Zhiyu Zhang's Homepage

I am a Szegö Assistant Professor at Stanford University since Fall 2023. I work with Richard Taylor and Xinwen Zhu .

Emails: zyuzhang[at]stanford.edu / zhiyuzhangmath[at]gmail.com .
Office: Room 382-C, Sloan Mathematical Center.
Postdoctoral researcher (Spring 2023) at MSRI, the Euler System program.
PHD at MIT (2018-2022) under the supervision of Wei Zhang (and Zhiwei Yun).
Undergraduate at Tsinghua Univeristy (2014-2018), visiting student at École normale supérieure (Spring 2018).
My full CV and Research Statement are available by request.


Teaching at Fall 2024 (Course TBD).
MATH 145 Algebraic Geometry, Spring 2024, MWF 9:30 AM -- 10:20 AM. Website (under construction).
MATH 263C Topics in Representation Theory, Spring 2024, MWF 10:30 -- 11:20 PM. Website (under construction).

Previous teaching at MIT: Recitation Instructor for 18.06 Linear Algebra (Fall 2021). Teaching Assistant for 18.726 Algebraic Geometry II, 18.706 Algebra II (Spring 2022), 18.786 Number Theory II, 18.737 Algebraic Groups (Spring 2021), 18.785 Number Theory I (Fall 2020), 18.102 Introduction to Functional Analysis (Spring 2020), 18.705 Commutative Algebra (Fall 2019).


I am broadly interested in number theory, representation theory, arithmetic geometry and Hodge theory. I study them from both the absolute and relative perspective. I study cycles (e.g. curves) on moduli spaces and the local-global compatibility (e.g. fundamental lemmas).
Topics: L-functions, Diophantine equations, period integrals, algebraic cycles, Shimura varieties, Iwasawa theory, mod p / p-adic / Arakelov geometry, BSD conjecture, Langlands program, trace formulas, theta correspondences and Kudla program (quantum arithmetic geometry). For people interested in related research, we could begin a discussion by appointment or e-mail.

A detailed description of my research
I study L-functions from multiple perspectives and arithmetic invariants of motives ("heights'' e.g. Chow groups counting sizes of solutions to Diophantine equations), a central topic in number theory with many exciting things to be further explored e.g. Hasse-Weil conjecture, Riemann hypothesis, Deligne conjecture, Braverman-Kazhdan program and Beilinson-Bloch-Kato conjecture. Using cycles on moduli spaces and automorphic representation theory, towards these conjectures I study period integrals, Gross-Zagier type formulas, local arithmetic invariants, Euler systems, and non-vanishing of analytic invariants.

I study Langlands program and related representation theory. A fundamental topic in mathematics is to show certain maps are surjective / injective with matching invariants. I am interested in the automorphic spectrum, period integrals and L-functions. Period integrals are closely related to Langlands functoriality. I am interested in the relative Langlands duality and categorical Langlands, and their relations to topology, geometrization on curves and mathematical physics (TQFT, spin structures, and symplectic geometry). I also compute local invariant integrals at unramified and ramified primes, with applications to representations of p-adic groups via spectral method. Ramification is unavoidable in practice and gives understandings of the full L function e.g. the functional equation. Specific examples include theta correspondences and Gan-Gross-Prasad conjectures. A specific topic is construction of integral representations of L-functions and regularization e.g. Kronecker limit formula, and the use of several Eisenstein series.

I study moduli spaces and special cycles / functions on them. I study their geometry (with translational symmetry), arithmetic, motives / cohomology and related trace distributions. These moduli spaces provide stages for Langlands program and (geometric and automorphic) representation theory, where these cycles enhance the whole story (e.g. via modularity or arithmetic intersections). These cycles produce interesting arithmetic invariants of moduli spaces (e.g. degrees and volumes). I study (relative) trace formulas which have many applications in number theory e.g. endoscopic classifications / Langlands-Kottwitz-Scholze method. I study magic connections between cycles and analytic invariants e.g. arithmetic fundamental lemmas and arithmetic Siegel-Weil formulas. I am also interested in related complex / p-adic / Arakelov geometry, derived enhancements (objects over a family), singular terms and boundary degenerations. Specific topics: Kudla program and modularity of arithmetic theta series for general test functions; construction of new moduli spaces relative to pure Shimura varieties; applications of compactifications; explicit descriptions of the mod p geometry at Bruhat-Tits levels (e.g. when do they contain projective spaces) with applications.

