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For fun, I fly planes as a private pilot, climb rocks, and do triathlons.

Third-Person Bio

Reza Bosagh Zadeh is founder and CEO at Matroid and an Adjunct Professor at Stanford. His work focuses on Machine Learning, Distributed Computing, and Discrete Applied Mathematics. He was a founding team member at Databricks, and has been working on Artificial Intelligence since 2005 when he worked in Google's AI research team, on the team that created the Transformer. His awards include a KDD Best Paper Award and the Gene Golub Outstanding Thesis Award at Stanford.

As part of his research, Reza built the Machine Learning Algorithms behind Twitter's who-to-follow system, the first product to use Machine Learning at Twitter. Reza is co-creator of the Machine Learning Library and the Linear Algebra Package in Apache Spark. Through Apache Spark, Reza's work has been incorporated into industrial and academic cluster computing environments. In addition to research, Reza designed and teaches two PhD-level classes at Stanford: Distributed Algorithms and Optimization (CME 323), and Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms (CME 305).


Stanford University, Ph.D. in Computational Mathematics, 2010 - 2013, Stanford, California
Gene Golub Outstanding Thesis Award. Student Leadership Award. Best Instructor Award. President of C2.

Twitter, Senior Data Scientist, 2011-2013, San Francisco, California
Graph Completion for Who To Follow, large scale machine learning, random walks on large graphs.

Carnegie Mellon University, Master of Computer Science, 2008 - 2010, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Research masters. Clustering Theory. Applications of machine learning to social science.

Morgan Stanley, Financial Engineering, Jan 2008 - May 2008, Manhattan, New York
Implemented models for Credit Derivatives pricing.

Google, Researcher, Jan 2006 - Aug 2007, Mountain View, California
Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) alignment models. Language modelling for SMT. Large scale machine learning.

IBM, Software Engineer, May 2005 - Sep 2005, Toronto, Ontario
iSeries Development Studio team. Built plugins for Eclipse and WDSC.

University of Waterloo, Bachelor of Mathematics, Honors Computer Science, 2004 - 2008, Waterloo, Ontario
Graduated with Distinction on Dean's Honor list. Awarded several RAships. Active in programming contests.


I enjoy generating prefactored random numbers, among other things.

Reviewer for JMLR, PRJ, NIPS, ECML PKDD, COSN, and KDD.

I have no relation to Lotfi Zadeh.

Lived in 3 continents, 4 countries, 8 cities:
Ahvaz [8y] → London [5y] → Tehran [2y] → London [2y] → Toronto [1y] → Waterloo [8m] → Toronto [4m] → Waterloo [4m] → Mountain View [4m] → Waterloo [4m] → Mountain View [4m] → Waterloo [4m] → Mountain View [4m] → Waterloo [4m] → New York [4m] → Waterloo [4m] → Pittsburgh [2y] → Palo Alto [?].

Stanord University