Math 263C: Topics in Representation Theory
Spring 2024
MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM, GESB150.
In this course, we will discuss recent developments in Langlands duality, arithmetic of automorphic representations and arithmetic geometry via generating series e.g. L-functions and theta series.
Instructor: Zhiyu Zhang.
Office Hour: by appointment.
Lecture Schedule
Lecture 1, April 1. Overview.
Lecture 2, April 3. Compact Lie groups and their representations, L^2-functions on spheres, Fock model of Weil representations, Plancherel formulas.
Lecture 3, April 5. Representations of p-adic reductive groups, Satake isomorphism, parabolic induction and Jacquet modules.
Lecture 4, April 8. Automorphic spectrum, unramfied spectrum and Langlands program. Why only care about cuspidal forms?
Lecture 5, April 10. Towards (regular) Langlands: symmetric spaces and Hodge theory over a base, flag varieties, period maps and Matsushima formula (dual BGG complex).
Lecture 6, April 12. Towards (regular) Langlands: motives, Fontaine-Mazur, Shimura varieties and inner forms.
Lecture 7, April 15. Automorphic L-functions: Rankin-Selberg for GL(2), inner forms and Arthur packets.
Lecture 8, April 17. Arithmetic L-functions: conjectures and orthogonal/symplectic motives.
Lecture 9, April 19. Towards (automorphic L-functions) Period integrals, relative Langlands.
Lecture 10, April 22. Trace formulas and local-global compatibility: orbital integrals, fundamental lemmas, transfers and applications.
Lecture 11, April 24. Towards arithmetic L-functions: automorphic realizations, cohomology of algebraic cycles and Gross-Zagier formulas.
Lecture 12, April 26. Towards local Langlands: affine flag varieties, local Shimura varieties (Rapoport-Zink spaces) and local-global compatibility.
Lecture 13, April 29. Points, mod p and p-adic geometry of local-global Shimura varieties. Why integral models?
Lecture 14, May 1. From cycles to numbers: Height pairings, winding numbers, K-theory and arakelov geometry.
Lecture 15, May 3. Arithmetic relative Langlands: cycles, modularity, arithmetic periods and applications.
Lecture 16, May 6. Local-global compatibility: arithmetic fundamental lemmas and transfers.
Lecture 17, May 8. Computation tools: caonical / quasi-canonical liftings, Gross-Keating, Dieudonne theory, deformation theory.
Lecture 18, May 10. Theta correspondences: modularity, Siegel-Weil, Rallis inner products.
Lecture 19, May 13. Kudla program and motivic theta correspondences, local arithmetic Siegel-Weil formulas (Kudla-Rapoport).
Lecture 20, May 15. Geometrization of relative Langlands I. Spherical varieties, Hamiltonian spaces and symplectic representations.
Lecture 21, May 17. Geometrization of relative Langlands II. local L^2 decomposition, finite multipilicity, local periods.
Lecture 22, May 20. Geometrization of relative Langlands III: Plancherel algebras.
Lecture 23, May 22. Geometrization of relative Langlands IV: Period sheaves and L-sheaves.
Lecture 24, May 24. Geometrization of relative Langlands V. Regularization.
May 27 (Memorial Day).
Lecture 25, May 29. Geometrization of relative Langlands VI.
Lecture 26, May 31. Geometrization of relative Langlands VII.
Lecture 27, June 3. Geometrization of relative Langlands VIII.
Last Lecture 28, June 5. Arithmetic conjectures and conclusion.
First half topics:
Conjectures that we still do not know.
Representations of compact Lie groups and p-adic analogs.
Automorphic forms, generating series and Langlands program.
L-functions and the point view of motives (orthogonal / sympletic).
Methods of spectral traces, base change and Jacquet-Langlands.
Method of theta correspondence: modularity, Siegel--Weil formulas, Rallis inner product formulas.
(Categorical) trace methods and relative Langlands duality.
Endoscopic Fundamental Lemmas.
Explicit understanding of functions on geometric spaces e.g. spheres.
Second half topics:
Hodge theory, period domains and superconnections.
Complex and p-adic geometry of cycles on moduli spaces (local models -> Shtukas over a family -> Shimura varieties).
A highlight of developments of p-adic Hodge and Bun_G with applications to Shimura varieties.
Geometric theta correspondence, Kudla--Milson lifts and Kudla program.
Story over function fields.
Connections between the analytic world and the arithmetic world e.g. Gross--Zagier formulas, arithmetic fundamental lemmas.
Applications to L-functions and arithmetic correspondences between motives e.g. symmetric power of elliptic curves.
More references on relative Langlands:
Relative Langlands seminar, Fall 2023 .
Seminar on Relative Langlands Duality .
Seminar on Arithmetic Topological Field Theory and Relative Langlands Duality . Minhyong Kim.
Between electric-magnetic duality and the Langlands program , David Ben-Zvi.
Talk on Quantization and Duality for Spherical Varieties , David Ben-Zvi.
Talk on Electric-Magnetic Duality for Periods and L-functions , David Ben-Zvi.
Talk on Infinite sums of L-functions. , Akshay Venkatesh.
Talk on Periods and L-functions. , Yiannis Sakellaridis.
A relative local Langlands correspondence, D. Prasad.
Spherical varieties and Langlands duality, D. Gaitsgory, D. Nadler.
The Bessel-Plancherel theorem and applications, Raul Gomez.
Langlands' philosophy and Koszul duality, Wolfgang Soergel.
Lagrangian subvarieties of hyperspherical varieties, M. Finkelberg, V. Ginzburg, R. Travkin.
Equivariant Satake category and Kostant-Whittaker reduction, R. Bezrukavnikov, M. Finkelberg.
Intersection complexes and unramified L-factors, Y. Sakellaridis, J. Wang.
The Fundamental lemma for the Bessel and Novodvorsky subgroups of GSp(4), M. Furusawa, J. Shalika.
The Fundamental Lemma for the Shalika Subgroup of GL(4), S. Friedberg, H. Jacquet.
Some branching laws for symmetric spaces, B. Orsted, B. Speh.
Coulomb branches of noncotangent type, Alexander Braverman, Gurbir Dhillon, Michael Finkelberg, Sam Raskin, Roman Travkin.