With applications to cycles on moduli spaces, p-adic L functions and automorphic forms, I am also interested in the recent development of p-adic / mod p geometry (p-adic analogs of notions in complex analytic geometry). Sometimes, the correct geometric stages shall be analytic. Local geometric results may lead to global arithmetic results via local uniformizations and local-global compatibility. I am interested in the powerful coherent theory and arithmetic Langlands program by Zhu and Fargues-Scholze. Specific topics: Bun_G, spectral action and geometric Satake with semi-global applications; relative geometry of integral models with levels; analytic geometry of (overconvergent) ordinary locus with semi-global applications; new definitions of Shimura varieties.

I am also interested in the arithmetic geometry of motives / curves / polynomial equations that are not directly related to L-functions. Topics include arithmetic of quadratic lattices (e.g. ), arithmetic reduction modulo primes, arithmetic finiteness / boundedness and arithmetic statistics. Firstly, transcendental uniformization maps and (complex and p-adic) Hodge theory, big monodromy results for cycles on moduli spaces are powerful to related Shafarevich and unlikely intersections questions. Specific topics inlcude the use of mixed Shimura varieties, the relation between arithmetic intersection and exceptional arithmetic reductions. Secondly, arithmetic geometry of motives (and maps between motives) are closely related to their heights (at least in an average sense), e.g. Faltings theorem and Bogomolov conjecture. A specific topic is the use of Mumford-Tate groups of abelian varieties. Thirdly, it's interesting to classify motives using stratification on related moduli spaces and study their different behaviors of arithmetics e.g. supersingular elliptic curves.

Applications : Diophantine equations e.g. twisted Fermat equations, analytic number theory, unlikely intersections and transcendence, equidistribution and dynamics, counting problems / enumerative geometry, Tate conjecture and Hodge conjecture, explicit class field theory e.g. Kronecker’s Jugendtraum, arithmetic finiteness e.g. class number one, local and global Langlands functoriality, automorphic spectrum, Galois representations e.g. level raisings, (p-adic) L-functions e.g. constructions, algebraic curves, abelian varieties e.g. Faltings heights, moduli of curves, automorphic motives, arithmetic of quadratic forms e.g. Bhargava-Hanke 290 Theorem, inverse Galois problem, computation of Pi by Chudnovsky brothers, algebraic topology, geometric topology e.g. affine springer fibers and knots, measure theory e.g. the Ruziewicz Problem, combinatorics e.g. Ramanujan graph, logic e.g. Hilbert's Tenth Problem, spectral theory and L^2-functions, mathematical physics e.g. partition functions and Monstrous moonshine, multiple zeta values and Feynman amplitudes...
L-functions, periods, global distributions and relative Langlands duality
1. On general twisted Gan-Gross-Prasad conjectures and twisted Asai L-functions (with Weixiao Lu and Danielle Wang). In preparation.
Cycles on moduli spaces and arithmetic Langlands duality
2. Vector-valued local arithmetic Siegel--Weil formulas for quadratic forms with levels. (with Qiao He and Baiqing Zhu). In preparation.
3. Mirabolic special cycles and twisted arithmetic fudamental lemmas. Draft available upon request.
4. Kudla-Rapoport conjecture at unramified primes with maximal parahoric level (with Sungyoon Cho and Qiao He). Arxiv:2312.16906 .
5. Arithmetic transfers, modularity of arithmetic theta series and geometry of local--global Shimura varieties at parahoric levels. PHD thesis at MIT, 2022.
6. Maximal parahoric arithmetic transfers, resolutions and modularity. Arxiv:2112.11994 . Duke Mathematical Journal , to appear.
Taylor expansion, Hitchin moduli and higher Langlands duality
Geometry, decomposition and invariants of moduli spaces and cycles

