i1 : R = ZZ[w,x,y,z]; |
i2 : I = ideal(z*w-2*x*y, 3*w^3-z^3,w*x^2-4*y*z^2,x); |
i3 : I_0 |
i4 : I_3 |
i5 : gens I |
i6 : first entries gens I |
i7 : numgens I |
i8 : mingens I |
i9 : trim I |
The function mingens is only well-defined for a homogeneous ideal or in a local ring. However, one can still try to get as small a generating set as possible and when it is implemented this function will be done by trim.
i10 : R = QQ[a..d]; |
i11 : I = monomialCurveIdeal(R,{1,2,3}); |
i12 : toString I |