Mixed Models

Tuesday: This week we compare mixed effect models of our group project dataset to the ordinary logistic regression models of last week. Using lmer() from the lme4 library, we work through the Rnotes and discuss the reading (Chapter 7), which is the final chapter of the textbook.

Homework due on Thursday of this week: Do four easy exercises given in class, using the new functions provided with the latest revision of the textbook: (i) add a crossed random effect of Verb to the mixed model provided in the Rnotes; (ii) compare the new model with the old to determine whether the addition adds significantly to the overall model quality; (iii) compute the functions provided with Chapter 7 that assess fit quality for the better model; (iv) plot the fit of the better model, again using the method described in the textbook and in class.

Thursday: We discuss the execises and the question of how to choose among different models of the same data, using Rnotes provided in class. We plan the writing of the final paper for the group project.