Seminars, Service and Outreach

I welcome review invitations and have been reviewers for several mathematical journals.
I enjoy working with students from all backgrounds interested in number theory and representation theory. If you would like to write a thesis or do a research/directed reading project, we could begin a discussion by e-mail.
I co-organize the Arithmetic Geometry Preprint Seminar (Thursday 2:00-3:30 pm).
I maintain the problem list for the AIM workshop arithmetic intersection theory on Shimura varieties .
Stanford Number Theory Seminar (Monday 2:30-3:30 pm, with lunch).
Joint Berkeley-Stanford Algebraic Number Theory (Tuesday 2:30-4:30 pm).
Stanford Topology Seminar (Tuesday 4 pm).
Stanford Algebraic Geometry Seminar (Friday 11:30 am).
Math Seminars at UC Berkeley
Stanford Tea time: 3:30 pm Weekdays (+ 5:30 pm Friday).
Some topic courses in Stanford: Math 269 TuTh (1:30-2:50 pm), Spring 2024.
I co-organized Euler System Program Special Seminar with Ben Howard , Spring 2023.
I co-organized MIT STAGE Seminar (Spring 2020 -- Fall 2021) .
I organized a reading seminar on Rapoport--Zink spaces , Fall 2021.
I mentered several MIT undergraduates to learn and explore mathematics e.g. applied category theory via MIT directed reading program (2019-2021).
I was a math coach of Tsinghua Mathcamp for high school students in Summer 2019.

My Time Schedule

2023: Fall quarter (Sep 26-Dec 8).
2024: Winter quarter (Jan 8-Mar 15), Spring quarter (Apr 1-June 5), Fall (Sep 23 - Dec 13).
2025: Winter quarter (Jan 6-Mar 21), Spring quarter (Mar 31-June 11), Fall (???).
I could do zoom meetings during 8 am - 11:30 pm (Pacific Standard Time). I usually arrive at the departmant around 9 am.

