. Attendance is not required, but we recommend that you try to attend if you are able to do so in order to be able to ask questions and ensure you don't fall behind in the class. Note that if you join significantly earlier than the 1pm lecture time, you will be placed in a waiting room until the lecture begins broadcasting.
Lecture Webinar Zoom link:
Password: 930945
Note: You will not be able to access the "live" class webinar from Canvas; you’ll have to use the link above to watch the class lectures live. Canvas will only show previously recorded lectures (usually a few hours after the live class has finished).
Juliette and Tara will be holding weekly office hours throughout the quarter for you to discuss any questions you might have about assignments, course material or simply Computer Science and life in general. This quarter, we will be holding two different kinds of office hours:
Individual office hours: one on one office hours in which you can get help on particular problems you are having in the assignments or in which you can discuss personal circumstances with Juliette or Tara. To participate in these office hours, simply join the Zoom meeting during the scheduled window and you will be placed in a waiting room until your turn comes.
Group office hours: office hours held in a group of students and led by Tara or Juliette. High-level assignment help and conceptual guidance will be provided during these office hours. This also is a good time to come and get to know Tara or Juliette. To participate in these office hours, simply join the Zoom meeting during the scheduled window.
To attend an office hours session, join the corresponding Zoom meeting (all times in PsT):
Session | Time | Meeting ID | Time | Meeting ID |
Juliette's Office Hours | Tuesday 9-10:30am PT | Tuesday Zoom Link | Thursday 9-10:30am PT | Thursday Zoom Link |
Tara's Office Hours | Monday 6:30 - 8 PM PST | Monday Zoom Link: 97625202911 | Wednesday 6:30 - 8PM (During Week One 5 - 6 PM) | Wednesday Zoom Link: 98159907500 |
Once section assignments have been made, we will add information here about where to find the Zoom meeting information for your section.
Mute when not talking: Try to remember to mute yourself when you aren’t talking. This will help everyone to hear the section leader and reduce background noise.
Camera on! If possible, please turn your camera on during section. We want section to still be an interactive experience, and having your camera on helps a ton with this! However, we also realize that this isn’t possible for everyone for a variety of reasons, so this isn’t a requirement.
Participate: Section will still include participation! Zoom has multiple tools to help facilitate participation:
The Zoom invitation includes a phone number that you can call from a phone. You can use your phone as the microphone and audio source for your call rather than your computer’s built-in microphone if necessary.
Consider temporarily turning off your video stream and only maintaining the audio stream. Sometimes, running the web camera on your computer will use up the Internet’s bandwidth in a way that might make communication challenging. Turning off the video should improve communication quality and consistency.
You can still join section by calling in from a phone (the number is listed in the Zoom invitation). However, you won’t be able to see anything that’s being shared. If you are in this situation, let your section leader know as soon as possible so that they can record the section so that you can watch at a later time if you are able to access a computer.
Zoom doesn’t support live, automatic captioning, but we have some workarounds we can use during section, including screen sharing through Google Slides. If your section leader isn’t already using closed captions, let them know that this would be a useful feature for you. Additionally, your section leader can record the section, and the recording will have closed captions.