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HH^ZZ SumOfTwists -- coherent sheaf cohomology


  • Usage: M = HH^i(F(>=d))
  • Function: cohomology -- general cohomology functor
  • Input:
  • i, an instance of class ZZ.
  • F(>=d), an instance of class SumOfTwists: notation representing the sum of the twists F(n) for all n greater than or equal to d, where F is a coherent sheaf on a variety X.
  • Output:
  • M, an instance of class Module: a module over the homogeneous coordinate ring of the variety X which agrees, at least in degrees n greater than or equal to d, with the graded module which in degree n is thei-th cohomology group of F(n).
  • Optional arguments :
  • cohomology(..., Degree)
  • To discard the part of the module M of degree less than d, use truncate(d,M).

    Use HH^i(F(>d)) to request the twists strictly greater than n.

    Note: use HH^i(F(*)) to try to compute the whole graded module. The computation will fail if the module is not finitely generated.

    See also:

  • HH -- general homology and cohomology functor
  • HH^ZZ CoherentSheaf -- coherent sheaf cohomology
  • Code:

         -- ../../../Macaulay2/m2/varieties.m2:192-197
         cohomology(ZZ,SumOfTwists) :=  Module => opts -> (i,S) -> (
              F := S#"object";
              R := ring F;
              if not isAffineRing R then error "expected coherent sheaf over a variety over a field";
              b := first S#"bound";
              if i == 0 then globalSectionsModule(F,b) else HH^(i+1)(module F,Degree => b))

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