News / Travels

  • [July 23-30 2026] International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) 2026 , Philadelphia, USA.
  • During the year of 2025, I will be on the job market.
  • During Fall 2024, I will be on the job market.
  • [April 7-11, 2025] Hot Topics: Interactions between Harmonic Analysis, Homogeneous Dynamics, and Number Theory , SLMSI, Berkeley.
  • [Dec 9-13, 2024] Hot Topics: Life after the Telescope Conjecture , SLMSI, Berkeley.
  • [Oct 28–Nov 1, 2024] Mathematics and Machine Learning Program, Harvard.
  • [Sep 9-13, 2024] Ramification in geometric Langlands and non-abelian Hodge theory , Universität Heidelberg, Germany.
  • [July 22-26, 2024] Conference on "Arithmetic Geometry" in Honour of Gerd Faltings' 70th Birthday , Bonn, Germany.
  • [July 7-12, 2024] BIRS workshop Branching Problems for Representations of Real, p-Adic and Adelic Groups , Kelowna, Canada.
  • [June 18-21, 2024] Modular Forms, L-functions, and Eigenvarieties , Paris.
  • [June 10-14, 2024] The Los Angeles Workshop on Representations and Geometry , University of Southern California.
  • My teaching for Spring quarter ends at Wednesday, June 5, 2024 (Possible end-Quarter examinations during June 7-12).
  • [June 3-8, 2024] Summer School and Workshop on Relative Langlands Duality , University of Minnesota.
  • [May 20-24, 2024] 36th Automorphic Forms Workshop , Oklahoma State University.
  • [April 27-28, 2024] Western Algebraic Geometry Symposium (WAGS), UC Davis.
  • [4/22/2024] Seminar talk at Stanford Number Theory seminar.
  • [4/19/2024] Seminar talk at UCSB Number Theory seminar, Santa Barbara.
  • [April 6-7, 2024] Conference talk on the AMS Sectional Meetings , Howard University, Washington, DC.
  • [3/27/2024] Seminar talk at Johns Hopkins Number Theory Seminar .
  • [March 26-29, 2024] Arithmetic Quantum Field Theory Conference , Harvard.
  • [March 11-15, 2024] Workshop on p-adic Arithmetic Geometry , Princeton.
  • [3/12/2024] Seminar talk on Hasse invariants, canonical subgroups, overconveregent anticanonical towers at Joint Berkeley-Stanford Algebraic Number Theory .
  • [March 2-6, 2024] Senior participant (feel free to ask me for help) of Arizona Winter School 2024: Abelian Varieties .
  • [2/27/2024] Seminar talk at BIMSA-YMSC Tsinghua Number Theory Seminar.
  • [2/22/2024] Seminar talk at Number Theory / Representation Theory Seminar, University of Wisconsin - Madison .
  • [Jan 29-Feb 2, 2024] AIM workshop analytic, arithmetic, and geometric aspects of automorphic forms , Pasadena, California.
  • [1/26/2024] Seminar talk at Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic , Columbia University.
  • [1/18/2024] Seminar talk at Arithmetic Geometry Preprint Seminar , Stanford.
  • [Jan 8-12, 2024] AIM workshop arithmetic intersection theory on Shimura varieties , Pasadena, California.
  • [Jan 3-6, 2024] Joint Mathematics Meetings 2024 , San Francisco.
  • [December 2023] Monodromy and Its Applications , Princeton.
  • [11/30/2023] Seminar talk at Caltech Number Theory Seminar .
  • [November 2023] Workshop on p-adic Arithmetic Geometry , Princeton.
  • [10/24/2023] Seminar talk on deformations of absolute Hodge cycles at Joint Berkeley-Stanford Algebraic Number Theory .
  • [October 2023] Conference talk at Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, a conference on the occasion of Michael Rapoport's 75th birthday at Münster.
  • [September 2023] Conference Arithmétique des formes automorphes , Paris.
  • [July 2023] Lecture series on Arithmetic geometry, hermitian lattices and theta correspondences , Peking University.
  • [June 2023] Conference talk at Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry conference, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • [May 2023] Algebraic geometry and cohomology in mixed characteristic , Northwestern University.
  • [March 2023] Seminar talk at ES Special Seminar , MSRI, Berkeley.
  • [March 2023] Conference Shimura Varieties and L-functions (in honor of Shouwu Zhang) , MSRI, Berkeley.
  • [March 2023] Arizona Winter School 2023: Unlikely Intersections , Arizona.
  • [03/01/2023] Seminar talk on Sharifi's Conjecture III: the Results of Fukaya-Kato at ES Learning Seminar, MSRI, Berkeley.
  • [01/04/2023] Conference talk on my thesis at Joint Mathematics Meetings 2023 , Boston.
  • During Fall 2022, I was on the job market.
  • [Oct-Dec 2022] Scheduled visit to Max Planck Institute for Mathematics (canceled due to visa and Covid-19).
  • [August 2022] Conference talk at Community-building in the Langlands Program (CLAP) , Bonn.
  • [July 2022] 2022 IHES Summer School on the Langlands program , Paris.
  • [May 2022] Seminar talk at Lie Groups and Representation Theory , University of Maryland.
  • [April 2022] Seminar talk at Algebra and Number Theory Seminar , University of Arizona.
  • [April 2022] Seminar talk at Algebra and Number Theory Seminar , Yale University.
  • [April 2022] Seminar talk at Boston College NT/AG Seminar .
  • [March 2022] Arizona Winter School 2022: Automorphic Forms Beyond GL2, Arizona.
  • [July 2021] (virtual) Theta Series: Representation Theory, Geometry, and Arithmetic , The Fields Institute, Toronto.
  • [April 2021] (virtual) Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Derived Galois Deformation Rings and Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups .

