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cohomology -- general cohomology functor

cohomology -- a method name available for computing expressions of the forms HH^i(X) and HH^i(M,N).

If it is intended that i be of class ZZ, M be of class A, and N be of class B, then the method can be installed with

          cohomology(ZZ, A, B) := opts -> (i,M,N) -> ...

See also:

  • homology -- general homology functor
  • HH -- general homology and cohomology functor
  • ScriptedFunctor -- the class of all scripted functors
  • Ways to use cohomology :

  • HH^ZZ Sequence
  • HH^ZZ ChainComplex -- cohomology of a chain complex
  • HH^ZZ ChainComplexMap -- cohomology of a chain complex map
  • HH^ZZ CoherentSheaf -- coherent sheaf cohomology
  • HH^ZZ Module -- local cohomology
  • HH^ZZ SheafOfRings
  • HH^ZZ SumOfTwists -- coherent sheaf cohomology
  • Optional arguments :

  • cohomology(..., Degree)

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