    Friends and Collaborators

    John R. L. Anderson , Sebastian Bartling , Chenjing Bu , Evan Chen , Lin Chen , Sungyoon Cho , Tony Feng , Andrew Graham , Linus Hamann , Qiao He , Pol van Hoften , Yuanyang Jiang , Marti Roset Julia , Rahul Krishna , Spencer Leslie , Qirui Li , Siyan Daniel Li-Huerta , Weixiao Lu , Joey Yu LUO , Lucas Mason-Brown , Andreas Mihatsch , Gyujin Oh , Congling Qiu , Yousheng Shi , Naomi Sweeting , Matteo Tamiozzo , Longke Tang , David Urbanik , Danielle Wang , Griffin Wang , Boya Wen , Zhixiang Wu , Jianqiao Xia, Kai Xu , Liyang Yang , Ziquan Yang , Fan Ye , Murilo Corato Zanarella , Mingjia Zhang , Roy Zhao , Baiqing Zhu , Jialiang Zou ,

    Talk / Lecture Notes

    Dehn twists, and full monodromy of Kodaira–Parshin families (2022), MIT STAGE seminar.
    Spherical varieties and L-functions (2021). MIT spherical variety learning seminar.
    Derived category of mixed complexes and Weil II (2021). Michigan BBDG seminar.
    Perfectoidization and perfect prismatic complex (2021). MIT STAGE seminar.
    The Drinfeld half plane (2021).
    Galois category and Riemann existence theorem (2021). Princeton Exodromy seminar.
    Frobenius on p-adic modular forms and the theta operator (2020). MIT STAGE seminar.
    Weight spectral sequence and Weil conjecture (2020). MIT STAGE seminar.
    p-divisible groups and Hodge structures (2019). MIT STAGE seminar.
    A rough introduction to Lubin-Tate spaces (2018).

    Other Useful Info

    Links Arxiv
    Mathscinet (AMS remote access available)
    Stacks Project
    The Automorphic Project
    Kerodon, an online resource for homotopy-coherent mathematics
    Mathematics Genealogy Project
    Mathoverflow (see e.g. helpful answers of P. Scholze, W. Sawin and other people)
    Conferences in arithmetic geometry
    quiver: a modern commutative diagram editor
    LMFDB - The L-functions and modular forms database
    Numdam, the French digital mathematics library
    American Mathematical Society
    European Mathematical Society
    Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
    African Institute for Mathematical Sciences
    IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute
    Institute of the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas
    International Mathematical Olympiad
    The University of Chicago Mathematics REU
    Essential Number Theory
    ICM 2026 in Philadelphia, USA
    Virtual ICM 2022
    Equipe Formes Automorphes, IMJ-PRG
    PU/IAS Number Theory Seminar
    Harvard Number Theory Seminar
    Number Theory Web Seminar
    UCSD Number Theory Seminar
    Johns Hopkins Number Theory Seminar
    Johns Hopkins University & University of Maryland Algebra and Number Theory Day
    MIT Number Theory Seminar
    MIT Lie Groups Seminar
    MIT Juvitop Seminar
    Boston College NT/RT Seminar
    Boston University Number Theory Seminar
    Weekly seminars at Columbia University
    Events and Activities | Institute for Advanced Study
    M2 "Mathématiques fondamentales"
    Caltech Number Theory Seminar
    UCLA Number Theory Seminar
    Number Theory / Representation Theory Seminar, University of Wisconsin - Madison
    Mathematical Events in Bonn
    Arithmetic Geometry and Representation Theory in Münster
    Seminar "Algebra and Number Theory" at University of Vienna
    International Seminar on Automorphic Forms, TU Darmstadt
    Upcoming conferences in algebraic geometry by Ravi Vakil
    Conferences in arithmetic geometry by Kiran Kedlaya
    Geometric Langlands page by David Ben-Zvi
    Suggestions for mathematical writing and speaking by Bjorn Poonen
    Finding your path by Rahul Pandharipande
    Selected Articles on mathematicians by Allyn Jackson
    The work of Robert Langlands by James G. Arthur
    Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups by Günter Harder
    Towards a theory of local Shimura varieties by Michael Rapoport, Eva Viehmann
    On the Shafarevich and Tate conjectures for hyperkähler varieties by Yves André
    Maass cusp forms with integer coefficients by Peter Sarnak
    Lecture notes on Hodge theory by Phillip Griffiths
    Lecture notes on derived algebraic geometry / algebraic stacks by Adeel A. Khan
    Lecture notes on modularity lifting theorems by Toby Gee
    Lecture notes on stacks and moduli by Jarod Alper
    Arizona Winter School 2022 Lectures by Akshay Venkatesh
    RAMpAGe Seminar
    Kolyvagin's work on modular elliptic curves by Benedict H Gross
    Foliations in Moduli Spaces of Abelian Varieties and Dimension of Leaves by Frans Oort
    Values of Zeta Functions and Their Applications by Don Zagier
    Lattices and L-functions from nothing by Andrew V. Sutherland
    Tannaka Reconstruction and Quasi-Coherent Stacks, Representability Theorems in Spectral Algebraic Geometry by Jacob Lurie
    Model Theory and Differential Equations by Joel Nagloo
    Modular Functions and Special Cycles by Maryna Viazovska
    Survey on Derived Symplectic Geometry by Damien Calaque
    Survey on Algebraic Dilatations by Adrien Dubouloz, Arnaud Mayeux and João Pedro dos Santos
    Survey on Affine Hecke Algebras and their representations by Maarten Solleveld
    Survey on p-adic L-functions by Joaquín Rodrigues Jacinto and Chris Williams
    ICM address On the Brumer-Stark Conjecture and Refinements by Samit Dasgupta and Mahesh Kakde
    ICM address Topological Field Theory, Higher Categories, and Their Applications by Anton Kapustin
    ICM address Categorification: tangle invariants and TQFTs by Catharina Stroppel
    ICM address The distribution of values of zeta and L-functions by Kannan Soundararajan
    ICM address No Where to Go But High: A Perspective on High Dimensional Expanders by Roy Gotlib and Tali Kaufman
    ICM address Statistics of Number Fields and Function Fields by Akshay Venkatesh and Jordan S. Ellenberg
    Youtube Math Channel Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS)
    Youtube Math Channel 3Blue1Brown for everyone
    A TED talk on procrastination
    A page on Most cited mathematicians

    Other Projects

    Google Scholar Page
    I believe that computers are able to help humans with proofs, computations and finding mathematical patterns. See also the talk by Michael R. Douglas at Western Hemisphere Colloquium on Geometry and Physics.
    I am interested in increasing accessibility and descreasing language barriers in mathematics. I helped with Chinese translation in Visual Mathematical Dictionary project. I could also help translate math papers in Japanese and French.
    The Banana Space is an online mathematics wiki in Chinese, similar to the nLab .
    I am interested in connections between mathematics and arts. See works of Maurits Escher and Journal of Mathematics and the Arts . I did some mathematical paintings.
    I am interested in serious recreational mathematics. I enjoy logic puzzles and puzzle games. With some people I made a free translation of the puzzle game Bean and Nothingness , designed by math PHDs from University of Michigan. I also enjoy math jokes, see for instance My Favorite Math Jokes by Tanya Khovanova.
    I was the main editor of the student journal He Si during 2017-2018.
    I won the gold medal in the overall part of Yau College Student Mathematics Contest in 2017.
    I was a volunteer for Strings 2016 Conference in Beijing.
    For me, doing math is a life-long Odyssey (see also A Mathematical Odyssey ). I also enjoy traveling (thinking and doing math along the way). I have been to more than 20 countries.